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OnlyFangs members like Tyler1, Summit1G, Sodapoppin, Xaryu, Guzu, Pikabooirl, EsfandTV can react to any parts of the stream that they want to as I started playing Classic World of Warcraft Hardcore on their server in order to clean up the botting since i knew that the highest population would be the most amount of gold buying and therefore, the most amount of bots to kill
Of all Onlyfangs members, Tyler1 Reacts, Summit1G Reacts, Sodapoppin Reacts, Xaryu reacts, Guzu Reacts, Pikabooirl Reacts and Esfand reacts to stuff, heck i might need to start reacting to stuff in order to pop off.
Really brings me back 20 years. The best class in classic and TBC! So much fun to level with quests. Maybe mages have us beat but I could get out of any situation with deep BM.