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Monday has come a bit early as I had some extra free time to work on this one. Chronicles volume 4 has released and oe boy… What started out as a project to clean up the lore so far has turned into a book written by somebody who knows they’re trapped in a video game with completely different retellings of how things played out. I picked out some of the things that interested me the most, but if you want more check out the wowhead article where they penned down even more interesting stuff. Say that you do want to pick it up for yourself, link down here aswell!
Who’s point of view is it anyways? 0:00 – 2:44
How many old gods? 2:45 – 4:58
Art 4:59 – 5:30
How deep is deep? That’s deep 5:31 – 6:15
What is canon? 6:16 – 7:00
Conflicting Lore 7:01 – 9:40
Jailers motivation 9:41 – 11:25
First Ones 11:26 – 14:40
What happens when a titan wakes up? 14:41 – 14:52
Alternate Grommash 14:53 – 15:00
Did Thrall Cheat? 15:01 – 15:26
Fate of Medivh? 15:27 – 15:39
Anduin Mass Resurection? 15:40 – 16:46
Want More Lore?!
The Story of Xal’atath
Illidan novel:
The Story of Nathanos Blightcaller:
The Light (and Shadow) in World of Warcraft
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Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®
#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW
This "certain point of view" shit is stupid… is basically saying " yeah this is the canon way it all happened, but we can fuck up the lore if we want…"
I am asking myself… after 20 years its time for Warcraft to move on. To a new Universe.
Wizard did it.
I think this vjsharj info confirms some link between him/it and the first world tree/ghanir. I know the civilisations it refers to could just be all the bug spawn places, but bugs are just part of the natural cycle (just like the hinted root systems and fungoids) it's just when they're blasted with void energy they become damaging to nature. So i still see a connection
The Titan point of view thing is so stupid. They just changed their own lore then made up an excuse for it.
Nobody bought the chronicle volume 1 because they wanted a point of view from a character, they wanted an objective pin-down of the lore.
Blizzard needs to own up to the fact that they are disorganized, and don't actually know or care to make the lore truly standardized. I worked in book publishing for years. If I could proofread something while also doing production development, the multi-billion dollar company can hire a proof-reader who knows the lore of their game. This isn't hard: they practically have access to the best talent in the creative industry.
I say this as someone who deeply cares about worldbuilding, and Warcraft. I don't care about whether they are anti-woke or woke, or what sexuality/gender the characters are. I'm down for whatever with that stuff, as long as the worldbuilding is consistent and story well-told.
It's funny, but I don't bat an eye at being called "player", because that's how being called "champion" or "maw-walker" has felt over the years. Something about it just pulled me out of the immersion and reminded me that they see me as a viewer of their interactive TV show, I'm not an integrated part of this world.
I, weirdly, prefer the timeline provided for BFA using Ashvane instead. It was made quite clear while questing as the Alliance that Lady Ashvane had plans of betraying the Proudmoores, and was already well into helping fund the war with azerite weapons. It makes sense to me that after Sylvanas was lured by azerite through Gallywix, and Teldrassil burning, that the next strategic move would be to obtain someone capable of fueling the war by shaping weapons and smuggling them, which would be Ashvane. In the meantime, it just also happens that the downfall of Ashvane, and Sylvanas, would come in the form of Talanji working for the Horde, and rooting out corruption from within. I think had they bothered to play it out in this order in-game, BFA would of hit different in a good way as it would have set up villains and intentions immediately.
Nobbel is trapped in the blizzard dungeon, they are conditioning him to accept terrible storytelling and he has suffered enough.
Every time I see the mass resurrection/heal scene in the BFA cinematic I think as a Horde player. “Are we the bad guys?” And also how close that scene got me to playing Alliance for once.
the amount of mistakes in this book is embarrasing, they really need to pull it and make the changes needed
Great Video Lore !🔥
maybe they're going to pull a Jack Kirby / One Above All and make the devs in universe.
Danhuser… freakin danhuser… the true big bad of warcraft lore..
Re experiencing pandaria history make me remember why i fell for wow, watching this history recap remember me so much discomfort of the way the story has gone
Dear lord they sure have conditioned some players to be ok with terrible lore and having to buy a new book over and over oO
Rather than simply "looking the other way" the Sunreavers are now actively involved in Garrosh's theft of the Divine Bell from Darnassus, making them more explicit culprits in the betrayal of the Kirin Tor that Jaina Proudmoore uses as justification to enact the Purge of Dalaran.
