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World of Warcraft Shadowlands patch 9.1.5 gets more and more complete… with more and more new features that EVERYONE ASKED FOR! This week we learn about unlimited, infinite Soul Cinders, Torghast improvements, alt renown catchup, transferable anima, even more new character customizations, recoloured Mythic T20 armor sets and the return of THE MAGE TOWER in Legion Timewalking! This can’t possibly work, right? Join Taliesin and Evitel for the Weekly Reset. Knowledge is power
► Old Mage Tower Episode:
+++ Wowhead Articles +++
New Highmountain Tauren Customization Options Datamined on Patch 9.1.5 PTR:
Broker Mark of Distinction – Instant Renown 40 for Alts/Covenant Swaps:
Return of the Mage Tower Hinted in Patch 9.1.5 Datamining:
Torghast Changes with Patch 9.1.5 – Increased Soul Cinders, Full Rewards on Repeat Clears:
+++ Taliesin & Evitel +++
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Theme Music by Jay the Bard: @Jaythebard
T&E’s description link is broken (goes to their Studio version of the vid), so here’s the fantastic 7.2 Mage Tower episode referred to in today’s video:
It’s Warcraft canon that Taliesin is always right.
You know, I've been wanting to say my piece about folks who are screaming that their efforts will be negated if the MT returns. It won't, you did it back in the day, no one can take that from you. If people can get the item later on, it doesn't invalidate your achievement. You know you did it and that's fine. But that's entirely my opinion on the subject. My poorly worded opinion.
pls Tali ask blizz to bring back WoD pvp season 1 elite sets!
Who else got so excited to see Evitel back??? T&E you people are awesome, and I love your videos!
This news seems exciting but is really sad. Think about it…it took their game almost collapsing, losing tons of players, and a huge lawsuit to get them to do just this. I wouldn't expect it to last, unless the "new" exec's actually turn things around. I don't have any hope, after all this is Actiblizz.
Hated mage tower. Wasn't able to get anything from it. I could never beat the people. Impossible. Pretty much got one shot every time. NOT FUN.
Ahh, before you come out and say you’re happy with the new werebear compromise and the t20 recolors of the MT that were confirmed today, I really just want to say I think we should be disappointed in Blizz. Not for adding or not adding artifact appearances… but for adding fire on to the “MT Artifact Appearance” war that has been going on for years. They could’ve added a werebear so much more gracefully anywhere else in the game (maybe a death themed one since this expansion is about DEATH??). Adding it to the MT is just throwing gas on the fire. Not the right move, IMO.
my lord people still playing >.<
Simply keep their nuts to or into the fire and they cave.
I think at this point the only thing that will finally fix all of this Blizzard drama is for the company to release a shot-on-iPhone compilation of the higher-ups, HR employees and developers singing John Lennon's 'Imagine.'
Still not re-subbin, now they're focused on getting Wokeness through out, plz. No more game purchase, no more 2monthly sub fees, just no more. Keep trying to put that lipstick on Blizz, but pig is a pig no matter what wokeness pronoun is used.
I’ll come back to WOW when Blizzard apologizes to the player base and more importantly apologizes to the employees they have been hurting over the past decade.
WoW uses more gimmicky "Core Systems" than F2P micro-transaction games force you to grind for…When will people walk away? There are games out there that actually have real content.
Sadly i think a good majority of people have stopped caring and moved on to other mmo's that actual respect your time
I can understand opinions being split on the mage tower rewards returning. But I can't really understand why people would oppose the mage tower content returning. I didn't play in legion and am super interested in doing these because they sound really interesting, and I hope that they keep the same challenge level and err on the side of being more difficult even. Seriously, I do not want it to be easier.
Also for record, I think the old rewards should also still be there. Yes, I am someone who doesn't have them, who didn't play in legion – but I feel the same way about rewards I do have (eg the challenge mode gold sets from mists of pandaria – I very much enjoy running around in my paladin set in particular from that, but I also think other people should be able to get it too… if they can do the same difficult content). And although I don't play druid myself, I think it's pretty rubbish that with so few druid form options available, some are just not obtainable at all any more. Those ones are particularly galling.
