I Tried Assa And It's Disgusting… (2700+ MMR) | Assa Rogue WoW Shadowlands Arena | Method Nahj

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Nahj’s tries Assa Rogue for the first time in months and this is how it went… ,enjoy!
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9 thoughts on “I Tried Assa And It's Disgusting… (2700+ MMR) | Assa Rogue WoW Shadowlands Arena | Method Nahj”

  1. Think disc is better with assa than holy and pretty much always double dot except versus hunter because feign death Lego you just train their healer with long kidney and drop mfd. at least that’s how I’ve seen it played.

    I do really like sepsis but you have to do it in the kidney and cross cc for dispel teams. It’s like having 2 goes and you can line it up without their trinket. Also you can use garrote and cheap when it expires if you use garrote first extra cc and big garrote dmg. Fun mini game multi dotting and making sure to poison knife the off targets too. Sub is the best but the scripted go rinse and repeat gets boring eventually sin 2s is a great mix up. I think necro the best for sin 2s and ease of use tho NF is great for the low mobility as well.


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