I Ranked Every Major Villain in World of Warcraft

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Let’s rank everything from nippleman to backpimple dragon dude, together!

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I Ranked Every Major Villain in World of Warcraft

Stuff I used to make this:

– Adobe Premiere Pro

– Clip Paint Studio

– Audacity

– Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com


29 thoughts on “I Ranked Every Major Villain in World of Warcraft”

  1. What a dumb video. Deathwing should be at least a B tier. You talked just about the final fight with him out of the box, while ignoring that it had a point – players were never supposed to fight him in the first place, because we wouldn't stand a chance against him. Dragon Soul was the only thing capable of destroying him, we were only buying time for it to charge and weakening him by taking away his plates. His fight consisted of 2 boss encounters! On top of it, you also ignored that he literally transformed entire Azeroth and the tragic depth of his story when we could see his "reward" if he was to succeed on his mission in End Time dungeon.

  2. Garrosh was the biggest tragedy of all WoW villains. There was so much potential there. Blizzards writing staff managed to make the wrong choice every single time. Leading to kind of a mess of a character by the end. You could have covered every one of the given story beats and done a much better job showing his frustration with the state of the Horde. All without Thrall just dumping the title of Warchief on him. It would have been much more impactful if he'd taken the title himself in order to "fix" the Horde.

  3. Christian Finnish Frostiis I had in vanilla a forsaken female char, i went to see Queen of the Forsaken when i was shown where Sylvanas was standing in the Undercity and i had the urge to kneel and i did… i came back another time to kneel again for Sylvanas. Quess i am more evil in my mind than Sylvanas, atleast we got the green goo in Undercity still and i plan to be as loyal to Sylvanas on WOTLK Classic RP server

  4. I never tought i would end up playing in RP server but after i showed a OG Founder of Frostiis you're race videos on our preferences (undead for me, bloodelf for OG founder and female models for both) and to my surprise OG Founder said that RP seemed fun ! I never tought i could get someone to RP with me on WOW, but now i am very excited to try the WOTLK RP serves since you have shown there are funny ppl there 😀 Thank you Christian God bless you and you're family and loved ones Amen ! Be safe !

  5. While I don’t know really how I would rate every main vilain, Azshara , Sylvanas, Gul’Dan and Denathrius are some of my favourite vilains. The smugness they all have when you interact with them is magnificent as Azshara would say. They also all have some amazing voice actors that really sells the character and their emotions.

  6. I'd put everything, even the weakest ones in at least C tier, and then put the Jailer in F, just to drive home the fact that no other character even came close to doing as much damage to WoW lore as he has.

  7. So, lets see, first, we fear Sargeras, them we discover that he did what he did to stop the old gods in the whole universe, than we discover that the old gods wasnt that big of a treat, and the Jailer have discovered a greater danger, for the universe, life and death alike… Please Blizzard, dont screw in this final treat, please!

  8. I see that you ranked them based on the concept/lore. For me Gul'dan is up there with Arthas. Illidan as a villain has been trivialized because of the added context that was added by the Illidan Stormrage book. I am not sure if it is a retcon as a whole because Illidan was never someone that shared his thoughts with someone. Adding context and what was he trying to do I dont think it is a retconn.

    What is a retconn is that Blizzard decided to drop "he is neither night elf, nor demon but something much more…" and just straightout made him a demon so that we can bring him back in Legion.

    Gul'dan is an absolute S tier because I love Warlock. I love the fantasy. He is the quintessential Warlock. Kil'jaeden is closer to being a Demon Hunter than Warlock, if we are to force a class upon Kil'jaeden. Anyway, where Illidan = DH, Gul'dan = Warlock, as a fantasy. He is the warlock class fantasy. Frankly, I do not understand how many do not understand that out of all classes we can play Warlock is THE EVIL CLASS. You harvest souls to gain more power, to summon demons and subdue them to your will. He/she is using said souls to even heal players with the healthstone (thankfully, they removed the soulshard as a reagent). You can summon hordes of demons. The Summoning Portal is, essentially, a tunnel through the Twisting Nether…….the home world of the demons. The demonic gate is using fel magic to transport players from points A to point B.

    Also, I am surprised how you left Blackhand out of the list considering how impactful he is in both AU and streamline lore. He, essentially, is the orc that did as much destruction to the Alliance as Garrosh.

  9. As a Wrath-baby, I was INCREDIBLY let down by each and every villain after Arthas. I started with the absolute best, and it only got worse. It's unfortunate, but I can't say I didn't expect it. The story of Arthas is just superb. Yes, I'm an Arthas simp.

  10. Kil'jaeden is my favorite villain in Warcraft lore. Like, c'mon, this magnificent bastard created both the Horde and the Scourge. And he has a ton of layers for what is essentially the Devil-figure of the universe, from his hatred at his best friend's "betrayal," to his tendency to give second chances to his minions, to his resentment of Sargeras growing more and more over time. Though I do agree that Legion could have played up his cleverness more, the emotional beats they hit with him were magnificent. And his manipulation of Gul'dan in the Tomb of Sargeras audio drama, especially this line: "Every creature serves a master, even I. That is the choice we all make – serve another, or die alone." Mwah. Chef's kiss. Such perfect foreshadowing for his final moments and the flicker of regret for his loss of faith, and for the expansion's themes of defying fate. High A/low S for sure.

    Also FUCK Zovaal for stealing Kil'jaeden's credit. The Deceiver did all the heavy lifting and the Jailer just put his name on the homework assignment. Even KJ's nipples are superior.


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