State of ENHANCEMENT Shaman in Shadowlands

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What is the state of Enhancement Shaman in Shadowlands? We try to answer that together with Cayna from Method and Surge and Wordup from the Earthshrine Discord but not only that. As we go through the ins and outs of the 9.1 enhancement shaman pve, we also take a trip back in the past to see where the spec had its best iteration and try to identify what can be done to improve it in the future, be that enhancement shaman m+ fixes or plain single target additions. The flame shock spreading, the windfury totem bugs, the damage profile, it’s all here 🙂 As always stick to MarcelianOnline for more spec specific chats and also be sure to check out the boys on the links below:

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27 thoughts on “State of ENHANCEMENT Shaman in Shadowlands”

  1. This series has been some of the best stuff you've done. Getting experts to weigh in on things gives you valuable context, even if you don't play the Spec that much. It has also made me appreciate some things, that I hadn't necessarily noticed before.

  2. Shaman needs flameshock spread, absolutely. Lava lash could do it, problem solved.
    Reduce the wolf rng, make you summon the 3 wolves everytime and make it last a bit longer to compensate lack of double fire wolves.
    You could even fix some of our Decent single but no aoe, or aoe but no single problems by making Hailstorm(aoe frostshock) baseline.
    Hell, i'm looking at talents from wotlk and many of them could be great for utility.
    All of these would prob be too much, but some? one even? it could be great and in line with the spec flavor.
    Ex: Frost shock becomes a root for any target further than 15y.
    Static shock to make lightning shield relevant in pve?
    Earthen power made your earthbind totem remove roots and movement imparing effects.
    What about adding more buff totems of different elements? (we are ENHANCEMENT afterall)
    Old flametongue gave spellpower. Wrath of air gave haste. Strenght of earth gave you stats, totem of wrath gave crit chance. So make the shaman pick one of them depending on comp. (all of these were raidwide too)
    Windfury totem could be redesigned even, its old effect a passive for just the shaman (to not lose on procs), and a new spell that 'echoes' a percent of damage and heal like that necrolord soulbind. (raidwide maybe)

  3. love taking my enhance shammy to raid pugs and watch the melee that know fight for me to be in their group. Pretty fun class to play. Almost never the top of the dps charts but hanging around the middle in raid. I would love to have an execute ability like warriors though or even with windfury have a high chance for execute procs.

  4. I think they should just change Enhancement to a tank class… We have a tank shortage and this would give people an additional choice in tanking. It has all of the class fantasy for being a tank class, just incorporate Earth Ele into something like Barkskin. There is a lot of potential with Enhancement, but I think making it a tank class would fill a void in the overall meta of the game that could use some help. Leave all of the flex utility to Resto and Ele. In the end, I just want the spec to be great again.

  5. They lost me when they said BFA enh was easier than SL enh. We had to manage 3 resources in BFA. SL enh is hands down dummy proof compared to BFA enh

  6. Major annoyance by enhancement, is that they removed Rockbiter.
    Thats like removing Crusader Strike from Retri..
    And then the incredibly useless Lava Lash, that is pointless, boring and serves no purpose.

  7. would love to see earth elemental become more useful. in m+ its not really comparable to treants and in raids can cause boss positioning problems. Perhaps something cool/useful/unique would be something that could take a tank mechanic when used correctly? or less unique could be an dmg reducing aura when near the ele? also make it do more than fucking 10k dmg lmao

  8. I parsed 96% last night on my enhancement shaman and barely scraped by vs a boomkin who parsed 9% with the same ilvl. I feel like I have to work 10x harder to achieve the same result which sucks. Makes me want to stick with it though, because if we ever finally get into a good spot I'll be really well off.


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