I really enjoyed this series of your swimming across the shores of WoW, it's how I came across your channel. I'd really love to see you exploring these lands again to find hidden secrets and easter eggs inland, or even to traverse the shores of Mists of Pandaria and beyond! I am excited to see what you come up with! Thanks for the awesome content thus far ^^
I've been watching this series since its beginning and seeing it come to a close was both saddening yet satisfying. Thank YOU for the wonderful and heartwarming experience! :)<3
Hi JedyWarlock, there is one thing I think you should see : it's what people call the surnatural sea. Unfortunately I cannot find another video to show you this than an old one I made in pserv during an event where fatigue was desactivated, but here is what it's look like : https://youtu.be/rE2VFNcMzM4?t=353 It's on the fatigue zone so it's not "around" the continent but it's definitively worth a try!
And thank you very much for the videal journey.
PS : I found a huge skeleton in one of Rextroy ( https://youtu.be/bvK2VrVp1E8?t=444 ) maybe it has a link with the big skeleton you saw.
You can't end it here man. This series is incomplete without the new zones. While the Cataclysm comparison would be interesting, I'm confident Pandaria, Kul Tiras, Zandalar and the Dragon Isles will have some actual cool, hidden stuff for you to report on.
Congratulations! I admire your persistence in completing this task! I think my favorite finds are the elementals sequestered behind Azuremyst/Bloodmyst or the sunken ship super deep off the coast of Westfall. I dread that quest on classic so I had no idea there was a secret just out of sight!
I would imagine that Howling Fjord has so many shipwrecks because originally that's where Arthas landed in Northrend during WC3 and got a little too ship burning happy. They probably started developing the map with that in mind, but somewhere through development retconned it to be in Dragonblight instead, since he was supposed to be somewhere icy and and freezing, and clearly Howling Fjord looks a tad warmer. Not too sure why the change beyond probable aesthetics, but its a pretty minor one in any case. They literally just moved his landing sight a little more west, even if it does cross a zone.
I think your videos really highlight why flying, while convenient, really isn't a good features for games where the main character is the world. Just look at 1:40. I'm in awe looking at the size of the cliffs and all. Just imagine not having a flying mount in Northrend and trying to figure out a way to climb it. I know TBC and even more TLK were designed with flying mounts in mind, but honestly everytime I'm flying over the map to go to a dungeon or whatever, I just feel like the world is irrelevent past the questing experience.
Interesting, i mean yes Cata doesnt have a new land to swim around but what about Pandaria, AU Draenor, Broken Isles, Zandalar and Kul Tiras, nothing to swim in Shadowlands but there is the Dragon Isles!
I really enjoy your videos, found you the first time when your first swimming video got recommended, thanks for the journey and see you in the next videos! 🙂
The blood of Yogg-Saron is black, and the Old God himself is imprisoned deep below the mountains of Storm Peaks. I think it could be that some of Saronite could have seeped through the stone and into the ocean, corrupting the waters around Yogg's prison. Tentacles of the Old Ones stretch far across Azeroth, after all.
5:39 Not quite sure but I think if there is one zone that can have more then 52 ships in it, then it are the zoens of Vashj'ir (Cataclysm Classic is upcomming so maybe another deep dive, rly deep this time)
Next – Flying around Azeroth? 😀
keep it going with retail waters! been a fun journey so far 🙂
I really enjoyed this series of your swimming across the shores of WoW, it's how I came across your channel. I'd really love to see you exploring these lands again to find hidden secrets and easter eggs inland, or even to traverse the shores of Mists of Pandaria and beyond! I am excited to see what you come up with! Thanks for the awesome content thus far ^^
I've been watching this series since its beginning and seeing it come to a close was both saddening yet satisfying. Thank YOU for the wonderful and heartwarming experience! :)<3
Great series. I'm looking forward to your next WoW series. ❤
Achievement earned:
"What a strange, long trip it's been"
Thank you for this new perspective on this game I love and played for years <3
Nothing but love for you and your videos! I'm thrilled for the upcoming videos!
Do Cata next 😀
Hi JedyWarlock, there is one thing I think you should see : it's what people call the surnatural sea.
Unfortunately I cannot find another video to show you this than an old one I made in pserv during an event where fatigue was desactivated, but here is what it's look like : https://youtu.be/rE2VFNcMzM4?t=353
It's on the fatigue zone so it's not "around" the continent but it's definitively worth a try!
And thank you very much for the videal journey.
PS : I found a huge skeleton in one of Rextroy ( https://youtu.be/bvK2VrVp1E8?t=444 ) maybe it has a link with the big skeleton you saw.
How about checking out all the inland waters too?
You can't end it here man. This series is incomplete without the new zones. While the Cataclysm comparison would be interesting, I'm confident Pandaria, Kul Tiras, Zandalar and the Dragon Isles will have some actual cool, hidden stuff for you to report on.
I've enjoyed this whole series. Thank you putting the time in to doing such a great series.
Congratulations! I admire your persistence in completing this task! I think my favorite finds are the elementals sequestered behind Azuremyst/Bloodmyst or the sunken ship super deep off the coast of Westfall. I dread that quest on classic so I had no idea there was a secret just out of sight!
Really good stuff as always
This man is creating the most enjoyable recent wow content
✌ literally love these videos! Said it before but thanks again 😎
GG love the video keep em coming
I would imagine that Howling Fjord has so many shipwrecks because originally that's where Arthas landed in Northrend during WC3 and got a little too ship burning happy. They probably started developing the map with that in mind, but somewhere through development retconned it to be in Dragonblight instead, since he was supposed to be somewhere icy and and freezing, and clearly Howling Fjord looks a tad warmer.
Not too sure why the change beyond probable aesthetics, but its a pretty minor one in any case. They literally just moved his landing sight a little more west, even if it does cross a zone.
I think your videos really highlight why flying, while convenient, really isn't a good features for games where the main character is the world. Just look at 1:40. I'm in awe looking at the size of the cliffs and all. Just imagine not having a flying mount in Northrend and trying to figure out a way to climb it. I know TBC and even more TLK were designed with flying mounts in mind, but honestly everytime I'm flying over the map to go to a dungeon or whatever, I just feel like the world is irrelevent past the questing experience.
Ah, man, thanks for the journey! I look forward to see what you've got cooking up!
Interesting, i mean yes Cata doesnt have a new land to swim around but what about Pandaria, AU Draenor, Broken Isles, Zandalar and Kul Tiras, nothing to swim in Shadowlands but there is the Dragon Isles!
glad i did come across the series and sad to see it end, but excited to see what is next!
can you swim in pools in each zone? like icecrown have old god in one pool but its mystery
Its time for the opposite of this series: Flying around Vashj'ir
I really enjoy your videos, found you the first time when your first swimming video got recommended, thanks for the journey and see you in the next videos! 🙂
Will be fun to see ya do Mop and Legion as well,
The blood of Yogg-Saron is black, and the Old God himself is imprisoned deep below the mountains of Storm Peaks. I think it could be that some of Saronite could have seeped through the stone and into the ocean, corrupting the waters around Yogg's prison. Tentacles of the Old Ones stretch far across Azeroth, after all.
sweet mother of shipwrecks, what a treasure cove that is.
What a fantastic exploration series!
what if that skeleton was an aspect or some kind of dragon from ancient times the whole plot of retail is exatly like this
will you do same video for pandaria and draenor ? 🙂
5:39 Not quite sure but I think if there is one zone that can have more then 52 ships in it, then it are the zoens of Vashj'ir (Cataclysm Classic is upcomming so maybe another deep dive, rly deep this time)