I mean hammering home that the Hord is the villan faction and the Alliance are incompetent is standard at this point but stop trying to flip and flop with lore that only makes the head canon people happy that can twist it to make there setting right.
Just lay down this is the lore and build on it heck read any of Brian Sandersson books series to learn.
I know he gets a lot of crap, but man am I glad desnoozer is gone from blizzard.
wow's lore is not any how interesting anymore and doesn't really make sense
also, it's all anyway might, can and will be retconned
Lore is dead
What Zovaal saw was the NEGATIVITY in our souls. This has been a consistency since SL being the actual literal split of blue and gold, or the literal exploitation of negative emotions to steer events by forces of shadow(void/death/chaos)
The narrative has been steering towards answering "what makes a soul" and it ties in between azerite and her soul itself to even that of Sylvannas. She was meant to be an example of what happens when someone is consumed by raw negative emotions.
..the void, void has been a representation of pure negativity while the light is a force of fate/faith
It's also the same reason life is on the side of chaos and void in the chronicle 2. Life has potential to UNDO creation by following our negative emotions and deviating from fate.
It also is worth noting the reason void is the overarching big bad…the reason they are prophecized victory–and we already know midnight is coming….shadow exists so long as light does, it has existed since the dawn of creation along with light…and both are representations of a soul, of emotion…and all beings with sentience can be swayed….such as Sargeras and Zovaal who were both guided by their fears….there's a reason ysharaaj and the sha were embodiments of anger fear pride and doubt… literally the same emotions every antagonist struggles with or is built upon.
There's a reason shadow is the primary antagonist, and it's because the darkness exists in all of us. Every single void elf will say the same thing, basically telling us the future plot.
Meanwhile Alleria and Anduin are struggling with those emotions as proxy of their involvement, Anduin s doubt blocking him from the light and Alleria's fear making her a perfect vessel for the void. Locuswalker literally tells us "get your emotions in order or void will consume us all"
There's nothing to fear, but fear ITSELF
I know it's, you could say hopium, but there is still a possibility they go for The Primus being the one behind everything from SL in the future.
They could be holding out until after the current plans to give more time between SL content. Then have something happen that results in either us going back to SL or SL coming to us (probably not for an entire Xpac), but in doing so we "discover" that The Primus is actually bad & the theory was correct. Now with us gone home, Zovaal dead, Denathrius on holiday, The Primus is left seen as a Savior of the Shadowlands, with less resistance than ever & having created the new Arbiter with the Crown of Wills, that he made using the willpower of those who defied domination.
You could argue it would be a retcon but you could also argue it's an evolving story & what we experience was all part of his overall plan. (Blizzard's way out of a retcon)
Whether or not they do anything like this, only time will tell.
However if they were to, they certainly wouldn't do it in this book. It would be way to big of a "revaluation" to just be in the book, it would need to be in game.
Whose perspective was Chronicles written by?
Easy, let me just pick up my copy of Chronicles.
Let’s see, it says written by Chris Metzen, Matt Burns and Robert Brooks.
With additional story by Alexander Afrasiabi, Christie Golden, Richard A. Knaak, Dave Kosak, Micky Nielsen, Bill Roper and James Waugh.
That’s odd, haven’t heard of those Titans before, doesn’t sound like any Titan Keepers either.
This just proves that the WoW lore is fudged up beyonf repair
Seems like this one did a pretty lousy job of doing what Chronicles are actually supposed to do. Guess I'm saving some money at least.
Metzen did say it was to Titan up the lore
Here’s a thought: what if both stories of how the cosmos were formed are true? What was it Harmony said? Mythological tales often have a basis in fact.
And the player thing was definitely a typo. Most likely they used player internally to get most of it written, then changed it in the editing process and they missed one.
Ngl, Vol'jin on the cover is salt in the wound of his short stint as warchief.
How come they keep getting things wrong and releasing books with major typos in it when Nobbel is able to see it right away? It's embarrassing to whoever is in charge of their publishing department
i mean sorry Nobble but the first page says "history" and not sience…. Even in real life i would be careful with 100% trusting your "there is no perspective in a history book" – thats just wrong imho….
it does not mean its wrong facts but people reinforce their worldview even in works of writing.
