HUGE Bronze Changes! Story Mode Raiding, Alliance V Horde & Much More

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A lot is happening! Blizzard has taken action on the Gulp Frog situation, buffed Bronze in MoP Remix, has introduced a new โ€˜storyโ€™ raid mode, and much more!
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47 thoughts on “HUGE Bronze Changes! Story Mode Raiding, Alliance V Horde & Much More”

  1. Ngl all the comments about the upgrades not being worth it are so strange to me… idk doing a few raids daily and the daily quests got lots of bronze and turning that into upgrades immediately made getting bronze faster, allowing for time I want to grind hard even better. I have full 416s now and while that's still a far way from the 525 or whatever the cap is, that gear is still making an insane difference from the 346 gear with the way gems scale, on top of raw stats. I dont think it's worth it to spend all the bronze you grind to farm max ilvl, honestly it's overkill and that shouldn't be the goal.. I am at such a comfortable level with over 2.3mill hp in my brewmaster spec rn just cruising through normal raids making an easy 40k bronze a day in a few hours. The buffs just make it even better!

    edit: also I don't understand comments saying that upgrading "gets expensive" it's the same price for each piece of gear the entire way through.

  2. I just want to finish all the end of campaign mobs. I don't do lfr though. I don't do groups either. I have specific needs being disabled where there are times I can go do what I need in a follower group that doesn't matter to it and doesn't matter if I know the fight or not or that I'm not maxed on gear, etc.

  3. They completely fucked up and hit a lot of non frog farmers FYI. My cloak was only 31k stam and i got hit. Then people with 67k stam are sitting in shrine untouched. THey missed a lot of guilty people and hit a lot of innocent people. Icy veins starting to report the same.

  4. Bringing back faction conflict just for the sake of it is bad storytelling, especially with everything the factions have experienced already, and the cooperation they did together for mutual survival against world ending events, multiple times. There needs to be growth in not only individual characaters, but in featured societies.

  5. Faction conflict is dead and only serves as barriers between friends and players, but the peace and still fragile unity doesn't mean we forget who we are or came from. There can still be tensions. It doesn't make sense to keep fighting each other just to stop to fight the existential threat together.

  6. What do you mean unfair engame? Someone being completely OP has no bearing on my ability to play at all. Also WRONG they are not dinging people who "turbo" farmed, they are dinging people who hit a frog at ALL at any point. I was on TI questing and I went to get the chest in that area, hit a few frogs since they were around me. I got dinged as a "farmer" and now I cant get the 40k.

  7. The frog farm nerfs came too late. They don't take into account the huge amounts of bronze rewarded and subsequently used to upgrade gear to max levels. You're talking a 10% nerf. The farmers are laughing (I wasn't one and given this response, I wish I had been)

  8. The 40k bronze is not even enough to upgrade a single tier. People are maxed out at 556 and the cloak. Even if you nerf them, we are still gimped as fuck. Why is nobody mentioning this.

  9. Problem with WoW is there is no direct ideological difference between the Alliance and Horde. It is always BS stupid reasons to fight because Blizzard tries to stay in some convoluted gray-area with the factions.

  10. Honestly dont see why we cannot have a story mode where we run dungeons and raids similar to delves with npcs or even our alts eventually we know they can do this since its done on Exile's Reach, if its because raids and dungeons are too hard take out all that mechanics bs

  11. The faction war is the worst part of any expansion it's in and I wish they'd stop trying to make it happen. Even with MoP being the best they've ever done it, the entire story of MoP is about how the faction war is pointless and destructive and doesn't serve anyone, Taran Zhu straight up calling it a race war. They don't have to be the fast friends of Dragonflight, but I'd prefer intrigue and tension to outright war.

  12. I don't think (hope) they're touching the upgrade costs in MoP remix, just increase the bronze rewarded. Because otherwise they're ripping off the people who invested their bronze in their gear to make farming bronze faster for the mounts they want

  13. BFA was the last good expansion because it put the War back in Warcraft. I was hoping to see more of that going forward, but the game has gone soft. I think at least one viable solution would be to add two new playable factions that are objectively evil. A group of new races but also possibly even a Legion faction featuring Orcs with red eyes, Felblood Elves, and various demons you can play as. I also feel the game needs to be a bit darker and harken back to the original Warcraft 1 & 2 days. If you look at the original illustrations by Chris and the guys, they were far darker and just pure metal. That's what Warcraft is. It's been hemorrhaging fans and profits since it took this rainbowy approach and hired generally awful employees who aren't qualified. You know it's bad when the original founder of Blizzard no longer wants anything to do with his own creation. I love Warcraft, and I want to see it great again.