But above all, the idea of getting to do the actual content is very interesting to me. Just please don't make it easy blizz (also not a huge fan of tying it to timewalking that only occurs 2-3 weeks a year but whatever).
Mage tower can go f**k itself.
Timewalking as a concept is just an timegate coverup for lack of content from the devs…
My wife is a keyboard turner too
Blizzard * HAS * Actually …
Example: Blizzard IS one (singular) corporation who HAS had many employees (plural) who HAVE had problems.
Your grammar is as upside-down as the world IS. You seem to have caught it from Bellular. Please fix it.
Otherwise, I like your streams and videos. Honestly!
What about getting the SHINY DISCO BEAR TOO! You forgot about that Tali. <3
12:00 Called it!
They changed it in Legion so that Ilvl had so little an impact on PvP that it didn't matter… and then for some absolutely unfathomable reason, they changed it back so that Ilvl does matter again in PvP. As a mainly PvP player, that was one of THE BEST things they ever had in the game; where PvP was purely skill based in Legion and you didn't have to care about any grind for it, WHAT-SO-EVER. You could literally drop in and play some PvP, then log out, like you can with Overwatch. It was amazing. Funnily enough, Legion was also the first expansion where I was venturing into the PvE side of things as well, because I loved the story of the expansion, and the artifact weapon system was just an absolute mind blower. Then they also removed the artifact weapons too, which they should have definitely kept for all expansions going forward, just adding onto it with new traits, skins and other stuff associated with them. Instead, they gave us a painful cinematic that voided our artifacts, and we got a crappy neck piece that was like a fake artifact weapon replacement. I've been playing a bit of Shadowlands here and there, and while I enjoy the story and think the mechanics are still very Legion-esque, I find it tedious at how many different systems, currencies, reps etc that there are.
What I want from WoW:
1.Bring back the artifact weapon system and keep it forever, consistently adding updates to it that don't change the system, but just add new traits, skins etc.
2. Remove Ilvl benefits in PvP again so that it is purely skill based.
3. Have a maximum of 3 MAJOR currencies; one for PvE gear and upgrades, one for maybe optional cosmetic PvP rewards such as transmog sets, and one reserved for some expansion specific activity.
4. Have side content for those who are interested in doing such things, but make it clear that this type of content will have such a low impact on gearing and progression, that it is solely for those who are interested in delving deeper with the story-line or profession type stuff. These may award MINOR currencies that have no real bearing on gearing or progression, or may award tiny/minuscule amounts of the MAJOR currencies.
5. Make all mount riding and flying skills once again purchasable from a mount trainer, which ensures all can easily have access to it at a certain level, regardless of whether they are PvE, PvP, RP players etc. Achievement hunters will do achievements regardless of rewards, and locking flying behind achievements just annoys a lot of people for no reason whatsoever.
6. Make gearing clear and non-confusing. There are currently too many different types of gear and ways to obtain these different types of gear, with too many things on top of them like enchanting, socketing them with gems, and then the new gem like "shard" system that's there in Shadowlands right now. I'm not saying to remove gems or enchants, but have set items that you can gem and enchant that stay consistent, for example; you put gems on finger slots ONLY, and can put enchants on the hand and foot slots ONLY. You should be able to go into an activity and know what gear, or currency with which you can obtain gear/gear upgrades, that you will be receiving for your participation in said activity. There should be no RNG gear drops, unless it is for cosmetic items that drop on top of game-play impacting items. You kill a boss? You should be guaranteed either loot from that boss, or the currency with which you can upgrade your existing gear. You shouldn't be receiving some random obscure currency that barely anyone will use, or mere scraps of gold that you can get for selling an old bit of gear to a vendor.
