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"They are hand-delivering him to The Maw" has to be one of my favourite quotes 🤣
i love this cinematics! <3
Devos was never kicked out, however the Archon would not hear of what Devos had to say either, she felt dejected and ignored when she was merely pointing out a flaw in a system they blindly clung to.
Hi, I like your reactions. Could you react to all the cinematics of Arthas from Warcraft 3 to World of Warcraft to put into context what happened with Uther?
You have a good starting content but you keep pausing the vids or talking over the important key moments from them! Maybe watch first and comment after 😉
Garrosh did nothing wrong.
I still cry for loss of Ursoc Wild Bear god, he never got his afterlife to the great forest beyond :{
It seems you don‘t get the concept of the Shadowlands.
The Shadowlands is the Afterlive of the entire Warcraft universe. At the center and heart of it lies Oribos the Eternal City. In the last video you reacted to it and it stated that in Oribos, every mortal soul which died has to be brought to the Arbiter. The Arbiter then assigns all souls to a place (an Afterlive, one of the 4 below) they deserve. But since the Arbiter has shut down no soul is judged anymore and all end up in the Maw, leading to a drought of Anima of the other Afterlives. Anima is basically the essence of a soul which is the energy the Shadowlands needs. There well known characters with a lot of Anima and humble souls with less.
During Shadowlands, there were 5 realms for that: Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, Revendreth and the Maw.
Bastion is a place of souls which in life were noble, peaceful and selfless and was important to them because their work for the Shadowlands should be done by noble souls. Theyr charge is to get the souls on the mortal worlds and bring them to the Afterlive or better; to the Arbiter in Oribos. They needed to delete the memories of their mortal life in order to fullfill their purpose without judging or intervening with the soul they‘re bringing into the Shadowlands. Though in the video you reacted here, an important flaw in this system was found.
Maldraxxus is the Afterlive which is meant to defend all of the Shadowlands from within and without. You need to know, there are multiple cosmic forces in World of Warcraft and there could always be invasions of any special kind everywhere. So to prevent that from happening in the afterlife, Maldraxxus has 5 houses, each one with unique abilities, methods and purpose of doing things. The house of eyes (spies), the house of constructs (necrotic constructs and abominations), the house of plagues (crafting of toxins and potions), the house of rituals (sorcery and necromancy) and the house of the chosen (fighting champions). As seen in the cinematic(s), there are 2/5 houses causing havoc, interfering with the system for their own control of the Shadowlands.
Ardenweald is a place purely for souls in line with nature like druids, wild gods, Loa (Troll gods) etc. This is the place of rest and rebirth. Before souls get reborn in Azeroth, they slumber here and get fed with Anima the inhabitants of this place stored. Ardenweald is hit the most of the Anima drought and needs to sacrifice souls (which then die for real) for the forest not to get destroyed.
Revendreth is a place for souls which in life were prideful and evil. They get tortured here with the intent of redemption. The inhabitants extract Anima of the souls. This place is the last opportunity for these souls to get redemption because if they fail here, they get sent to the inescapable Maw for eternity. But as seen in the video, something about this place just not functions correctly.
Let's make a little time traveling for you, saw your last video:
Uther was killed by his student, Arthas.
Arthas became the 2nd Lich King.
Arthas killed and ressurrected Sylvanas, dominating her as a slave.
Uther's soul went to Bastion, where you experienced the story.
Sylvanas made and uproar and fought his power, making her own faction, but she was vengeful.
Arthas killed Bolvar Fordragon, Anduin's protector and mentor during his father's disappearance.
Arthas kept Bolvar as the red dragon's fire kept him from turning full Scourge.
The 'Heroes' killed Arthas, and Uther and Devos claimed him.
Bolvar was freed, and become the 3rd Lich King.
The crown that the Lich King's wore, were the helm of Domination, it controlled the Scourge (undead of all kinds) but did not offer power.
The 'chain' magic is depiction of Domination Magic, a type of magic created to bind, control, and siphon other beings.
Winter Queen's Sister, is Elune.
The bear is Ursoc in the cinematic of this video, a Wild God, who sadly is sacrificed to save anima (the power of life)
The Winter Queen used some of her personal anima to help save Ysera, the mother of Dreams, hence you see a leaf wither as she does in your other video.
Bastion is the realm of a sort of messengers, spirit healers, there to claim the dead and ferry them to where they get judged.
Maldraxxus is in turmoil, in fighting due to other souls having arrived that rather want power than do their duty.
Ardenweald is the realm of life and rebirth, where the Loa (Gods), Wild Gods, and others come to be reborn.
Revendreth is the realm of repentance and torment, where souls of pride, vengeance, rage, etc is kept prisoners and 'drained' of the extra Anima that they produce.
Anima is the power of life in the realm of death. All souls brings in new Anima, and proud, vengeful, etc, souls have more Anima to bring than others.
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