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How WoW Fans Really Reacted To World of Warcraft Shadowlands (BlizzCon 2019) (Amazing Live React) –
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BlizzCon 2019 has already given us one of the most anticipated moments for Blizzard in 2020 – The new world of warcraft expansion World of Warcraft Shadowlands that will be releasing in 2020.
The veil between life and death is no more. Discover what lies beyond the world you know in the next chapter of the World of Warcraft saga–Shadowlands: Coming 2020. Learn more at
Credit to Ryan Barron for sharing his experience with us at BlizzCon 2019
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我曹我曹我曹我曹我曹我曹我曹我曹 from China
I hear someone yell Yes Queen?
Am watching this as I cry in 2020… No Blizzcön this year. T.T
"Ice crown citadel appears"
*Everyone liked that"
Fanboys are so stupid…………..
OMG!!! Cinematics like in Warcraft 3. What a peace of shit.
Sylvanas is pulling some Illidan kinda shit
This is really promising ngl. And technically lore wise she isn’t even a Mary Sue so she might actually make a good female villain
Cinematics were always great. But gameplay wise WoW was a clusterfuck in BfA and it seems that all those new Shadowlands systems, that nobody really asked for, are even more complicated, unbalanced and are being redesign on a daily basis five minutes before the release. This cannot end well. As much as i love the franchise, i think i will skip on this xpack.
This is by FAR the most INSANE expansion trailer they ever made. O M G
I loved the roof from the convention room, lights everywhere…
I Wont lie I have never played wow but this has just made me do a happy wee 🙂
Just proof you can get a room full of fans to clap and cheer for the dumbest shit in the world.
The yas queen girl was fucking cringe
Fuck your queen!!!
Hail Queen Sylvanas!!
I came from the future, I came to say that it will be the same tedious crap just like the other 3 last expansions <3
I was there, everyone was afraid Activision gonna announce mobile WOW Just like they did with diablo
Fuck the bitch kill the coolest character I cba with the sjw shit.
Such a weak story…its just so disappointing
All that coughing in back gournd makes the hairs on my back run for there life's lol