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The Swift Gloomhoof drops from Night Mare, this guide will run through how to obtain it.
Fury DD4 RGB Ram –
M.2 KC2500 SSD
You will need to obtain the Broken Soulweb from Tirna Scithe in Ardenweald, then repair it in Gitterfall Basin via Elder Gwenna, take the Repair Soulweb to Ysera in Heart of the Forest and finally fight Night Mare in Hibernal Hollow
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1:09 ok got it my DH is going to be night fae
So excited to finally go into the shadowlands and farm all those new mounts !! ^_^
Thanks for the guide Syiler <3
This secret mount is a slightly different recolor of the other secret unicorn mount
Can it be tamed?
Amazing guide, as always! Thank you
The mount looks great! What's even better though is seeing YSERA !!!352377
Well i know what ill be doing in 20 days
I can't wait to get all of this beautiful night fae mounts. Im maining a druid for this expansion so I might need to finally stop using travel form for everything just so I can appreciate how beautiful these mounts are. Unless blizzard release a night fae themed glyph for travel form which would be an absolute dream come true
What kind of items can bump you in the air? There’s the Brulfist Idol, but I think that’s legion limited.
Hey man! Love the content! Could i ask you for your help? What is the name of the sword from this video you posted: – it is seen on the back of your monk character (the dark 2Hander).
Thanks in advance
is it a must of being a night fae covenant player to get this mount? or anyone can get it?
These unicorn mounts are really so pretty but the animation really ruins it. That tail flick looks so weird and the idle tail flick that seems to wack your character is just lazy. I really hope in the future blizzard fixes small mount animation issues (like the pulled mouth on the headless horseman’s mount) . I’m studying animation and I notice every small detail and it kills me. Props to the art teams though ! ♡
wow never seen this model before!
The important thing is. If he can fly?
Can i solo kill this nightmare using Shadow Priest
rbg ram
Nice another pony. Guess ill do it on my dk that needs to be night fae anyway unless they changed that yet again
Im so glad I waited on purchasing xpac this go around…16th anniversary all exclusive blue cloak …and a lighter colored lucid nighmare mount…and it be a secret at that. The content creators over at Blizz are on fire….They didnt even have to plan a Blizzcon show, and this is the best they can come up with?
Imagine creating a secret mount, placing it in the PTR, and people solving your puzzle before your game even comes out.
Fault is both Blizzard's and the Secret Finding Discord.
Shame on you.
whys it gotta be another god damn unicorn
can you tame it?
@ 0:26 RBG RAM?
jesus christ im gonna coom
The only thing you need is 1 goblin glider to get on the first branch. You can walk the ledge all the way to the broken car once youre up there!
Ysera can now be spoken to by other covenants, just got to ask a guard near Heart of the Forest to bring her out!
Do other people have to have the dream catcher to participate in the fight?
AAP does emotes for you
whats the spawn time?
how do I make the quest pop up? i've been searching for roughly an hour now doing quests around the zone and still no pop up
If you finish the quest chain and still don't see Elder Gwenne, log out and back in and she should be there.
I cant start the story line idk why, i did a couple quests for her but nothing else popped up
I am a lvl 60 night fae mage and for some reason I can't see the broken soulweb behind that cart. Came there 3 times over 2 days, tried relogging and disabling add-ons and it's still not there.
Can it be a bug? Or does this item have some respawn timer? Or maybe some other requirements?
Thanks in advance, nice guide!
Can i do this with somones whos night fae