How to start making Gold in Shadowlands | using Tailoring and Enchanting

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Hey guys im Grapemint, today i wanna show you how i would start out making Gold with Enchanting and Tailoring in this hard times. Its not easy to make Gold in the Auctionhouse right now. Alot of undercutting and almost no Profit. Tell me if you like this Video = )


2 thoughts on “How to start making Gold in Shadowlands | using Tailoring and Enchanting”

  1. Yay! Good vid 🙂 At some point can you please talk about legendary crafting? If it's even worth it based on population of server, roughly how much gold it would take to start as a fresh leggo crafter, etc? I've got a good grasp of the enchanting/missive market but would like to start making real gold.

  2. Haha you looked so surprised at the grey items from Callings. On average, the blue calling boxes give 1,500 (can be up to 2,000), and purple ones are 2,000+ (i've gotten 3,500 before but usually around 2,000 – 2,500). So on average 5,000 every 3


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