Your Mom’s boyfriend went against your Mom and got you the bus ticket? I wonder if he still was your Mom’s boyfriend after he did that. I would be livid.
It's not easy to share such a personal story. Yes, of course you've were affected by it and still are. Hopefully your sharing might help someone who is watching and is in a similar situation. I hope they listen to your side advice and are very careful before meeting up with strangers.
You just never really know somebody on the net at times. I think a lot of us millenial women had to learn the hard way as girls. Im glad you found someone who really loves you now. Thanks for sharing.
Lee…no, if he's still looking for you, I'm worried for you. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Let's hope he leaves you alone if he does come across this video. Take care. Stay warm ❤🤗
I had an online romance from someone from WoW but we never got to meet in person. He's sadly passed on. I've still not been able to bring myself to play WoW since he's passed.
So sorry that you went through this! It’s hard when we do things that linger on our souls and things that we feel guilty about because of how they affect others. I hope you can forgive yourself. You were just a child.
YouTube algorithm getting good at showing the right ad. After you were talking about him getting angry it started showing me an ad with a raging red Hulk. no joke.
You are a really smart girl. Thanks for sharing. You knew that guy was bad news, so always know that God will protect you and keep you safe. Always believe!!
It don't matter how long you have known someone i have been stabbed in the back more then once by people I've considered to be very close to me. Trust is a touchy subject in my world. The only person I've truly rusted fully ever is my mother. You have to pick an choose wisely and even then its a gamble. I stay single for this very reason i only consider a couple people close to me at the most these are people you can call at 430am and they will come rescue you in any harm. Ask yourself how many of your so called friends would come pick you up at 430am and help you most will fail you as they are fake not real true friends. Ok on a side note never smoke fake weed always smoke the real deal girl 😜😄
The young are often bold. I even hitch hiked in my college days when I was late for my class. Thank God, He kept me safe. I dont know how I was so brave back then though I had heard of Ted Bundy and serial killers picking up hikers.
We all make veryyy bad decisions when we are 18… we just dont hv thinking skills, the rationalization , or “thinking things thru” skills yet… couldve ended veryyy bad… but glad ur ok . I hope a lot of Young ppl see this video.
Thank you for sharing your story I know it isn't easy to open your experience however it's a warning to always protect ourselves against strangers and trust always earned first.
you know what's crazy? I got this video in my recommended.. and I've never seen your channel prior. This title intrigued me because I'm in a similar situation right now, and I think that the video title was a "sign". that's what makes this feels crazy. so here's my situation right now. I'm a 23 year old woman who lives in canada, near the US border. Back in the summer I started talking to an American guy through Hinge. He's 28 years old, a military vet, and is a pretty big looking guy. He had plans to move to a town VERY close to the canadian border.. about a 30-40 minute drive from my town in Canada. His location was already set to that American town close to Canada, that's how we were able to find eachother on the app. Before he moved to the town close to me, he asked me if I wanted to come and visit him. I said no I'm sorry, I want you to come to my town for our first few dates, and then I'll visit you by the 3rd or 4th date. He said that's fine I understand, but his passport is expired so he's gonna need time to renew it. He moved to that town in August and he wanted to start the process of renewing his passport. They told him it's gonna take 6-8 weeks or something. this pissed him off. he got pretty quiet around this time with responding to my texts – i assumed he was just busy with moving. but turns out he almost stopped talking to me after finding out how long his passport is gonna take. he told me this later on. he ended up starting to update his passport at the end of september. that kinda pisses me off because by waiting an extra month, all you're doing is DELAYING us meeting EVEN more. He kept telling me I should just bring a friend to go and see him in the US if im so anxious about it. But I don't want to bring my friends into potential danger.. because I dont know what im getting myself into. I dont want to drag my friends into any trouble. anyways, yeah.. now its january and yes we still talk on a somewhat frequent basis. but i'm just losing a bit of hope. I do feel kinda bad deep down for not having the courage to go visit him – but honestly I WAS HONEST FROM THE VERY BEGINNING that i DO NOT want to go over there for the first meeting. It would put me in a vulnerable position as a woman. I dont know if he's armed – cause I mean he's american. and plus this guy is sexually attracted to me so i dont know if he's gonna have a bad reaction if i decline certain things. I LOVE myself enough to want to protect myself from danger. the people pleaser in me feels bad though. I told him I'd give him some canadian snacks when he comes to see me. i also have decided to be exclusive with him out of my own choice – im waiting for him to come. I'm putting other guys on pause. Anyways. yeah.
