"i miss when WoW was just a game"

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by @RotanWarcraft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fppwfilXi5w
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25 thoughts on “"i miss when WoW was just a game"”

  1. 13:32 well they did it bad again then.. Bcs no, i didnt feel the same at all. DF was just another boring ass expansion.. It just doesnt feel the same anymore.. And sure maybe it bcs we all grew up.

  2. *queue Dad Voice*
    @9:05 Asmon James Montgomery Gold!! Did you just quote J. Allen Brack???
    ..tsk tsk.. Shame! Shame!, know your name!
    I also feel like "Thanos can only snap his fingers so many times" before people get tired of that story and need something a little less dramatic and more chill to happen.

  3. 0:59 you can't compare arcades to home console or pc games in the past. In Arcades the intention was purely driven by coins, so engagement was bigger and difficulty too, so you need to spend more money to keep playing. So i cannot agree with Asmon on this, and do agree with the youtuber.

  4. 8:00 yes, we used skype and ddos'd the opposing bg guilds best players to win bg and farm honor easier, because skype used to show a persons IP address when you interacted with them on skype. 🙂

  5. If you are not having fun playing a game then just dont play it. No one forces players to play retail or classic. I enjoy vanilla wow and SoD so i play those. An if Blizz ever takes those away, then i wont play WoW. Its that simple

  6. The problem with the big "save the world" story arcs is that almost all of the quests you do are in support of discovering what big bad is happening, but you can just skip the whole story (including in dragonflight) to just learn it all in a single raid or a handful or quests before the raid, because the developers now that most people skip them. Its a key component that turns the game into "hurry and wait" for endgame.

    I never played OSRS (just runescape then) until recently, and I am enjoying it a lot now just exploring haunted mansions, salting hides for deranged museum curators, etcs. I like that the objectives are small and relatable. Saving the world is fun sometimes. How many gods do you have to kill before it feels like your shopping for cereal? I would say about two.

  7. First time I played wow was an Alpha back in like 2002-2003. Only time I was really hardcore was in vanilla, raided all the 40 man raids and our guild was the only horde guild that killed C'thun and had it on farm.

  8. i like what aaron said about the raids because i’ve done some normal raids with my guild but when i try to pug mythic+ i can’t even get invited to a m1 and i’m 490ilvl

  9. you all complain about "social systems" in mmos not existing. they never did exist. there is no such thing as a "social system". you cant force people to be social. the reason the game used to be social is because when you were a kid you just wanted to log on and RP in elwynn forest with ur friends. end game pvp for you was dueling your friends in durotar, not grinding the arena/rbg ladder. the game was more of a discord server than an actual game. (this is why GTA RP is still popping off on a more than 10 year old game)

    now we all just want to speed run to max level, speed run gear, and spam mythic plus/raids/pvp in lfg and then never speak to any of those people again. they are basically just npcs to us.

    the reason mmos arent social anymore is because you dont want to be social. you want to play the game. nothing wrong with that at all. just the way it is.

  10. Wotlk was the best expansion and that's as far as it should of gone game play wise talent tree and specs, retail now is just so over the top there's too much going on iam playing wrath and will never play another version of the game ever again

  11. Tried to join a RP server in Season of Discovery and join a chill fun RP guild with my dad, but a bunch of streamers picked the server and brought their toxic force min max on others communities with them, so me and my dad who was playing since 2004 quit. 😢


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