I made ONE BILLION WoW Gold in Shadowlands, WoW Gold Guide Madness!

Read more about Shadowlands โžœ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

I made ONE BILLION WoW Gold in Shadowlands, WoW Gold Guide Madness!

I make the majority of my gold flipping and I go thought this HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm9ATux1AU8&ab_channel=Kaychak

Links to AWESOME gold making playlists
SUPER FAST Gold Making Videos https://youtu.be/UYflOFwHTDI
The BEST gold making strategy playlist https://youtu.be/3VUi-q-8Nds
My Journey to ONE BILLION WoW Gold https://youtu.be/yLAz7TfSA94

The following great resources may have been used during this video as a source of data and/or screenshots.

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. All gameplay and footage remains the property of Blizzard Entertainment.
Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20! https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/

The Official World of Warcraft YouTube Channel

Iโ€™m Kaychak a World of Warcraft gold maker who want to help you earn all the gold you could ever want. I do this by providing wow gold guides, farming guides and some of the best gold making tips around. I want you to be able to have a free World of Warcraft subscription, free WoW expansions, free store mounts and free battlenet games of you choice. You get all this by becoming the best possible gold maker and turning this all into battlenet balance and buying everything you would ever want.

#wowgoldmaking #goldfarm #wow #dragonflight


20 thoughts on “I made ONE BILLION WoW Gold in Shadowlands, WoW Gold Guide Madness!”

  1. I might remember wrong, but didn't you said you will get it in early Dragonflight? Were you trying not to overhype it, or did you get major sales in the last couple of months?
    Aside from that, congrats, insane achievement, something I'm not even dreaming to get, but still awesome to observe some of the journey!

  2. Super huge congrats! You content is very inspiring, thanks for publishing your videos. I wish I had kept a proper ledger of my misc/luxury expenses (BMAH containers/mounts, M+/raid carries/mounts, raid BOEs, WoW token purchases for game time/server xfers, Blizzard store mounts, Shadowlands and DF game purchases) so that I could tell how much profit I actually made in DF. However, I started SL with 45m liquid gold, and currently have 265m liquid (while keeping 4 subs active), so I'm definitely happy with that considering I've also spent alot of gold to have fun ๐Ÿ™‚ Just bought the mythic jailer mount for 4m hehe ๐Ÿ™‚ Cheers!

  3. Congrats my dude! Quick question do you have/stumbled across a macro to start post scan for TSM. I have mulitple accounts and would be a good arthretis saver if I could just mouse over the wanted account and hit a button to start scan.

  4. Congratulations! I've realized my appetite for multi-realm goldmaking is not really there, so I'm planning to quit that at 100 million liquid and then just focus on optimizing for power markets in early expansion/patch cycles. What can you achieve if you literally just try to make gold with professions for the first month of every expansion/patch.

    I feel like I should try curbing my Wrath classic addiction and actually check out the DF beta, but I just really hate spending significant time on beta.


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