I Gave Retail WoW A Chance..

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0:00:00 How Does This Boss Work?
1:09:06 First Time MEGA DUNGEON
2:08:47 First Time Mythic+
2:39:53 I should NOT be tanking this..
3:10:29 Is this Dorki?

Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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43 thoughts on “I Gave Retail WoW A Chance..”

  1. Nice video. Come on. Every game involves farming up x and y to reach z. I don't fault DF or blizz alone for that. Minus a couple of minor details which are changable, Dragonflight made the game more fun to play. They're moving in a better direction, but still have a bit more to do.

    Both games, classic and wow offer a different experience and they're both fun in their own way. When I get bored I change my type or level of engagement. I remove the nay sayers attempting to block my fun and try a new activity, add personal challenges, jump into random groups, and add those fun loving new people I meet into my circle. Shortly afterwards, the game takes off into another exciting direction once again.

    This week the devs hotfixed and expanded where new players level gear in DF. There are more events available, but the gearing still suffers under unnecessary cap limitations on lower whelpling dream crests. These caps are what divides new players from moving into endgame content with other players. Most existing max players were already geared well past 415. So, players turning 70 now, still need to wait for weekly whelpling cap resets to reach the others. It's rather pointless to cap new max level players at the entry tier gearing level. It only divides the already divided population. Caps at the higher tiers of crests would be more in line with current end game gearing in comparison to the rest of the population.

    On another note, the boldest thing retail can do in 2024 is going above and beyond. It's time to raise the bar, not just for us their wow players but for the entire gaming industry across the board. Opening up the game to a larger variety of endgame gearing content and adding fun and functionality over visuals back into the mix. Being pretty should never have become the top priority of the games new or old. It should be fun to play and performing well over everything else.

    It's time to break down the walls holding wow back. They could explore many different possibilities including to make old content(bosses, dungeons, …) relevant on a wider scale. Make joining guilds relevant again and rebuild the communities which have thinned.

    Yet one last point for today…. If an activity isn't fun, removing it isn't always the answer. Making them fun is the other route. Bring back some removed activities, but don't just bring them back for the sake of rezzing them. I mean "mega bring them back". Recreate them and change them into dynamicly interactive, fun and lore filled activities, which gives
    everyone something fun to do besides grind.

    Mythic+, pvp and raiding mixed with crafting aren't and shouldn't be the only way to gear up. Games feel watered down when the variety is gone and the community thins. Toss in whatever goodies and comical achieves are attractive for these fixes and give players more variety to fill up the wow communities once again.

  2. Speaking of "hard to see things", I swear, the entire time I watched these battles you recorded, I was able to distinguish not one single thing, not one detail, not a single player. That's just not right. You're quite correct, Asmongold: comprehensive game-playing clarity and conveyance of visual understanding must be the primary concern of every developer in the company. If every one of them isn't on board with this simple, effective, vital philosophy, the game WILL SUFFER.

  3. Love your content but begging for items is unfortunate, especially for transmog. You're a full time streamer. You're probably playing with folks who follow and or love you. They're giving up because you "need" it. When in reality you may be able to run it more than them

  4. An expert on criticism on the game but needs help playing the game and asks for everything instead of grinding! I don't know the game personally but that's what I see .
    I've spent somewhere between 50-60k on a game and classed in low spender and can play the game with a better understanding! Nothing personal but I see these W.O.W common teary as an excuse to make basic vids of something with out of date knowledge!

  5. A boss being hard and a boss being long aren’t the same thing. I’m so sick of Asmon acting like he’s some god like player. Dude is midtier at best, just like the majority of the player base. The dude doesn’t even play This game seriously to any extent anymore so I don’t care about his takes

  6. When i log into current retail wow and even classic wrath not I have no idea wtf is going on, i can manage to find my way eventually. but the way the game is not feels so much different then it ever has. Its good to see someone like asmon has no idea what the hell is going on either

  7. I want the journey of classic/bc. I want the class fantasy of legion. I want the features of dragonflight. I want the story of quality of wraith of the lich king. Please blizzard just combine them…….


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