HUGE Transmog Changes Coming in The War Within

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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:24 Sponsor
01:16 When?
01:34 How it Works
02:34 Restrictions
03:18 How to Collect
05:52 Quest Items
07:19 Viewing Other Armor Types
07:50 Stockpile NOW
08:12 Shadowlands Legacy Loot
08:38 Final Thoughts & Outro


23 thoughts on “HUGE Transmog Changes Coming in The War Within”

  1. Kinda pointless if you can't loot the tiersets for the other classes. Im not sure what the thinking was here? I feel like I've been sold a bill of goods and have only disappiontment to show for it. I thought collecting for other classes was the whole point of this system?

  2. learning all Xmog appearances when choosing a quest reward has been in game for a while now. Nothing new. Can't remember if it was Shadowlands, or Dragonflight that started it.

  3. Quests completion status is known in the backend so it should be easy to unlock q rewards retroactively. You can even check completion status with a command and the q id. This even works for classic quests. Was able to retroactively receive the q rewards from the old old (pre carrot on a stick) ghaz'rilla q this way.

  4. 6:07 – Did I see "Expeditionary Boots"? They aren't even obtainable at all now are they? The reward for that quest used to be gloves that were NOT part of the expeditionary sets. I'm really happy they made this change.

  5. The class specific restriction is a big bummer, feels like to collect 100% of any given legacy raid, you'll have to run about just as many times as you do now. At least it'll speed up dungeon collecting I guess, tho there's less interesting stuff from there usually.

  6. Whats the point if tier sets aren't included!? Such a easy win Blizzard had to fuck up…. once again. The more I learn about The War Within the more I want a refund.

  7. I figured as much with the class restricted sets. This is still a positive change. I collected a lot before things became restricted just leveling alts: warriors, dks etc to get transmog. But this is good for both new and veteran players to get mog appearances faster. When they started adding armor type restrictions that was a negative, likely to increase time spent in game collecting but this is a return to the opposite, which is still amazing to get.

  8. To your question if transmog counts retroactive from quests: This already is the case for nearly all quests. Once you logged into a character which completely a quest which gave multiple quest rewards you got all quest rewards as transmog. Valve has a database for each character where it says which characters has finished which quests (you can even use a ingame script to find out if you finished a specific quest). So what you talk about around the 6:30 mark is just an addition for newer quests which probably gave armor type specific rewards like the newer starting isle.

  9. 7:50 Is this confirmed? Last news was that it does not count for items you have in your bag. So BoE items you can't equip don't count – as least that was my last info from like 2 weeks ago.


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