off the title i knew where this was going lol because its you i went with it anyway. that online love be different until its in person. think you as always for giving us a piece of you. Stop by my side sometime. Ill see you in your next videos.
I met my ex on WOW. We dated 8 years. He’s actually a great guy we still talk all the time. I have friends I still talk to from there. However, your story is a good lesson of proceed with caution.
The long lasting effects of abuse is not talked about enough. It’s a breathe of fresh air when you leave but also going through paranoia and fear of running into them again
I feel you are not alone in this story, do many of us made horrific decisions when we were young adults (me included, I moved countries to be with a man who I thought would love & protect me for eternity 😢). Glad that you are safe and your mum and God has you protected ❤
1/7 my husband and I celebrated 20 years together, we met online in a game called Second Life. We've been playing WoW together as well since it came out. 🙂 Long distance isn't for everyone, but this was also just a very unhinged person you were dealing with. I am so sorry… <3 Glad you did get away from that.
Wow what a psycho 😮
I used to play WoW too! I made some friends that I still keep in touch with but I never met them in person
Your Mom’s boyfriend went against your Mom and got you the bus ticket? I wonder if he still was your Mom’s boyfriend after he did that. I would be livid.
That’s crazy. Thankfully it all worked out and you are who you are today ❤
It's not easy to share such a personal story. Yes, of course you've were affected by it and still are. Hopefully your sharing might help someone who is watching and is in a similar situation. I hope they listen to your side advice and are very careful before meeting up with strangers.
I am Kind Hearted i feel deeply sorry for you i never been in a Boyfriend/Girlfriend relationship
Lee are you a June cancer?
Hi Lee, so great to see you. ❤
You just never really know somebody on the net at times. I think a lot of us millenial women had to learn the hard way as girls. Im glad you found someone who really loves you now. Thanks for sharing.
Lee…no, if he's still looking for you, I'm worried for you. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Let's hope he leaves you alone if he does come across this video. Take care. Stay warm ❤🤗
He is probably dead Lee or in jail
Enjoyed watching!
I had an online romance from someone from WoW but we never got to meet in person. He's sadly passed on. I've still not been able to bring myself to play WoW since he's passed.
So sorry that you went through this! It’s hard when we do things that linger on our souls and things that we feel guilty about because of how they affect others. I hope you can forgive yourself. You were just a child.
Lee Thank You For Sharing this story sorry that you went through that it must of been scary for you Thank God you ok. 🙏❤️
Girlllll love your makeup❤❤❤
YouTube algorithm getting good at showing the right ad. After you were talking about him getting angry it started showing me an ad with a raging red Hulk. no joke.
Even though this was painful for you, thank you so much for sharing……this PSA can save lives. 🙏🏼💪🏼❤️
Good thing you didn't become a Ray William Johnson story
You are a really smart girl. Thanks for sharing. You knew that guy was bad news, so always know that God will protect you and keep you safe. Always believe!!
It don't matter how long you have known someone i have been stabbed in the back more then once by people I've considered to be very close to me. Trust is a touchy subject in my world. The only person I've truly rusted fully ever is my mother. You have to pick an choose wisely and even then its a gamble. I stay single for this very reason i only consider a couple people close to me at the most these are people you can call at 430am and they will come rescue you in any harm. Ask yourself how many of your so called friends would come pick you up at 430am and help you most will fail you as they are fake not real true friends. Ok on a side note never smoke fake weed always smoke the real deal girl 😜😄
Have you ever played age of empires?
The young are often bold. I even hitch hiked in my college days when I was late for my class. Thank God, He kept me safe. I dont know how I was so brave back then though I had heard of Ted Bundy and serial killers picking up hikers.
