I think its FINALLY time to play World of Warcraft… | STREAM VOD #1

Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

1:07 – Just Chatting
23:27 – Intro for WoW Adventure
28:25 – Picking Server
36:29 – Character Creation
1:03:54 – World of Warcraft BEGINS
3:43:57 – Outro
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🏰 Colossians 3:17 ESV
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
🖼️Thumbnail Artist: KingdomAce
🎬Footage by: Myself
📜My Script: me and i
#worldofwarcraft #worldofwarcraftclassic #blizzardentertainment

📜MISC Desc Tags:
KingdomAce,world of warcraft,non warcraft fan reacts to world of warcraft all cinematics,world of warcraft reaction,world of warcraft cinematic,world of warcraft cinematic trailer,world of warcraft the war within,world of warcraft wrath of the lich king,world of warcraft wrath of the lich king reaction,world of warcraft classic,world of warcraft dragonflight,world of warcraft dragonflight reaction,world of warcraft server status,wow shadowlands,wow cinematics reaction, the war within, wow the war within, world of warcraft the war within, world of warcraft the war within reaction, kingdomace world of warcraft


43 thoughts on “I think its FINALLY time to play World of Warcraft… | STREAM VOD #1”

  1. @kingdomAce now that you have gotten to level 10 you should abandon the monk and make a Demon Hunter to play. It is a much better experience. Simpler resources and faster more kinetic game play. Its insanely mobile and has wings so you can glide down from any height safely. Its also the only class that can double jump. Play a demon hunter. You will love it. It has a unique starting area so you won't be replaying anything and it will bring you to the smae place you stopped.

  2. Why does every time a new player start playing the game on youtube some dude have to always join their server inv them to a group just let the player take their time and play the game in peace, i would recommend trying to phase with a player if it becomes to many people and it feels like ur experience is being ruined:P

    edit: Btw i am not trying to be rude making this comment it’s just that his leveling experience would probably be better without many people following him around, but maybe that is just me

  3. the iq of people that need to go dance around the person theyre watching is astoundingly low… do you think hes going to praise you if you invite him to a party and help him? no one wants your company so bugger off.

  4. I would say as FIRST class always go for Druid (in my opinoin it the best starter class). since he could to all 4 speccs. from meele to caster to tank to healer. It is the only class who can do ALL 4 roles. But fair enough, in classic there is no Monk.
    It was only a matter of time haha. i have seen your Eyes go wild by watching all those Cinematics. I knew your gonna play WoW soon 🤣 Welcome to the World my man.

  5. a couple things that will help with skill accessibility/flavour of life would be "going to options" "controls", enabling Auto cancel away mode, interact on left click, open loot window at mouse, Auto loot, Combine bags and enable interact key would probably make you feel right at home. After that go down to action bars and enable 2,3,4,5 and lock action bars and Show numbers for cooldowns. Last one to help with exploration a bit would be under Interface, NPC names "All NPCs". 😉

  6. Saw your video watching all of the cut scenes. Been playing WoW since it's first installment, Vanilla/Classic. Cool to see people still get into the game. Hope you wind up enjoying it, it's very different from 14!

    If you're looking for a new MMO mouse check out the Aerox 9 by Steel Series or Scimitar by Corsair. Most people have a Razer and they're just not that great anymore.

  7. Seriously people
    Let him discover things himself
    Everyone plays the game differently and pushing me to play the way YOU prefer would make me want to quit altogether.
    Interactive media is great in that you can enjoy the game differently

  8. You really, REEEEEALLY REALLY REALLY should start with classic instead of retail. Retail is bloated as hell and getting an idea what all of this is about is almost imposible for new players.

  9. Never fails man.

    Streamer: Let me try this game out.

    Wow community: Ohhh let’s make a bunch of level 1’s and run all over the dudes screen and kill all of the mobs around while continuing to invite to group and pst them endlessly. We wouldn’t want him to have a normal experience..

  10. Was glad to see you eventually land on Monk since it seemed pretty clear that's what you really wanted. It's always best to just play what you find coolest in these games because it'll keep you more engaged and invested over time, and like you said, you can always make alts.

  11. I wish people had just let you play as the developers intended instead of urging you to learn the whole interface before proceeding with the story. The game does highlight things on the interface once you need to learn them.

  12. Hey! Let me advise you to install an addon called "Decliner"
    With it you can auto decline those annoying people asking you to join their group every other minute (why are they even doing that? Let him experience the game in peace)

  13. Classic wow is just not good. Don't do classic.
    Also, Area 52 is full of toxic players. it'd be better to choose a new player realm, since you're a new player. Guilds and people who play there are more welcoming. Finding groups is the same on every server, since cross realm groups are a thing, so you don't have to worry about that at all.

  14. So glad you posted this. Ever since I saw a few of your videos reacting to the cinematics I've been eagerly anticipating this, but I generally can't watch streams with my schedule. For people new to the world, I think the retail version rushes so much to get you caught up and you miss too much of the lore and the story behind why your character is doing the things they are being asked to do. But pure Vanilla Classic has much more of the old school MMO grind mindset that EQ, DAoC, and the other MMOs of that time were built on. Retail is easier to learn the mechanics, Classic is easier to learn the story. So I'm glad you are playing both. The Wrath of the Lich King Classic is the sweetspot for me. It's a bit of a balance between those two extremes.

  15. The only annoying part about these people following along side you is they try to go ahead of you and beat you to the end of the quest and then just sit and waot for you to be done and by doing that theyre not caring if you get credit for a kill theyre just wiping the whole quest area of mobs and then they do it all over again wherever you go next. it kinda prevents you from enjoying/playing the game the way its meant to be enjoyed/played.

  16. I wouldn't tank until you knew the dungeons. People will get upset if the tank isn't pushing the entire time and knows where they're going. Some dungeons are confusing to run through.


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