7. Legendary items should be 100% target-able and obtainable. They are obviously "Legendary," so I'm not expecting them to be super easy to obtain, but it should be clear what Legendary you are aiming for, and that if you follow the given route to get that Legendary, you will obtain it. So far in my Shadow-lands experience, I've just randomly received Legendary recipes for different slots that I didn't mean to obtain, nor did I understand why i'd received that particular Legendary. There should be a story element to explain Legendary items and how to hunt and grind for the specific ones that we want. Imagine going to beat Illidan back in the day because you're after the Warglavies of Azzinoth, but instead, to your horror, upon looting his body, a flashy orange pop up appears on your screen saying "You have recieved: THUNDERFURY, BLESSED BLADE OF THE WINDSEEKER."
And that is where I will end my thoughts, with a bit of a chuckle. I hope some WoW Dev sees my thoughts maybe..
I know I've not touched everything, but I think if they could get all of this core stuff right every expansion and keep it consistent, then things would only get better and better.
I had nightmares of the mage tower.
What if…They find a way to get us to unlock the weapon skins
Make us use our legion weapons to unlock a hc mode for the boss and make us unlock the skin. I kind of want them to make the mage tower seasonal for a new transmog
I can finish the Druid tank mage tower this time around! And I hopefully won’t be to under geared.
Make all reputations account-wide based on your most advanced character
HI asmon
along the vane of playable tuskars why can't tauren have some customization to look like the Taunka.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. ONCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 50 alts up to level and stuck at covenants leggos relics etc. SO TEDIOUS! I just love every class and spec I can't play 1 toon!
If Blizzard just knew how to actually release new content and fix the game whenever it needs to, not whenever it is too late
Raises hand as guilty MacBook trackpad user also 🙈🙈
I was super excited about the return of the mage tower, then I read no artifact weapon transmogs and was instantly disappointed. I don't see the purpose of keeping the original level and difficulty but not the original rewards.
My biggest question is fuckin when people have been running their head about the changes i haven't seen one in game as of yet so when is all this suppose to happen at the end of the expansion or what
🤮 Game is dogshit.
So is it just made tower coming back or will gold challenge stuff come back? If not then this is dumb!
I've never heard anyone hate something as much as this dude and this damn mage tower.
I'd love to see flight points unlock account wide!
They give us everything we want? Time for upright Forsaken and skinny Kul Tirans!
The exclusivity question for mage tower and all of the people complaining that it should not be available… The reason why this cancerous way of thinking has done far more damage to this game than you realize is actually quite simple. Can you imagine, for one single moment, what it feels like to love this game and want to do all those things and instead be deployed overseas and have zero access to civilization, making your ability to acquire these things impossible? Can you put your selfish ass in someone else's shoes and realize that life is brutal sometimes and timed events like this take so much away from people whose situation isn't perfect? I have missed several events in wow thanks to my job, everything from PVP sets and mounts to this mage tower, and there have certainly been times like the deaths in my family that took me away from gaming. Timed events like this hurt when you miss it, and it is certainly one of the many reasons why wow's been bleeding players for years. The mage tower, much like those season exclusive PVP sets, absolutely needs to be permanently available to the player base in some way shape or form because life isn't perfect. Considering how they want to attract new players as well, you do realize how bad it feels for them to get into wow and realize there are cool things they can never get themselves simply because they were to young or unaware of the game when they came out? For the health of the game, this is a change we badly need.
Don’t drop alliance and horde, relax grouping rules and bring back the order halls as a permanent feature so your character can tell the endless war machine of the factions to fish off and work for Azeroth instead.
This just became my favorite show!
Everything should be Account Wide and an option to create a 'New game +' character, which you start with nothing that is acc wide.
Playable Tuskarr in WotLK Classic?
I've been embarrassed by the fact I've been playing WoW on a new Macbook WITH a trackpad for over a week now–hearing I'm not alone in that was… refreshing, hahahaha! 😂 Cheers for that! 😁👍