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Quazii previews the 11.1 TWW Patch tuning and changes for tank specializations.
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00:00 Tanks Going into Season 2
1:03 Brewmasters
6:10 Blood DKs
8:13 Guardian Druids
12:55 Vengeance Demon Hunter
15:27 Protection Warrior
21:14 Protection Paladin
Merry Christmas everyone. Thank you for all your support in 2024, love you all. I won’t be here without you! 🎄
The only tank I enjoy is warrior and was really considering maining it next season. Nope. The game is starving for tanks then they make changes like this? I really think Blizzard has no idea what they're doing.
They need to factually play their game. Every season they do not do a thorough job.
Are you sure that it’s going to proc the actual spell vs a copy of the spell? Much like fel dev procs meta but doesn’t spend meta – is this 2pc going to work similar way for all classes ? Is this a dumb thought?
Wow I cant believe someone mentioned brewmaster. I played the game and did 5/8 mythic and timed 1 +12 key and its an absolutely frantic spec to play and survive on, its so squishy, its terrible. Its terrible to hold aggro on. I just unsubbed about a month and ahalf ago after getting sick of seeing patch after patch after patch drop with no mention of brew. Thats the first time ive unsubbed after playing since cata. Couldnt be bothered levelling and gearing another character, grinding crests or whatever. My guild got a new prot pala tank xD A joke of a game. I'm glad i unsubbed, m+ is so draining and unenjoyable with how they've turned every pack into a clusterfk. Orbs spawning over weird boss mechanics, ye no thanks, your gameplay sucks blizz.
I like "Casino Specs" and rng in wow, and despite this I feel that the tank tier sets (the generic 2piece especially) could have been handled a lot better. It is genuinely fun to have some insane giga high moments where everything aligns and you can basically do whatever you want for the duration of your really good rng roll.
HOWEVER much like you said tank gameplay and skill expression lives and thrives on management of mitigation and thoughtful use of resources in order to facilitate that.
If I had to re-design the generic tank 2-piece while keeping it rng I would just make it so that instead of instantly activating your wall for an /amount of time/ you get a buff. While you have this buff you gain a generic global %increase to all the damage you do and you can consume that buff to activate your wall or some other defensive at no cost, with a large cd refund, with an amplified effect, or potentially some combination therein.
Sure, it just ends up being another generic "Track this with a weakaura and spend it just as its running out or in case of emergency" but at least it fits within the current bounds of how to express understanding of and skill with your tank.
I also feel that the "everyone should be able to do damage and contribute in every way to a given encounter" train has hooked up too many cars to either safely pull to the next station or derail without killing everyone. There is nothing wrong with a tank or a healer that does more damage than their counterparts in the same role as long as it still FITS into how they preform that role. VDH and Disc SHOULD be the damage tank and the damage healer because it is a large part of how they mitigate / sustain / heal., but to then take tier set effects for non-dps roles and make them generic "more damage on button" effects makes me feel as if we've lost sight of the entire role system in general. It is nice when your tank or healer can contribute a lot of damage, especially at very high levels of gameplay, but that isn't what they are there for.
I play bear or blood or protwar to be a big meatwall that has mitigation and self-sustain. I play disc and holy pally and mistsweaver so i can blast a bunch of heals in different ways depending on the encounter. And the ONLY DPS I play is KiR Outlaw because I like the casino spec even though it is VERY consistent and stable.
PLEASE Blizz continue to give us cool sets that intersect at the crossroads of feels good, balanced good, and in flavour but if you have to choose make it feel good to play for the specs.
Thank you for your continued content over the years Quazii. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and get to be with the people that mean the most to you. Have a blessed rest of the year and an equally good new year as well.
