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not gonna lie this was a bit weird but still finally you did it!! 🙂
If people don't understand how to use Bartender before, they will now feel like a pro after this video.
I’ve personally always struggled a bit with bartender, this helps a lot! Thanks Annie! Looking forward to see you ace shadowlands on stream! 👊🏼☺️
A very good video, it is easy to understand everything and even the macro part was explained very well, which i had no idea that you could use it like that. Good work Annie!😊🤩
As someone who played wow for 7 years and retired a few years ago, I found bartrn when I was watching towellie when he was raiding in 2008 W.O.T.L.K. Never turned back.
Thank you Annie widepeepoHappy
Took me 30 sec to realize that it was a picture.. lel
Omg, you made a video!
Great video. I personally use ElvUI, but a lot of people think it's too much. I'll send them this video so they can try bartender, since its less overwhelming. Great explanation, Annie, keep up!