We all make veryyy bad decisions when we are 18… we just dont hv thinking skills, the rationalization , or “thinking things thru” skills yet… couldve ended veryyy bad… but glad ur ok . I hope a lot of Young ppl see this video.
Thank you for sharing your story I know it isn't easy to open your experience however it's a warning to always protect ourselves against strangers and trust always earned first.
you know what's crazy? I got this video in my recommended.. and I've never seen your channel prior. This title intrigued me because I'm in a similar situation right now, and I think that the video title was a "sign". that's what makes this feels crazy. so here's my situation right now. I'm a 23 year old woman who lives in canada, near the US border. Back in the summer I started talking to an American guy through Hinge. He's 28 years old, a military vet, and is a pretty big looking guy. He had plans to move to a town VERY close to the canadian border.. about a 30-40 minute drive from my town in Canada. His location was already set to that American town close to Canada, that's how we were able to find eachother on the app. Before he moved to the town close to me, he asked me if I wanted to come and visit him. I said no I'm sorry, I want you to come to my town for our first few dates, and then I'll visit you by the 3rd or 4th date. He said that's fine I understand, but his passport is expired so he's gonna need time to renew it. He moved to that town in August and he wanted to start the process of renewing his passport. They told him it's gonna take 6-8 weeks or something. this pissed him off. he got pretty quiet around this time with responding to my texts – i assumed he was just busy with moving. but turns out he almost stopped talking to me after finding out how long his passport is gonna take. he told me this later on. he ended up starting to update his passport at the end of september. that kinda pisses me off because by waiting an extra month, all you're doing is DELAYING us meeting EVEN more. He kept telling me I should just bring a friend to go and see him in the US if im so anxious about it. But I don't want to bring my friends into potential danger.. because I dont know what im getting myself into. I dont want to drag my friends into any trouble. anyways, yeah.. now its january and yes we still talk on a somewhat frequent basis. but i'm just losing a bit of hope. I do feel kinda bad deep down for not having the courage to go visit him – but honestly I WAS HONEST FROM THE VERY BEGINNING that i DO NOT want to go over there for the first meeting. It would put me in a vulnerable position as a woman. I dont know if he's armed – cause I mean he's american. and plus this guy is sexually attracted to me so i dont know if he's gonna have a bad reaction if i decline certain things. I LOVE myself enough to want to protect myself from danger. the people pleaser in me feels bad though. I told him I'd give him some canadian snacks when he comes to see me. i also have decided to be exclusive with him out of my own choice – im waiting for him to come. I'm putting other guys on pause. Anyways. yeah.
Crazy crazy. I met my husband on WoW, too, and we've been married for 18 years and have two teen boys.
off the title i knew where this was going lol because its you i went with it anyway. that online love be different until its in person. think you as always for giving us a piece of you. Stop by my side sometime. Ill see you in your next videos.
Thanks for sharing Lee 😩 😢Praise the Lord that He kept you safe through that. 🙌🏻🙌🏻💙💙
Ugh nowadays SO many girls get trafficked from situations like that 😩😭
looove these story times from you. ❤
I met my ex on WOW. We dated 8 years. He’s actually a great guy we still talk all the time. I have friends I still talk to from there. However, your story is a good lesson of proceed with caution.
Thank you for opening up about this! God bless you!
The long lasting effects of abuse is not talked about enough. It’s a breathe of fresh air when you leave but also going through paranoia and fear of running into them again
I feel you are not alone in this story, do many of us made horrific decisions when we were young adults (me included, I moved countries to be with a man who I thought would love & protect me for eternity 😢). Glad that you are safe and your mum and God has you protected ❤
i play wow and if you still play we should play together sometime. i play sims4 and minecraft also
lol i am from Oklahoma city lol😅
1/7 my husband and I celebrated 20 years together, we met online in a game called Second Life. We've been playing WoW together as well since it came out. 🙂 Long distance isn't for everyone, but this was also just a very unhinged person you were dealing with. I am so sorry… <3 Glad you did get away from that.