HUGE Talent Swapping Changes & New Shadowlands Patch Incoming

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There are some huge changes to talents on the dragonflight alpha, which could make things better and worse at the same time. Shadowlands patch 9.2.7 is also coming this week, with a few changes to the auction house.
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Timestamp –
00:00 – Huge Changes to Talent Swapping
00:37 – Talent changes explained
07:37 – Shadowlands Patch 927 coming this week
07:39 – Auction house changes
10:36 – PvP changes
12:01 – This week in alpha


50 thoughts on “HUGE Talent Swapping Changes & New Shadowlands Patch Incoming”

  1. One thing that would be really nice is like a training dummy scenario in the hub area that you go in and can hit dummies and talk to some one to reset cds, give buffs, maybe a boss button for lust for classes without it so you can try things and not have to wait between testing things and making it an scenario should make it that it cant be abused

  2. I agree with you. I think if you swap talents it shouldn’t have a cast time in rested areas. Otherwise, w/e, I don’t change my talents that often as I am mainly a PvP player. But I do very much like the ability to save different talent trees kinda like you can save transmog outfits. I think that is a very awesome idea. Especially for classes like Blood DK’s and Disc Priest’s who may not want to be “the tank” or “the healer” but wanna run that spec. Personally I don’t like playing my Disc Priest and having to list as dps and quickly change to healer spec once in the BG. Just because I prefer those spells over Shadow but I don’t wanna be a dedicated healer. And same idea with my Blood DK. I realize that that isn’t how it works. But it does affect which talents are used.

    But this is just what I think. Let me know what you think by commenting down below. LOL

    Thanx for another great video Kelani!

  3. I would love to have both but if i have to choose, i would rather be able to change my talents everywhere… it makes it way easier and fun for me that i always change my talents.

  4. Personally I laugh at the notion that a cast time is a trade off for changing talents on the fly. I have mental wounding from respecing back in classic wow to one talent point off the build i meant to go and having to sell my first born and a kidney to respec again. Good change tho

  5. I have to disagree with you on the cast time being necessary. People would abuse it if they could change them on the fly. Especially in PVP. 5 second cast time to change a talent is far more convenient than having to hearth or fly back to town to change talents. So I dont see how its a "Negative Compromise". Its 100% necessary.

  6. Gonna reiterate others here.. cast time for talent swaps is fine but not in rested areas. Edit: to expand though.. I tend to be a set and forget kind of player in terms of talents so.. it may not affect me much either way

  7. I stopped a while back, might get back into it when new expansion comes, but personally, 3 sec cast time don't bother me exactly, but if its applied in the rest area that bothers me bc i dont mind going back to a rest area etc bc you still need other things in those areas so again if its applied there id rather have it the retail old way, but if i find myself swapping more due to the new class i will find the 3sec cast highly acceptable, but once i get comfortable idt id be switching much. You put it very well with the comprise explanation.

  8. I think I can speak for everyone when I say the cast time is moot. Because the alternative is a time-gated charge system lmao do you remember the covenant trees At the start of shadowlands ? Lmao

  9. There's no point of the auction I'll spin on the app if you can't sell things on it, Like the old one.
    I fully agree with you on the point of talent should be freely switched while you're in main city. I'm fine with the cast time when you're out in the world.

  10. I don't care about a cast time lol Im happy with being able to change my build anywhere thats not a safezone or capital. The whole insta gratification and convenient mindset needs to back off. A 3 second cast to change x amount of abilities aint crap. Be happy we can change our build outside a safezone.

    There's probably only a cast bar because the coding needs to simulate your character in a safezone which was how the devs originally wrote their scripts 🤷🏾‍♂️ There must be a reason why there's a cast bar when ur out in the world. But still, i don't care. Im happy with it

  11. Dude, c'mon. You're complaining about that 3~5 second cast to change talents anywhere? Holy moly. Players will complain at the SLIGHTEST POSSIBLE INCONVENIENCE. Sheesh.

  12. I don't see the whats the big deal about the cast time being added, it's a better system overall, and I very much doubt that a short cast time (regardless of whether I'm on a rest area or not) will have a impact on it at all, I honestly don't think it's going to be something that is noticed that much, and it will prevent weird shit happening in out world pvp, imagine a rogue vanishing and stepping out of combat just to reset its talents completely, that would be weird as hell.
    The thing I'm most curious of is what the cast time triggers, is it what wipes the talent set and allows you to re spend everything and then you use one of your presets to activate your desired talents, or is it a cast time for both?
    You also forgot to mention that talent swapping will remain restricted in some areas of the game as rbgs, arenas and mythic+.

  13. Quite crying about a SMALL price to pay to be able to swap talents ANYWHERE(almost) I'm just fine with the cast time requirement. KEEP IT IN. Starting to sound like Bellular moaning about everything not being instant…

  14. The very concept of talent swapping has always seemed ridiculous to me. However, the notion that you're limited to a specific number of talents has also seemed ridiculous. Skill advancement should be tied to use (rather than a global character level) and talent availability should be tied to a particular skill track.

    As to your complaint about the timer being required in resting areas, this seems less like an imposed downside, and more like just a more simplified way of consistently handling the feature that is not based on presuppositions from its previous mode of function.

  15. Tbh I feel that being able to switch tjem out everywhere at no cost makes talents feel very not meaningful, I prefer the way it is now where it is easy to swap but you have to plan a bit ahead for it (plus inscription getting some importance)

  16. Poor baby, you gotta wait an extra few seconds when switching talents. Here's a tissue to wipe your tears. Seriously, the cast timer with the talents isn't as bad as you're making it out to be.


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