Rurikhan Reacts to "This is World of Warcraft" (Carbot Animations)

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Rurikhan Reacts to “This is World of Warcraft” (Carbot Animations)

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40 thoughts on “Rurikhan Reacts to "This is World of Warcraft" (Carbot Animations)”

  1. Gods, the nostalgia!
    I totally missed the launch of the game(Life u know) and only a few months afterwards some friends told me about it and i got into it, and what i time i had!
    Shame how the game went downhill with WoD, that was one horrible expansion and pretty much when i stopped playing.

  2. I did buy the boost for my LV 50 Paladin in FF14 after coming back to it after 6 years, but I’m going back and doing old the dungeons with done friends whom are just starting out and dragging them through them through some rough spots so we can do Heavensward through Shadowbringers together. I’ve also started leveling Goldsmith. I did my novice quests to get a refresher on my role/job and been adjusting my rotations as my more powerful abilities become readily available. I occasionally roll need on dungeon gear if i like how it looks and nobody else wants it.

    Still struggle and die a lot when I fuck up during a raid or dungeon. Still gotta know the game.

  3. last time i played WoW was 10 years ago and this STILL hit me like a truck. My highschool years were the highlights of playing WoW and TBC was the only expansion at the time when i first started. 😢

  4. The days when we would plan out what we wanted to do while in class and then hopped online right after school to do those plans. I still remember group chat helping me do my trigonometry homework. The times we can’t get back.

  5. You didn't like MoP Rurikhan? I loved it especially the music, themes and the raids….Heart of Fear though not so much but Moga'shan Vaults and Throne of Thunder were awesome. Of course it wasn't perfect but to me it was the last good expansion with Cata being okay to meh and Wrath also being really good.

  6. I…honestly don't see the direct problem with spending money on an on-going game*. Development does cost a lot of money, and they have to come from somewhere. The problem is that corporate greed and exploitation takes it to the worst extreme, coupled with a shitty world where people just want to enjoy themselves and not be morally judged for spending a little money on a thing they like to alleviate every day stress and demoralization (when that is a thing), but contributes to a pervasive problem created by greedy execs…

    Moral integrity in companies is a flaming dumpsterfire, not the individual consumer's fault*. Defending corporate exploitation, sure, condemn that, I do it as well, but I also sometimes want to buy a cool thing off the webstore because I like it and not be crucified like I'm personally enabling all the shit the company does… Every penny adds, up, this is true, but like climate change, I can't affect it on my lonesome, and I don't want to feel so liable for all the world's problems like that… It requires a LOT of group effort, most of it has to come from the scumbags themselves, they cause direct damage, I do not…

    It's not such a cut and dry issue.

  7. i disagree. the problem IS the people who play the game and buy the box game. Because you can't control what whales will do. they are whales.
    what you can do is make the company realise that it's nto worth it, for a mmo, to only have whales in it.

    If you still buy the bxo game of assassin's creed odysee: then obisoft will just add more. They are not losing anything. all their playerbase are here .. PLUS the whales. How are you supposed ot make this BS stop?
    Hell, they are designing the game to push people who are on the fence, to spend a bit on microtransaction.

    If you see a single player game with microtransaction and you still buy it : YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You are validating the change in mindset and character progression taillored toward pushing you into the cash shop. The exp nerf to encourage yout o buy a boost and the overall non respect of your time in current game design

  8. Unfortunately, the WHALES have a LOT of $$$, thus they will get catered to… this can be detrimental to a games company who doesn't maintain a solid stand of moral integrity to stop themselves from actively making the game a worse experience for those who don't want to spend $$$. I say this as someone who has "whaled" out in several games in the past. Just saying.

  9. To be fair, me and most people I know who played vanilla had to ask our parents to buy it for us, I must've been 15 when it came out. It wasn't just working teens/adults playing wow.

  10. If by sparkle pony you mean the celestial steed, i got it too, it was the only thing i ever bought from the shop.
    If i remember correctly the money was going to help the victims of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, so don't feel bad for that one.

  11. What the WoW players that get weepy at this cartoon don't understand is that this exact situation had been happening to EVERY other MMO BECAUSE of WoW. I was a SWG player and was in an amazing guild but one by one they all left for WoW. Because I was so bitter, instead of following them, I tried CoH and found a great supergroup there but again one by one they all left for WoW. It happened again and again with AoC, SWTOR, and Rift. By the time my searing hatred for WoW had subsided it was the beginning of the Legion expansion and so I tried it and found a fun guild and spent a couple good years with them. Then when BFA came around and one by one all my guildmates left to play other games all I could do was laugh. Then I went to GW2 because I'm not a weeb.

  12. Didn't do highlight of WOTLK but if you look at the box placement, I think the symbolism there might be pretty on the nose. WOTLK was on par with BC enjoyment / quality wise, and from Cata onwards, it starts to have the boxes placed offset and more lazily, perhaps signifying the drop in quality and enjoyment.

    I don't know if that's true, but that's what I thought when watching it.


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