HUGE Heirloom Changes Coming in the Shadowlands Pre-Patch

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29 thoughts on “HUGE Heirloom Changes Coming in the Shadowlands Pre-Patch”

  1. I like this idea of set bonuses! Yeah they were great for leveling 1 to 120 because that is a lot of levels where 1 to 60 isn't bad at all so you really don't need a leveling boost. I really like them now many because I can transmog them and have a cool cloak or chest and legs that can match and I don't have to go to the transmog as much since the gear levels with you. As long as they keep that part of it I will be happy. 🙂

  2. Literally everything Blizzard/Activision does is NOT about player satisfaction/ enjoyment and everything about slowing player progression. Blizzard is in the business of selling 'time'. So anything they do is to sell you more time. No wonder subs keep dropping. The 30% + 30% rested consumption set bonus is at the end of the day probably a net zero. That is with the XP buff you can keep playing even after the rested bonus has been 'consumed' and still receive a buff. Now you have to 'put away' the character to gain more of the buff – taking more time. It wouldn't surprise me if the regen rate of the bonus is stealth nerfed so it regens slower. Those set bonus are crap and they know it.

  3. If they're removing the upgrades completely then I'm even more annoyed at this. Not that I liked having to upgrade them at all mind you… You know how expensive they made those things… >_>"" I want at least half of the gold back that I spent on freaking heirlooms. Yes I used them but if I had known the xp bonus was only going to last this long I wouldn't have bothered with 'em at all… I sure as hell wouldn't have bothered to upgrade them… This sucks… Let's say they don't refund us the gold for the heirlooms themselves, the upgrades should def. be refunded.

  4. I honestly don't understand why people still talk about all these features as if they make the game any better. You must have noticed in your own video how you're already shredding through these enemies with no downtime, no loss of health. Leveling is still broken, it's too easy and it's actually dramatic how little of rpg there is still left. The only good thing about the new system is that it can also be used for future expansions, but it doesn't fix any of the core problems. Leveling in wow is no enjoyable part of the game anymore, Blizz has completely removed any importance or incentive from leveling. You just have to get over it to finally play the actual game.

  5. I kinda like that now the XP bonus is gone people will now go back to actually using old dungeon and raid drops rather then just vendoring/disenchanting everything. I hated how Heirlooms just trivialised dungeon loot. It didn't really feel like an RPG if you already have the best from the start, I missed the small little progressive upgrades.

  6. I think they could just remove heirlooms from the game leveling in WoW Shadowlands will be already alot faster and in modern wow die while leveling is quite impossible nowadays so


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