I called this literally minutes after the hero talent concept was unveiled. The reason Dragonflight was so much better than Shadowlands, in my opinion, was because they did away with covenant gated powers. Hero talents are literally just covenant powers/legendaries that aren’t gated behind rep and RNG. We all thought this system needed to go, but fundamentally, the real issue (which is apparently doomed to repeat itself) is that when the talent trees get more complicated, the classes become more difficult to balance. The entire game feels better when the talent trees are simple and condensed. I remember a time when I felt like the classes I played had at least something to do with an imaginative fantasy that I preferred to roll as in the “World of Warcraft”. I love mythic plus… but I don’t love it when I feel like I have to play a meta. Never before has the meta been so wildly powerful. I would be 100% ok with just scrapping hero talents.
Honestly the only way to fix this issue is to buff some other tank specs to bring them more in line with the top other specs.
Firstly:right now there is no reason to bring anything other than a port paladin(they give buffs via their hero talents,amazing healing , cooldowns, massive damage in and outside wings)
secondly: the amount of hate that tanks get, as a tank player. If you can’t interrupt everything that’s pulled or cc everything or if you miss one interupt, you get blamed. There’s no fun and enjoyment in it, I’ve tanked multiple keys this expansion and season . The amount of players that don’t interupt or cc/ use cooldowns(personals) is fucking astounding.
there’s honestly no point playing tank anymore unless you lock in port pally, brew is dead and blizzard doesn’t care, blood isn’t where it could be, bear should be extremely tanky but it’s not and it should do more damage.
Thirdly, the new tier sets for most tanks are shit. they give us a sprinkle of cds in a new season of dungeons where we need to manage our cooldowns massively. Tanks need fucking damage or nerf prot pally. Or bring everything up in line with it.
blizzard doesn’t fucking play the classes or as you said they don’t give a shit.
Closing thoughts, punish dps for not using personals in m+, so it becomes a standard to do so. that’s how it was in the beginning of the season and then tanks all of a sudden could do 1mill overall or more and then no one cared.
Bring up other tank specs and hero talents.
if these tier sets go live, best believe no one’s going to want to tank, especially with damage becoming even more prominent. on average (using a cd tracker) tanking 7-10’s on my prot pally I see dps using 1-5 rotations of their cds and then flame. Keys 6-8 on my prot war, it’s even lower.
New raid sure, new shiny things cool, as a long time wow player (since tbc and classic) hands down the laziest amount of class changes mostly to tanks and zero punishment to dps for poor gameplay but the heaviest amount of penalties to tanks.
blizzard needs to really soak up some more information and listen to their players. 90% this next patch fails and tanks just stop playing. I know I will if these go through and prot pally is the only thing I can play, gaur, does no dmg and gets one shot, my brew is worthless, vengeance is vengeance, prot war is okay and prot pally feels way to strong.
as a brewmaster main since mop I am livid we have been forgotten every fucking xpac….. for the first time ever I switched to ww and looking at druid for tanking since brew is trash =/
What I don't get is the role we need most of {tanks) take a heavy nerf to one of the most popular classes. Did anyone care about warriors rage dumping?
So excited for these Brew changes
Bears are going up imo
As a season one brewmaster I planned my future in wow in the only resonable way… ditching the spec and with that the class entirely. I love monk but blizzard simply don't and i'm fed up with it, even the windwalker changes aren't really great and the set bonus is total garbage.
I was going to switch from Guardian to Brewmaster for season 2 just for shats and giggles. Probably not a good idea.
as Somone who has mained prot warrior for 8 seasons, yes the changes suck and will hurt so bad for us, but i wont ever reroll 🙂 i love prot warrior and i love the attention when someone goes " holy shit your the best warrior tank ive seen in a minute" and most importantly i enjoy it, yes getting title has been ungodly hard but i like the challange and proving i can do what the meta tank class can do
Blizzard never fails to convince me that they don't play tanks
Buff Brewmaster plz
Buff Celestial Brew, revert the healing sphere spawn nerf and give us some of the last tier set things as talent options would be nice for Brew
Hi Q, I've just started watching you on Twitch. I think it would be cool to watch you do the highest keys on a "lesser" tank like Brewmaster or DH with your group of players. I've tinkered with Brewmaster but typically play healer as my guild has plenty of tanks so we always need a healer and I like healing. Keep up the good work
"a bit puzzling" quazii youre so nice
tried healing a 3100io bm today in a 13sv and he actually died while i was applying riptide on him and while I was 75% into a cast of healing surge.. he was dead. He also died a couple other times. I said in chat just in general.." brewmaster needs a buff so bad" he got so angry and basically just said "bad healer"
I would love to see stagger just be removed from Brewmaster.