  14. Sorry, I'm just kind of tired of the whole horde and alliance… It doesn't have to be horde and alliance anymore, there's other ways to make "Warcraft" Like we are going to war with the void, the light… Whatever, that is still Warcraft, but on a much grander scale… This don't mean we can't have PvP, even world PvP, there's other ways you can do it than horde and Alliance, like Guild v Guild and so many other ways for war… BG's can even still be there, but could just call them Wargames, games that in lore they set up as a reminder of the harsh past, for people to learn from and it would function like now either way, just that either side can be any combo of races.

  15. The story mode will be great, just look at what happened with finishing the amirdrassil campaign you had to kill fyrakk which meant if you didn't raid you had to scramble to either find a pug or do an lfr which kinda sucked. Whereas with story mode you could have done that quest much earlier and then continued with the next quest.

  16. The thing with the frog farming is that some people who were in a group with some frog farmers also got pulled down, I did frogs for like 40 minutes and I got rolled back ๐Ÿฅฒ

  17. I tried the frog farm for like 30 mins (and poorly because of 5-man tag stealers) AFTER they removed the charm drops.
    I missed out on the bonus bronze because of this, so I'm underpowered AND punished. They nerfed people down to 2500 stats, I was barely at 500 for any of them.

    This just makes me feel like an absolute fool for killing any frogs without spending 12+ hours doing it. At least then I would've been able to get my gear upgraded.

    I just feel bad after this. โ˜น

  18. Iโ€™m glad they nerfed the frog farmers. I think they probably should have just reset them, but thatโ€™s me. It was obviously an unintentionally lucrative farm. The farmers are still miles ahead though because of all the gear they were able to get and upgrade. Oh well.

  19. Love the channel and I am subscribed. You're using "cooking" too much in your scripts. Please consider reducing the amount you use it. It's loosing the impact you want for it and it dates the material instead of keeping it evergreen. (not that a news video is evergreen.)

  20. I don't think we necessarily need more faction war, but the game seems to have lost much of its "masculinity", which made it appealing to (young) men.

  21. All of the bronze farms were there when MoP was current. It's pretty insane that it even made it to live since it was exploited in the same way 12 years ago for gold and gear tokens

  22. Gathering profession perks that are mount related should be part of those abilities. So we donโ€™t need to unlock these functionalities for every xpac. Gathering while mounted, getting vigor from gathering, maybe more?

  23. This game is 20 years old and people are still clutching to the Horde vs Alliance binaric thinking… 20 freakin' years. So not only is the faction peace not earned but there's still a desire to head toward a 5th War between those two factions for some reason. This is an unfortunate side of things being very American-centric with the Red vs Blue mentality when in fact in a better MMO and narrative you would have multiple small factions that shift and move according to their ressource, religious and political need. Do you really believe that the Horde is a realistic faction when it has gone through two major fracturing of Rebels vs Loyalists to the Warchief? I do think a couple of them should have realistically seceded from the Horde and the same goes for the Alliance by the end of BfA. I must remind you that originally in Classic, Horde and Alliance were meant to be background entities and only got locked into being a feature because a guy (I can't remember his name for the life of me) influenced Metzen for it. Results is a stale cycle of conflict between two monolithic presences that can't for multiple reasons (financial and legacy-wise) ever be broken off.

    I'd like to see Horde and Alliance dissolved for smaller factions of some races who still align together for good reasons and seek to promote their mutual interests in the world. Orc, Tauren, Trolls seem to be the OGs pillars of the Horde and could be on their own. Human Kingdoms, Gnomes and Dwarves similarly. Elves should have jumped off those two factions a long time ago, heck would it not be interesting to see a rebuilding of their Empire and holds in this new era they find themselves in? Sure some may nurture some sympathies or loyalties to Horde and Alliance but still generally favoring their own over the other races thus creating an unease around them as to their true purpose. Draenei could find themselves joining the Alliance on the grounds of being Light worshippers, Goblins sticking closer to the Horde due to their ties during the 1st and 2nd War and everybody else being various shades of neutral towards them and automatically making every player of that race the status of neutral over seeing everyone in a shade of red in the world.

    This to me has a greater appeal but I'm no fool, if this fun potential for WoW was to be writen with the same quality and execution as what we got in Shadowlands and BfA… Yeah I wouldn't be happy about it. Neither am I blind to the engine limitations and opportunity/cost of revamping so much of it to fulfill this vision but again… I don't have to be happy about it. Game feels stagnant on the lore part and I wanna shake it a little. Gameplay has been improving for sure.


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