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Great video dude! very helpful. keep it up 🙂
Nice vid man! How did you improve to your level? Hit 1700 as rdruid with lfg and it's hard to improve (plus's gear is bad)
I mainly play with WW or War, but I guess it could with a rogue. What we do is train healers, and ccing the BM. I take the auto root pvp talent and root the bets then vortex them on hunter cds and then I swap clones, roots, or sleep (if they don't use undead) pets.
i’m a resto druid and my partner just quit wow FML. :’(
Good Vid man! Can u link me your WA that shows the spells from Convoke pls?
If you go relent and germination and just max hots on before the trap it’s not so bad
I see you’re back to Night Fae my man! I recently switched to it as well after having lvl 40 renown on Necrolord. It just feels more impactful than to have a passive hot/dot. Not to mention the leather transmog on Necro is absolute hot garbage :p
How come you went back to NF?
Wuuh, my wish came true!
wtf i switched necro from nf 2 days ago to play feral aff like you and now you wanna tell me that bommy aff is better xD fuckmylife
Great video again! I think I've watched every one as I'm learning resto druid. I play with a rogue for twos so this is perfect. I know you've answered this question a bunch of times, but what addon is it that puts the buffs/debuffs above their head? I thought I heard you say Flyplatebuffs but it looks like that hasn't been updated since 2018.
Any chance you could do BM hunter/ resto Druid? I’d love a guide on that comp!