Let the spec be back to a true avoidance tank, like it was designed in MoP. Stagger is pretty much unbalancable and make us a weak mitigation tank in M+
Even as a prot paladin I’m not enjoying this xpac, when my friends can’t enjoy it either it’s lame. Balance tuning seems to be getting done by devs pulling a number out of a hat, and mechanically classes like warrior have nothing new and interesting.
So are we not gonna address the jellyfish named ligmabawlz?
its literally so easy to fix brew, give a 10-15% base hp buff. boom done. the fact that i can have like 2mil less hp than a warrior with 20 less ilvl is whats wrong with brew
I'd love a Brewmasterr buff/slight rework. I love how the spec feels, but the self sufficiency of the class is abysmal, especially when relying on a pug healer. I don't know if they've done this before, I picked up Brew this season, but I would love for them to add a small amount of self healing when purifying stagger, whether that's 8% or 12%. Or, make it so ALL damage is staggered at the same amount. One thing I hate is having no stagger but being 40%~ health
if you nerf prot pally you have like 60%of the player base quit. Why? Because ret is only fun for so long. Holy paladin being current bottom. & Leaving prot. Currently its said 60% of active players have a paladin leveled. so that would be a mighty empty server. Just buff other tanks imo. Especially monk. And make dk less reactive.
RNG procs on defs – gross
beside that if we look raids for example all of sudden we dont see prot pala no more, so if we just take m+ as a balancing platform then i agree with u 100% but i have an issue with it since m+ is not all the content in the game, so basing whole tank balancing scene of it is kinda wrong, again that's my opinion.
The deathstrike cleave thing from the tier set is only a dps increase right? Since it heals from damage you’ve received, you don’t need to death strike multiple targets to heal.
Wow they really took prot warrior out back with dk and brewmaster and just shot them sweet christ.
Will you do a list for DPS as well?
Healers ars getting nerf espescialy resto shaman and others ofc! Puging in s2 will be no heslers and no tanks with myhic plus being what it is means no progression more unfun and hard! We will be waiting for hours!s2 is raiding nothing will be playble so far at least!
I’m just sick of warrior starting out strong and getting absolutely crapped all over. It never fails. Why take a warrior when a paladin can do the same thing but offers much much more? This even applies to ret vs arms/fury.
Biggest loser. Brewmaster. Biggest winner, somehow Prot Paladin? Make it make sense blizz.
its pretty obvious the wow devs dont play this game
I’m convinced they have no clue what fun gameplay is this expansion.
actually, IMO without reverting the changes to aoe cc and mobs constantly casting bolts non-stops it already makes all other tanks other than prot pally almost unplayable just based on this.
I did some raiding and m+ but delves are the most fun with my Blood DK. It's a great class for solo play as you can also just solo world bosses (takes forevery though). As long as this is still possible, I'm good.
I knew exactly that Blizz would fuck up this season for tanks because Blizz always fucks it up. It's the same since classic. Pallies and Shamans get buffs non-stop. All other classes don't care to them.
I'm sure Blizz will do something amazing like releasing a rainbow LGBTQ mount that you can buy for 150 Dollars that gives you a gay auctioneer, a mailbox, a lesbian repair bot that can change genders and free Warlock cookies.
I'm sure they would be proud of it.
Irony off
Brew main here, i cant anymore left half way to the season
Great video, i get tired of spamming ignore pain but its not that bad either. Do you know anyone who does these kinds of videos for dps?
Winners are people that won’t play season 2
the only way to save wow is (ironically) if people would just quit in masses and especially stop using the shit shop. blizzard is focusing on RMT instead of content thats what kills the game slowly in the past and rightnow people realize it (not the reason tho)