Icecrown Citadel – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic

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Icecrown Citadel is the greatest fortress of the Scourge and the last bastion of the dread Lich King. Located in the frozen wastes of Icecrown on the continent of Northrend, the Citadel is built around the Frozen Throne that once held the spirit of Ner’zhul until he joined with Arthas Menethil to become the new Lich King. Constructed from saronite, the Citadel is inhabited by some of the strongest and vilest of the Lich King’s minions – a great army of the living dead standing between their dark master and those who seek to destroy him.

History: when Kil’jaeden hurled the Lich King into the mortal world, Ner’zhul’s prison of ice, known as the Frozen Throne, slammed into the icy spire of Icecrown Glacier. As the Lich King expanded his influence, the Scourge and the dreadlords built Icecrown Citadel. Arthas Menethil and Illidan Stormrage wrestled for the control of the citadel. As Illidan was defeated, Arthas shattered Ner’zhul’s prison and merged with the Lich King. Death knights like Thassarian and Koltira Deathweaver were here, training until the Lich King awoke and commanded his subjects to invade the Light’s Hope Chapel.

An assault on the mighty citadel is among the most dangerous undertakings in the history of Azeroth – and the most pivotal. The legendary heroes Highlord Tirion Fordring of the Argent Crusade and Highlord Darion Mograine have joined forces to lead the charge through Icecrown’s fortified gates, and both the Horde and Alliance have sacrificed lives – indeed, whole battalions – to get this far. They dare not fail. The Lich King’s reign must end.

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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions/subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Icecrown, Icecrown Citadel Walk: Derek Duke
Invincible, Reflected Halls, Light’s Hammer, Ice Fortress, Forge of Souls, Crimson Hall: Russell Brower

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic Icecrown Citadel locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:50 Icecrown Citadel Gates
0:02:41 Argent Crusade
0:03:29 Knights of the Ebon Blade
0:04:20 The Ashen Verdict
0:05:47 Forge of Souls
0:09:32 Pit of Saron
0:12:47 Halls of Reflection
0:16:48 Icecrown
0:18:33 Icecrown Citadel
0:20:06 The Lower Spire
0:22:55 Light’s Hammer
0:27:47 Lord Marrowgar
0:28:47 Lady Deathwhisper
0:31:11 Gunship Battle
0:34:38 Orgrim’s Hammer
0:36:17 Skybreaker
0:38:54 High Overlord Saurfang
0:39:40 The Upper Spire
0:40:05 The Plagueworks
0:40:47 Stinky and Precious
0:41:34 Rotface
0:42:20 Festergut
0:43:04 Professor Putricide
0:44:35 The Crimson Hall
0:47:06 Blood Prince Council
0:49:57 Blood-Queen Lana’thel
0:52:02 Valithria Dreamwalker
0:53:17 The Frostwing Halls
0:54:42 Sindragosa
0:56:13 The Frozen Throne
0:56:55 The Lich King

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27 thoughts on “Icecrown Citadel – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic”

  1. 26th of September 2022 – Wrath of the Lich King Classic release date.

    I am sorry it takes this long to get a video out. I took my time to mix the music and to film most of the things, from the raid and dungeons. I hope you like my approach. And if you do, please give it a like, listen to more (playlist links below), subscribe. Do you want to further support my work? Details in the video description.

    P.S.: Apologies, I am terrible at replying to all your comments, but I read them all.


    Wrath of the Lich King playlist:

    All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist:

    Livestream with Music & Ambience:

    With love,


  2. Maybe a suggestion (but even more work). Have a map picture (between music? different locations? or just start and end of the video?) with dot(s) showing where the shots as been taken? Anyway its great 🙂

  3. This is such a great mix! There are so many uninspired cuts/mixes of this music on Youtube. Yours is so thoughtfully arranged and paced. This is good listening. Every new vid I'm glad I subbed.

  4. Great job dude! I always thought they nailed this zone and the raid, at least from a visual standpoint. It just has everything you would expect from it before it came out and based on Warcraft 3.

  5. This raid evokes a multitude of emotions; the culmination of Arthas' story from the moment he assumed the Lich King's throne to the moment we defeated him is a timeless tale. The music doesn't need to be epic crescendos or overt fanfare; the cold, creeping, sorrowful melodies and muted tones set the perfect atmosphere. It's almost a feeling of mourning, you know? Even the version of Lament of the Highborne that plays here is more sombre and sorrowful.

    Truly a magnificent piece, I've always loved the way you tell a story with your arrangements; The moment you hear "An Karanir Thanagor" it's over, tears well up and it never fails to chill one's soul. Absolutely beautiful, thank you so much 😌

  6. I want to see more videos like this. It seems you can take the camera and perspective to give us new perspectives and views of these areas along with the music. I love that as it makes it fun to both watch and listen. I hope you keep doing this and give us more raids. I'd love to see the deathwing raid and the dungeons like end time featured along with their music.

  7. Somehow I missed this when it first came out but WOW! Another excellent composition, sir!

    Also, I LOVE how the Halls of Reflection throne room floor decoration is a twisted version of the Lordaeron crest you can see in the capitol ruins!! Neat detail I just noticed 🙂

  8. Hey Meisio, I've been grinding Argent Crusade rep recently to finish that up and get the meta Argent achievement and title. I have the tabard on and I've been running Forge of Souls over and over again on Heroic without killing the bosses so I can reset it as much as I want. I gotta say I really love the intro song in FoS, after the dragon kills the army and Sylvanas says you have to press on alone. The song is a very relaxing piano piece that only plays on the entry plateau, and it sounds like a very old piano that needs tuning. Would you have recorded that song and included it in any of your videos?


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