Even in Classic wow (uldaman) or Wotlk (Ulduar) we could clearly see the titans are up to some very scatchy stuff. (ending worlds with alagon)
hahahaha why did 1 person yell in the crowed: "TITANS" when they asked what pov a HISTORY book is from?
why did the Lore-master Nobbel not know it?
This book covering from bfail onwards feels like toy story 4 😂😂😂😂. What a letdown 🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️. This confirms that the lore was damaged beyond repair right after legion. At least I no life the crap out of that expansion.
I wish they had the balls to say that everything after Legion was a bad dream /visions caused by azerite exposure (last in game cinematic from legion)
seeing the "Realm Map" of WoW with Life, Death, Light, Void, Order and Disorder, i still wonder why Order and Disorder are swapped.
Void doesn't seem to align with Order, so why are they Neighbors, and neither does Light seem very disorderly.
why would you think the line "The final titan" would be a retcon when the literal last addon is called the last titan?
its not a retcon. its never was. the Line can be true AND the worldsoul be a thing. open your eyes instead of angry calling it a retcon.
you where shown part of the truth and see that the past 15 years where lies build be forces that want to controle you or wipe us out if we dont follow(alagon, Elegon, Rygelon)
Im glad i didnt preorder this tbh, which makes me really sad.
living old gods..what about undead old god..
Chronicles is a complete joke at this point and is really emblematic of Blizzard's contempt of the lore in general. Couldn't imagine wasting my money on these books.
If you've ever played HotS, the heal he uses in BFA is his ulti which is named Holy Word: Salvation. He also gets desperate heal, flash heal and leap of faith
When they said that chronocial was being told from the perspective of the titans I stopped buying the books. I wanted a concrete 100% canon book, not some fairytale being told by a fictional characters. I knew this also meant they could retcon anything they wanted which was contradictory to even having the books in the first place.
Shadowlands didn’t happen…
This was pretty bad even by the lax standards I have for WoW lore/story these days. I think they need to spend a few months going through their lore and story with a fine-tooth comb and get everything straight and find out what actually needs to be set straight before releasing another Chronicle book.
Have you bought it already?
I like sounding like a broken record and a parrot compared to many comments.
But I won't bother buying this trash book… Lore by Deadpool (akka one who knows there in a game?)
When the Defs don't care about the lore I don't care about the game.
Stopped mid BFA and didn't spend a dime on Blizzard things, that is not going to change.
Red shirt guy's legacy lives on
8:51 appreciate your sarcasm lol
I guess guess you can say the only consistent thing about warcraft are the inconsistencies.
I think the problem with Shadowlands and The First Ones. Is in how they built them up to be the penultimate beings in wow. The heaviest of hitters. Pre-Titan, Mega-Titan's. And they did that to drive the video game and make the stakes seem super high for the expansion. But in doing so they paint themselves into a corner as to how make sense of it all when it came time to move on. That is how I feel about it.
2:42 OMFG that is such an amateur fuck up.
I understand that they have to retcon sometines and viewing the latest interviews you get a glimpse at how much rotation was in their staff in the last years and what difficulty that poses. plus they have shareholders and are restricted therefore to admit failing and be transparent. but I really hope the manage one time to just set some things in stone like they tried with chronicle. that would elevate the rest of the story very much instead of undermining it with time travel and dimension changes
Vol 4 was so, so much lower quality than the previous 3, I mean the difference was damn black and white. Vol 4 was written like a wowwikia article, tbh, and a poor one at that. To boot, a couple pieces of the art in it was so much lower quality, it seriously looked like poorly rendered half done pieces. Also, it seemed like every single page there was a punctuation error or just a random word or half sentence they forgot to edit properly. Made it all feel very… sloppy, low effort.
Zul leading the Zandalari in antagonistic actions against the Alliance: Nah
Talanji might ally with the horde? Arrest her now!
Oh boy how lovely.
Not to mention that Taran Zhu can now teleport. He gets around you know. Getting choked to near death by Shan Bu and getting impaled on Gorehowl by Garrosh in what is now the period of time… poor fella.