War Within Pre-Patch Event Rewards, How To Earn Them – Beta Preview

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This is an incomplete look at the Radiant Echoes event that will reward us with some alt catchup gear and transmog ahead of The War Within expansion!

0:00 Intro
0:53 What we do
2:38 What we get

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32 thoughts on “War Within Pre-Patch Event Rewards, How To Earn Them – Beta Preview”

  1. This always happens with new stuff. You have to just be there INSTANTLY the moment it starts or you get shut out. It really seems like all these events need mobs and bosses with 10X the health they actually hold to give people at least a chance of getting there and landing one shot on them before they're outright annihilated by the overwhelming murderball. They can be retuned on the fly as interest dies down.

  2. Beta was rely buggy for metoday. A lot of dc‘s, prepatch end boss never showed up, 2 times, quests not being able to end due to not being eligible. But rest was fun, still beginning of the beta, so I’m fine at the moment. Still would like a single mount toggle for the flying, 5 sec ain’t so enjoyable, when you quickly want to change from dynamic to old flying

  3. 480?? i was led to believe that 515 was gonna be the ilvl we can get from the event. oh no, Blizzard! it's prepatch, who the hell cares if Casuals are able to grab stuff when we're about to jump into the next expansion!? well now i'm not even gonna bother except for maybe the Mount and Pets, i can literally get random 480s doing the Superbloom, Seeds and Dreamscape events, at the current ilvl it is literally not worth anyone's time going after the gear. damn shame…

  4. They have done this type of thing over and over, pre-patch events are legit just them bringing back banger characters with zero relovance to hype everyone up.. im bored and over it tbh

  5. I tried the event on the beta and was so confused. I took the quest and stayed in Duskwallow Marsh for nearly an hour just wating just killing random mobs and waited for Onyxia to spawn. Guessing now she already had. Anyway, got bored and left. Good to know it was kind of broken anyway.

  6. LFC – Looking For Complainers. There’s always someone out there . I just can’t imagine how they complain in real life, if they have this level of enthusiasm to complain on a game that hasn’t been release yet. Quite entertaining. 😃


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