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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we become a DEMONHUNTER on Vanilla+ and its extremely cool and TOTALLY worth it!
In this video I level a Rogue alt from 1-55, which ended up being the hardest class in the game to level, and then as a reward I am able to start the quest to become a Demonhunter. We get through the DH questlines and acquire all of our DH abilities, play around with them and build our own spec, and then take it straight into a brand new end-game zone known as HYJAL!
After Hyjal I make my way into dungeons and acquire my first Mythic+ key and we run through a few of the brand new M+ dungeons on Duskhaven like Scarlet Monastery, Shadowfang Keep, and Sunken Temple. This was a whole lot of fun and I am excited to do more!
Realm: Smolderthorn
0:00-0:45 – Intro
0:46-5:12 – I leveled a Rogue from 1-55
27:00-29:35 – Creating a Demonhunter spec
29:36-30:15 – How long did it take me to get to max?
30:16-35:37 – Completing CH.1 of the new HYJAL ZONE! and hitting 60!
51:57-53:09 – Final Thoughts
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🗡️ Duskhaven V+ – World of Warcraft
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OSRS Remixes – OSRSBeatz –
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Sorry guys, I fell asleep during the upload process and just woke up 40 minutes ago and rushed to get this out. Hope yall enjoy!
why do you scream in the video?
Imagine wiping in ezmode classic
what the.. this actually IS classic +; god damned why am i still playing on the blizz classic servers
rogue leveling is pain
mythic+ vanilla dungeons?!?!? oh my im hard as fuck 😀
"he's reached a level so high, He can kill our admins" ~ South Park
Are Affliction locks still good lvlers?
Disappointed that there is no custom talent tree and you have to wrangle the default one. Very weird.
Can I ask for your yi profile?
Once you chose to because a DH can you still be a rogue, or is that gone?
So you can be deathknights is this game
this is official server ?
Now they could just make that a bit more lore accurate since demon hunters go to a lot of trials to become what they are, mainly the act of killing a demon by themselves with only a sword and then eating it's heart, which is the reason they have arcane tattoos all over their body, meanwhile the demon hunters in that server kind of just talk to Illidan and become a demon hunter
Yo whats the realmlist?
im sat playing OSRS in the background then the music came on and i was like ayo wtf? xD
Is this a private server or through blizz?
you got inner demon was a proc from you weapons as you are fighting demons.
that it`s posibble? or is a joke
The GM getting wrecked was the best
Why are you screaming? Calm down.
its not blizzlike, retail so much besser i swear to n'zoth
I enjoyed this very much, but I realized part way through that I will want to actually play this eventually so I don't want to spoil it for myself. Stopping early.
Stop making me want to play Duskhaven dammit. I'm trying to finish my Classic HC Melee hunter 🙂
Lol I saw you in the game! I was like “what an unoriginal name” lol. Still love you tho ❤
Man you seem to get so overly excited for absolute slavjank.
is this ascention?
Bro how do you move around you got your W key on spell, what is your keybindings looks like im really curious
irl demon hunters would be envious of the title "Became a Demon Hunter in 30 hours"…. XD
been watching you since the old days of ascension am so happy to see your worck and dedication come to live 52.1k subs and 52k vues these are good numbers good luck man i hope u all the best
do the quest to get the warglaives, hearth, be a combat rogue with warglaives
You make it sound like those 30 hours were a chore
Duskhaven vs COA for a newer, custom type experience?
What makes rogues hard to level? I know in classic I leveled it easy. Is something broken with them?
is there no questie on duskhaven?
Oh boy this is amazing 🫢
I DON"t know you download acenison wow
what addons are for those portrait frames?
how do you walk? your w and s are bound to abilities? only move by holding both mouse buttons?
That looked really cool! And fun! I think it's a stretch to call this classic+ though. 30 hours to max lvl, a wrath client, and mythic dungeons aren't very much in the spirit of classic. I think I'll probably give this a shot at some point if the population stays healthy for a while and their are no obvious signs of character/item selling/corruption.
@25:57 "As HUMANELY as possible"??? What BLASPHEMY IS THIS!! 😂😂😂
Server xp rate seems to be a bit high. I prefer lower Xp rate, especially in vanilla where the journey is so much fun. But it's ok.
Doubt: does this server have world pvp on lvling and Bgs/ Arenas?
It was a shame what Blizzard did to the Rogue class back then when Lich King came out they even almost killed wow whit that expansion… Ok it had some good stuff but nothing that keept people playing after 2 months was wow dead … But players left retails… and classic and TBC p-servers flourrished whit new life but the rest the rest is history now kinda.