Hunter Pet Species RANKED | Tier List for Hunter Pets | World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.0.1

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We all have a different idea of what an S tier pet is. But I’M the only one thats right! Jk obviously lol but today were ranking (in my opinion) the top 20 pet species in our beloved World of Warcraft. THIS IS ALL JUST MY OPINION!!! But, feel free to share YOUR opinion down below and engage with me and the rest of the community. Looking forward to hearing from you! Until next time!

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23 thoughts on “Hunter Pet Species RANKED | Tier List for Hunter Pets | World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.0.1”

  1. I wish they made the robot pet intractable with engineering
    Like being able to customize your pet.
    So being able to change family
    Two slots for special ability
    Amd some unique ability like a built in profession tools and combat abilities like a AOE lighting shield or a grappling hook

  2. I would love to see all of the pets ranked tbh – or maybe 3 videos of each pet family? Some of my favourite pets weren't on this list at all, I'd be very interested in hearing about those.

  3. One thing I've noticed – pterrodax doesn't have Updraft anymore. Not sure if it was removed or mine is bugged (tamed long before SL patch), but he lost that ability.

  4. 1. you forgot cats, has many cool looks, and has all the same ability as wolves. 2. you have a pvp bias in your choices, in pve most of the ferocity pets have leech which is awesome for pet survival, and that passive heal, not to mention they hit hard. sorry but i've tested all the comments from creators, and petopia. ferocity is still my go to. 3. coursers deserve S tier for same reason i gave for 2. hit like a truck, and very hard to kill.

  5. Really? Haven't got the Dinomancy Book yet? Don't remember the band of the island, but while collecting bones for the white raptor mount i collected 4x of them. Kill the trolls.

  6. The only pets that matter are the polar bears they run the food chain, there is no animal that can tell them to come outside. Bjarn and hozzer did not relate to this listed video. You disrespect the bears again and you can welcome a 28$ fine.

  7. I am a big fan of sabertusks too, I am also glad I got feathermanes, the larion is the reason why I’m playing during the release, and I love your videos, and I hope you blow up on YouTube for our fellow hunters

  8. The updraft ability on both families haven't worked for me since prepatch …. I don't how what's going on 😭
    I'm partial to Spirit beasts ❤️👍🏻
    I can't wait to try the ones in SL..
    Would stonehids be good for solo?

  9. Fun little vid to pass the time while waiting on the final countdown. Im actually glad that spirit beasts heal was nerfed so I dont get someone yapping at me in mythics everytime I dont have a spirit beast out now. Peace!


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