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Outlaw Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Assassination Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Subtlety Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
I'll never understand why dudes play as girls in wow lol
More Subtlety love, pls
I dont play mage byt id sure love to see more fire mages. They didnt get played in dragonflight either
Without watching the video, as a Brewmaster Monk main; BrM are the losers, all the time. Every time.
That's the video, and all like it.
shadow priest buff plz.
Just remove Breath of Sindragosa from the game… I don't know a single person that doesn't hate it.
Im so excited for frostfire fire. Thats what i played in beta before they gutted fire spec. Looking foward to good numbers today, i was putting out descent number pre-buff so i know this will be a positive change
Arcane mage gonna feel even more weak and never gonna get picked for any m+. Sigh in arcane mage
You don't remember Shadowlands when Windwalker was the most broken spec in M+?
Brewmaster buffs??? 😢 oh, I'll be back next patch notes xdd
Too famous to not have time stamps Bruv
Am I gonna have to fix my damned talent builds again?
I’ve mailed DK since wrath and I have never liked breath no matter what they’ve done with it.
As a long time monk main, blizzard just delete monk you don't care about the class. WW has been a meme forever, BM is great for raiding and only raiding (if you can get someone to trust you to tank) and MW swings from being the absolute best to the worse with each expansion. Just get rid of it if youre gonna treat the class so poorly. Maybe its still a great PVP class but in terms of PVE its one of few classes that feel like there is no upside to playing it. Its lore is stuck in Pandaria, it animations are pretty old, not very visually appealing and feel too cartoony with no kind of impact or blinding speed. The class almost feels soulless now.
that details
They think DPS DH and DPS warriors are perfect and no need to change? Fine, I will come back to play when they are playable.
Feel sorry for arcane mage, again frost and fire get all love from Blizz where arcane is dumped in B tier, no hope for any buff ( at least not without nerf right behind which basically mean no buff whatsoever, just transferring damage from place A to B like they did now )
Shadow priest need some love too
Thank god shatter feels much better and the "nerf" to enhance was practically nothing lol
here I am dark ranger still sucks
no time stamps no watch
Yea instead of nerfing prot pally, buffing the other tanks would solve a lot of problems
When is ret paladin getting a buff. Fuck man
Can Evoker get another damage spell thats cool to use. The firestorm one is kinda mid.
Buffing the same classes when some are in oblivion lol
Meanwhile demon hunters: 💀
you talk way to fucking much with filler bullshit, timestamp your vids! maybe more would sub if they didnt have to hear you dribbling into the mic ffs.
Seems Assass got its usual buffs as per every xpac
Every freaking video of you include a roge..high level of biased