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Take a break – KUWAGO
Used under CC BY-ND 3.0 / Trimmed from Original
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can someone give me the tldr of this video?
Healer was trash
Was the patrol. There's a two pack patrol that patrols the hallway. It can be split pulled but the team has to stand by the wall behind the door after opening the door as to not do that and body pull too soon as there's another pack (the ones with the battle mages) that stand stationary behind them. The timing on the pull of the patrol can split those two packs as one pulls them when they're (the patrol) is directly in front of the door.
Why berserker stance for tanking? Im fresh 80 prot war and never activate that shit
hahahahahah back to brill noob get gud scrub
warrior no shield?
yer no respect for "didn't know how this dungeon works" …like get off youtube pls
cartoon girlfriend fucked up
LOL!!!! Amazing. He always talks crap about people dying, makes me smile
nova was literally after he was dead, braindead streamers
Soda thinks hes in wrath
Sweeping Strikes into Whirlwind is too much aggro. His mistake
8:17 That's not at all what happened. He got hit by THREE spells at the same time. There are no "three arcane missiles" in the game. It's just insanely bad luck, all it is.
most unlikeable guy in real life lol
Mistakes were made. 1) DPS position ahead of tank looking at 5x mobs (mistake). 2) That hallway you can hear the patrol as they chatter so you know when it is safe or not (mistake) 3) You effectively body pulled and had initial focus of most if not all of the mobs on the body pull (mistake). 3) Tank tried to LOS them back around the doorway while you stood in the doorway ahead of the tank (again… mistake). 4) Mage rooted the mobs with frost nova while tank backed away, again you were closest to mobs -OFC they hit you! (mistake). What was not a mistake was being in zerk stance and doing a whirlwind (you already had aggro long before that). You were sucking up arcane missiles which was your warning. Position yourself out of LOS next time and live. Let the tank tank without you putting your nose in front of him. GG
70% Miz fault
Didn't even had battle shout up before whirlwinding
all that grind, lifetime hours spend just to die in a dungeon.. you can see the pain in his eyes
I could see the pain on his face. Sorry man… I just don't understand why do you have to cancell plans and level a new character right away? It's a game after all, you are allowed to take a break or is there something I don't know about this?
shit the bed on the pull, then decided to zerker stance, party hadnt even set yet … 100% Soda shit play.
People are over analyzing this, he died he goes again. Game is 100 years old, Classic is even older. This death was a drop of water in the ocean.
play like a noob get taken out like a noob
Not Rng at all lmfao. 6 seconds of no heals. Hilarious nova. Hilarious tank bait when he had rage. Hilarious all in by Soda. At least like 5 mistakes here. RNG? OnlyFangs Brains. Tyler is the Guild and he doesn't even play.
It's was so funny watching noobs learn WoW in 2024.
You deserved it Veibae is meant for me not you
this video convinced me not to play hardcore ever
RIP, man.
Karmas a bitch
All these "pros" dien, is so satisfaying. Wannabes…
i hate to say it, but u the same principle that applies old timey seafaring applies to wow hc dungeons, there's accountability in this game, which they're not used to
Vei'S voice xD sooo annoying.. xD
lol no cc nubs
never take women healer its like with driving
Healers fault. 100% no one wants to say it.