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This video goes over how much gold it will take to Buy Dragonflight without spending any money, and how to actually achieve that much gold! We cover two beginner methods – crafting and farming. Hopefully this will give you a good start to your goldmaking journey and to be able to afford new expansions for just gold! Thanks everyone!
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Gadgetzan Times:
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✅ Gold Making Addons Guide:
0:00 Intro
1:38 Cost Breakdown
9:13 Addon Requirements
10:56 Method #1
20:50 Method #2
30:16 Outro
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#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide
Are you excited about the profession revamps and work orders coming in the next expansion?
Honeslty I find mythic boe should be mentioned since most 278 boes are 600k+ and if you get socketed (tier slot items) like helmets and shoulder you can get 1-2m per piece thanks to the creation catalyst
I learned my lesson recently getting shadowlands epic edition always account for tax when picking what to buy ☺ super excited for dragonflight may we all swim in a sea of gold
I have a lot of gold but why is that big difference why eu is double its not fair
Thanks for the video exllent analysis 🙂 and honestly it doesn't look that bad or difficult to get that goal
pretty sure you can't part pay for things with blizzard balance in EU.
Thank you very much for all the effort ! And sharing true Gold Guides out there thats not about "you can sell this and this on your server and make profit" more like you guys need to check it out here… that helped me a lot! Because i was always wondering why some Items are so bad on our Server (gold wise) compared to all the other Videos.
Keep up the good work!!
If you dont mind telling me what are the best profesiom thst fit good together ? Like trailoring and enchantkng ? Or jewelcraft+ incription?
What if TSM shows a higher than market price for milling / prospecting gathered resources, should you do it?
Your r videos are really great! Thanks alot!
dude I'm not spending 20 hours gathering
Some super fast quick tips for those who are about to start fresh
1. Farming – Mining and Herbalism in Sinfall route (Check Wow-Professions). Pretty safe route, you do not fight most of the time, short route, a lot of nodes.
2. Crafting – Enchanting is the safest and simplest profession to start. Pros – You can sell a lot of those for good price with a lot of variety, cheap to start. Cons – You cant afk craft. Cooking – also safe and simple. Pros – Sells a lot since its consumable, cheap to start except the feasts, can afk craft. Cons – Takes a lot of time without the cooking hat so its kinda less gold per hour if you want to farm. If you go for crafting only its a safe option.
3. Learn how to use operations and groups in TSM if you are going for crafting, those help a lot.
4. Once you get comfortable with TSM and working your way around the gold making expand in professions. Even if you can sell a single item from a profession its still gold.
Also there is a beta opt you can also opt in if you want to opt in for beta testing
So far I'm loving that worth it addon. Thx a ton for this. I never thought of buying the game this way. I've only been buying game time lol.
see the problem numbers change so it can not be full correct though it is not wrong either. Like the stockmarket you buy at the low not wen you need it or you may over pay
The wonderful thing of statistics is: It's meant for YOU. Not for us, not for anyone else but for you. The statistics tell you "Hey, you should do something about xyz" and not "Hey guys, look, thats the statistic about how many people are subbed. Help me make this smaller" no.
You have an absolute fantastic voice and you can build the key-words 'subscribe' and 'like' in absolutely naturally. Not at the end of the video but right in the first third and or second third of a video. Thats much more natural and comes less off of begging.
Again: Statistics are for you alone. If your content is good and you build in some reminders in a natural way, subs come automatically. Successful content is just 'come to the point quickly', 'don't fool around' and 'be you'. Make use of your voice and knowledge. Don't pick up the extreme bad habit of a very few and take on the challenge this presents. Oh, and don't use caps lock in titles. Write normally, short and informative. Like "With a bit of work get Dragonflight with in game gold" as example.
Stay crunchy.
A lot of informations are a bit misleading. The profit you see in TSM and/or gadgetzan times and so on are if you buy the materials. Most of the stuff, as per example, makes absolutely no profit whatsoever on my realm (EU-ZdC) and/or realmpool. The Lightless Silk Pouch as example comes in at -280g profit (Minus).
But: Lightless silk is gathered by me amass through so many factors that I simply do not have to buy it. It's an automated ressource. The only cost is the needed vendor sold material per bag which costs ~220g (220g 50s) per Bag. A bag currently sells for ~690g. 690 – 220 = 470g profit. BUT I still have to invest time and you have to decide for yourself what your time is worth.
I have fun with mindlessly farming (raw gold), crafting, garrison and current content dailies. I rack in about 20 – 30k gold per day just because I play the game without a clear target. I just do whatever I like in the moment and focus just a tiny bit on gold. Imagine how quickly those numbers go up when I would focus completely on gold making.
From april 3rd to 22nd I already gathered again 250k gold just for the next toking to add more gametime. Another factor you have to remember: If you don't want to pay for gametime AND addon you have to rack up even more gold. I currently thinking on getting a US-WoW-Account because you have so extreme cheap prices for tokens and finance 2 accounts + addons which is extremely easily to achieve.
All in all the guide is a start but you still have to put in common sense instead of mindlessly thinking "yeah, I do exactly what was said and woopsie… I don't make any gold at all… why?!"
That's why I dislike nearly all gold making content because there is missing the main information: You have to setup everything first and I can tell you: That is a lot of time investment and not easily achievable if you still want to play WoW casually. Once everything is setup however you can easily just play 2 – 3 hours per week and get enough gold to just pay for the monthly fee. More time is more gold.
Stay crunchy.
You had me at free. This will work, I am like 20 gold away from being that guy that asks for money on the street, but in world of warcraft.
I've learned so much from your videos Penguin, thank you.
I was wondering if there is a better time to buy WoW tokens?
In my limited experience the price seems to go down near the start of an expansion.
I'd love to hear your thoughts.