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In order to start the Chains of Domination (Patch 9.1) quest line, you must complete the 2nd chapter of the Covenant campaign first. The chapter “Torghast” ends with the quest “Prison of the Forgotten”. When that quest is complete, “The First Move” quest will pop automatically to start the Chains of Domination Shadowlands campaign by speaking to Bolvar in Oribos!
If you have already completed the 2nd chapter, then Patch 9.1 quest line / Chains of Domination campaign will begin as soon as you log in to World of Warcraft but this video is not for that unless you skip to 5:06. The quest “The First Move” will appear in your quest log when you log into WoW.
The video covers the entire Torghast quest line & they are also listed below.
Torghast Quest Line:
The Highlord Calls
Into Torghast
The Search for Baine
Prison of the Forgotten
Deep Within
A Damned Pact
A Grave Chance
The Weak Link
Prison of the Forgotten
The video ends w/ Anduin Death Knight in Bastion cutscene @ 5:18.
How to also get Shadowlands flying note: Reach Renown 44 & complete “The Last Sigil” Chapter 4 of the Chains of Domination campaign.
#Warcraft #Shadowlands #ChainsofDomination #Wow #WorldofWarcraft #PCGaming #Blizzard
Hey, here are some random shots with no explanations! Enjoy!
I feel like I've been Mythic-blocked. I'll probably quit again and ask for a refund. I hate raiding anymore…
For some reason it isn’t letting me in there
Ty!! I was lost between al the quests, with your help i finaly figured out where I was stuck 🙂
thank you!!!
Thank you for this guide, i wasn't sure where i left off at and i was confused why The First Move wasn't popping up for me. Apparently i just had to work on Prison Of The Forgotten, i guess it didn't drop in that instance for me so i went back to Ve'Narl and she had the quest for me so i just worked my way from there and finally when i went to Orbis after following your guide then "The First Move" had automatic popped up for me! you made my day i was going crazy thanks again for the guide 🙂