I Swam Around Kalimdor and Found… (Part 1) | World of Warcraft

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Welcome back to Azeroth’s Deep Dives, everyone! Today, we begin our journey around the majestic land of Kalimdor! I had a lot of fun practicing with the DaVinci video editor, and plan on using it more in the future! 🙂

All footage retrieved from Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-).

Images retrieved from WoWHead and Google Images.

Background Music: “The Swamp of Sorrows”, “The Barrens”, and “Ashenvale” from the WoW OST

#wow #wotlkclassic #mmo

Outro Music: “You’re The One Acoustic Rehearsal” by Greta Van Fleet

Jediwarlock 2022


43 thoughts on “I Swam Around Kalimdor and Found… (Part 1) | World of Warcraft”

  1. Exploring in wow shows you how much content was cut from Vanilla and never released. They had big plans for Grim Batol, Azshara, Desolace and some other unreachable areas. But they were left on the cutting room floor

  2. What a beautiful content you're doing here. My thalassophobia drives me crazy sometimes, when I'm trying to do the same. Was flying from Fjord to Eastern Kingdoms with my extremely fast DK and reached the noflying zone of the extremely dark sea. Continued to run on regular mount with the help of Path of Frost until death from fatigue. Reached more than a halfway and got almost near the Eastern Kingdoms most Northwestern point. Was scared af thou, coz it's a dark dark sea with no borders and bottom. Resurrected in Barrens somehow after that. Love your work, coz I'm playing WoW exactly the same with a lot of love to scenery and locations of Classic.
    BTW, what programs you use to capture locations of Classic from above with such smoothness. I can fly in TBC and WotLK to capture footages, but in Vanilla regions there is no flying, but you somehow capture locations from far distances and height.

  3. I wonder if it would have been a bit easier to do this using the shaman farsight at some place where you can target the ground below the waterline and start from there. It wouldn't have been as cool as personally exploring though haha.

  4. This reminds me of the hours I put into getting the Explorer title back in the days of BC/Wrath. I didn’t have flying for a lot of it, and I also loved to run into zones I was way under-leveled for. 😂 I remember being somewhere around 30-40 and following my best friend through Zangarmarsh trying to not die while she quested.

  5. If you are not a nightelf and u die at the most northern tip in Darkshore, you actually respawn in Moonglade! Used to do this to catch
    the most valuable fish in Vanilla Classic and I believe it also had some speedrun uses.

  6. Wow, this is actually really cool to watch! I used to swim around certain areas as well to see what was hidden underwater, I've found some strange stuff.. Glad to see I'm not the only explorer left!!

  7. I really like this series. I'm looking forward to the next part for covering southern Kalimdor. I've se wam around that part myself a few years ago (like 15 or more :D) and I'm looking forward to you uncovering some of the secrets there. 🙂

  8. I loved exploring zones and weird places like out of bounds areas in old wow. I like looking around in the post-cata changed world too to see what's different but it's a bit more dull because of the way the game is meant to be played nowadays

  9. Really cool video. It is something I always wanted to do, until Blizz killed by love for Warcraft lore. Now it just feels meaningless after lame story directions starting with Cataclysm.
    But I am still glad you basically allowed it for me to check it off my bucket list. I will definitely binge your other vids on this.

  10. I played WoW back in classic through to wrath. My first character was a NE druid. Back then the game was shiney and new and more importantly, the breath mechanic was far more dangerous at the time. You could drown within about 30 seconds or so. This made Druids and Warlocks kings of underwater combat. But yeah i was filled with wonder by the game and i ended up doing something quite simular to what you're doing, though i didn't set a goal or anything. I swam the coasts making discoveries, i was so enthralled with the undersea life that i ended up spending nearly a week just swimming around the coasts and discovering what i could. The waters were far more dangerous than they are nowadays, or at least it seems so. I remember there used to be large elite sharks that would prowl around the deeper parts near the fatigue zones. The last time i checked (during legion) they were all gone.

  11. the waterfall between aszhara and winterspring is something i accidentally encountered on classic months ago, while questing with my brother, and totally forgot about it! what a lovely location

  12. This game has endless mysteries. I just started playing WotLK CLassic. It's been 14 years since I played WotLK. Leveling from 1 to 30 was incredibly fun. Probably my favorite stretch.

    Vanilla and TBC I had the same feeling with. 1-30 (even though it took MUCH longer back then). LoL!!

  13. I think all new players do this? I started at northern Darkshore, but couldn't get past the high level mobs in the water off Aszhara, so portalled out after dying a few times. This was shortly before Cataclysm.

  14. I remember swimming around both continents as a child! I thought the coastlines were so cool and liked catching glimpses of level ?? mobs. I was never able to get much higher than level 30 at the time.

  15. There's a dead "old god" in darkshore on the beach. it has the same model as c'thun. I remember back in vanilla when everyone was theorycrafting where the other old gods were in the game. As far as I know thats the only place in the game where that model is used outside of c'thun itself.


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