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Howdy you beautiful people. Do you deserve loot?
In this episode we find out that yours truely, the Major of Dirtnapville does in fact not deserve it!
We also got ourself a banger of a tank, that is just the most positive dude in this world. What a gamer!
Hope you enjoy the second episode. Much love.
Talents used in this Episode: Obliteration Build
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0:00 Intro
1:50 All the keys!
6:05 Dedication!
6:28 First big and veiny crafted item!
6:40 +6 allready? DAMN BOY!
8:28 Getting roasted by a real man
10:30 finally something different
12:28 Why Dwarvin Nunez?
13:35 Outro
Next stream??
The thumbnail reminds me of my BDK back in battle for Azeroth. I once two manned a +10 (back when they were hard) and we timed because I could 1 pull entire areas to the boss and my second person was a WW monk I think.
Suffice to say it was crazy we barely timed by 10 seconds
4:17 love the shylily reference, she's amazing for out of context quotes
Edit: had wrong timestamp at first
Lil bit harsh of that druid imo^^
druid was pretty toxic :/
So I 100% recommend you get a mouse over Macro for your BRez, DnD placement also.
AMZ is a solid one too.
Alongside the DnD tip, don’t press RW during your Pillar Window.
Lichborne is good to get into the habit of pressing too, it’s more useful then it seems 🙂 keep it up!
Love you bro 😎 😎😎😎😎
Legitimately group finder this season has me wanting to quit the game. Getting declined at 495 for a +2 as a destro lock and needing an authenticator just to list my own key has me bout ready to just go play Elden Ring and watch other people suffer.
hi kussi, the problem with 5 is that its the cut for new crest so nobody is running it outside for score, sad but true
Heya fellow DK main here. Besides the DnD thing one major thing you might wanna look into is (ab)using your ams much more. E.g. the Bird boss in Academy you can immune every other debuff application with ams. Also on the big elemental boss you can soak orbs while you have ams u without taking any dmg/stacks.
Besides that enjoying the videos and keep up the grind!
Cleave is when a mob/boss hits a player with unavoidable damage and this will also hit other players in a certain proximity. What the 2nd boss in AA does is a frontal, which goes in the direction of a player but can be dodged.
6:42 Hey look at me, staring on a kussi video (I'm that guardian druid on the 3 chest azure vault +6) 😁
Love the videos mate.