How To Unlock Flying in Shadowlands Pathfinder – Complete Guide

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Ion Hazzikostas: Shadowlands Pathfinder, which is coming in Chains of Domination, will not require any reputations. This is different from Pathfinder achievements from past expansions, it just requires completing your full Covenant campaign and the new chapters added in Chains of Domination. Once you’ve done that, you have mastered the overworld of Shadowlands, restored much of the Anima, and then you can earn the ability to fly within the Shadowlands.

Now, you cannot fly directly from zone to zone. I can give you the technical reason for it, but it also matches the world we’re in. These are not zones that are next to each other. When you go through that portal in Oribos, you’re streaking from one area to another and have this energy rushing past you. You’re actually travelling vast distances. Even if we said, “You know what? We don’t care that it looks janky, we’re gonna let you fly”, you’d actually have to autofly for something like 30 to 40 minutes to get from one zone to the other. You probably don’t want that. Use the flight paths, and the once you’re in the zones, you can traverse them freely.

Scott Johnson: That is really interesting, I didn’t realize there was that much. I think maybe what throws people off is the map, they bring the map and how it looks like in traditional WoW fashion. Follow-up: What about alts? So after I unlock flying, can they fly at 50 or is there still a requirement to level fully, go through the Campaigns to get, or they can just do it?

Ion Hazzikostas: Pathfinder is an account-wide achievement and so when you can fly in the Shadowlands, you – The player – Have earned the right to fly in the Shadowlands, just as prior Pathfinder achievements worked.


7 thoughts on “How To Unlock Flying in Shadowlands Pathfinder – Complete Guide”

  1. Nvm, found it: "Shadowlands Pathfinder will be account-wide, just as the last versions of the achievement were, and alts will be able to fly in Shadowlands starting at level 50 once unlocked"

  2. Given we don't know ALL the requirements yet to unlock flying, namely how much renown we are going to need, this video is useless. SURE we will get flying in 9.1 BUT with renown of say 60-70-80, we will be waiting 3-4 months after 9.1 drops to get to 60-70 OR maybe 80 renown. Blizzard hasn't changed there LONG wait from patch drop to acquiring flying. SO with all that said we are min 6-7 months from flying.


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