I Tested The New Solo Queue in WoW 9.2 Shadowlands PVP – The Good and The Bad

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I Tested The New Solo Queue in WoW 9.2 Shadowlands PVP – The Good and The Bad

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5 thoughts on “I Tested The New Solo Queue in WoW 9.2 Shadowlands PVP – The Good and The Bad”

  1. Hey man, GZ for the make this video, i has played 9.1, than quit on 9.1.5 and i planing back for 9.2… Id really loved your vid, and hope see more PvP contents here. I only cares about PvP too, and are so difficult to find really good contents lol.

  2. I don't think the scaling will change much, we need a rating in it. Like I'm a healer and I see a lot of players all with 60k hp+ not using a single CD when ennemy team is literally pressing everything. You could scale the gear but it would not change the game much.
    In rated it's lesser of an issue because you play with people that have the same xp as you so they know when to press things. That's the difference.
    Other than that I've been having a lot of fun doing those solo shuffles, also I can confirm guys honor earned is really good and I can see blizzard nerfing it soon.

  3. Add this and the brawls as a queue then winning should reward points that you can accumulate to purchase exclusive titles or something. Also yeah they gotta remove ilvl from pvp entirely. If kept it only affects pve stuff if wearing pvp gear.


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