I Got 3000 Auctions, How Much Gold Did i make? | WoW 9.2

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In this world of warcraft 9.2 goldmaking video, we are not looking at specific world of warcraft shadowlands 9.2 goldfarms, but we are looking at the result of farming transmog and crafting transmog! i got 3000 Auctions roughly, with a combined value of around 60 million gold!
How much gold does that make in a week?
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27 thoughts on “I Got 3000 Auctions, How Much Gold Did i make? | WoW 9.2”

  1. no offence bro but i bought your book and gained nothing, i play on highest pop relam in europe and i gained 0 gold trough your guides, even old content farms dont sell at all, not even cobalt bars, motes dont sell at all, only thing that sells is the current content stuff, ores only sell and i cant make millions with it not even 100k in a week

  2. Amazing content Studen! Ive made millions from your guides and unfortunately i had to stop playing wow for a period of a couple months and all of my auctions expired losing me many valuable items like stealth blade, dreamslayer, etc lmao. Keep up the great videos 🙂

  3. I appreciate your content and what you do for the wow community, it’s disappointing that you can’t resolve the issue of my not receiving your gold guide.
    Have to chalk it up as lesson learned.

  4. It crazy it takes you longer to post 3k auctions on 1 server than it takes me to post 7-8k auctions on 175 servers (using 8 accounts). This is exactly why I limit myself to 60-70 actions per server as it's so friggin slow to post past that.

  5. Quick question if you don’t mind. How long do you set auctions for with tmog for someone who has just returned, has limited time and about 1 mill gold but needing 2-2.5k per month for my token (I want to see if I can continue to fund things this way with my time restraints). What would be the best time to list, and at what point would you say the sale rate is too low for certain profit margins- 1k,10k,50k profit upwards?
    Love your videos, keep it up, it’s amazing the effect you have on the WoW community- if you put up a video they will come!

  6. 429k in one week is hardly what i'd call a loss, i'm definitely among those who would be happy just earning a token each week, here's hoping that i see millions on at least one of my realms, cheers.

  7. I have been migrating from my 3 full pop US realms to high/medium pop realms just because even with 2000 or so items, the undercuts on the very high pop realms were just insane – especially on crafted transmog. I mean I posted 1000 crafted transmog items, and then literally checking a few minutes after finishing to see how many were undercut – 70% of the auctions were ALREADY undercut in just a few minutes. Hoping to have better luck on medium to high pop realms with the 48 hour post and forget model. Trying to get as wide and variable range of xmog as possible.

  8. i still have 4 full guild banks of transmog and i cba posting it lol… i tried doing it for 1 week when i started playing again a month ago and nothing sold unless i spent time on reposting undercuts. also the wow token is in the game so gold making is ruined for me sadly


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