I Spent 10 Hours Painting Half a Canvas

Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

AD: I decided to paint TWO versions of World of Warcraft’s brand new zone: Hallowfall in celebration of the game’s brand new expansion – The War Within! https://thewarwithin.blizzard.com/en-us/ #TheWarWithin #Warcraft


34 thoughts on “I Spent 10 Hours Painting Half a Canvas”

  1. It’s the first time I’ve seen a short including content that is not on a video!! I love your artworks, you guys are an inspiration for me, if this is going to be a video i will love to see… the final results!!

  2. I want to think I’m missing something but isn’t she the only artist? 😂 don’t care get that money any way but isn’t not seeing the other side just good for color matching? And understanding color so you know they should fit as probable contrasts?Thick blobs of pearlescent oil paint would be amazing lol

  3. That Espeon plushie in the background made my SOUL burst with unadulterated joy! I LOVE Espeon, so my crops have been watered, my liver has been rehydrated and my day has been made. Thank you, Martina.


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