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…so, what’s next? Will there be a 9.3? When’s the next expansion? We’ve looked at some past dates, and thought about the production realities of the game – so we have some pretty good estimates.
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0:00 Intro
0:26 A Repeat Of WoD?
2:26 When Is 9.2?
4:48 Will There Be A Patch 9.3?
6:57 The Next Expansion?
8:45 Blizzard’s Hiring Push
9:37 What About Delays?
11:06 What’s Best For You?
The Game Engine doesn't need a big revamp, the development team does, specifically Ion
Just give the people what they want – LEGION classic servers lmao. Lets replay the last excellent expansion.
I never stoped playing WOW before but i really have nothing fun to do at this point.
WoW desperately needs to expand it's "world". Less one off gimmicks only applicable to that expansion and more mechanics/content to flesh out the world as a whole.
guess what blizz will do for the new expac? easy… FRESH START RETAIL!
You people still play this pay to win crap? You are all dumb or your parent's have lots of money on their credit cards. One or the other. Keep believing the lies of Activision. Blizzard is dead, face the truth.
They introduce a flawed system and spend the entire duration of an expansion to fix it anybody else think this is really really dumb?
Dude i knew this XPAC was SHIT 10 minutes into it. I been playing since 2005 and i can say this is worse then warlords…. this is the shittiest fucking xpac they ever released its SO LACKING and lazy!!!!
Man I want a good mmo. I have played wow off and on since vanilla I got my wife into wow in the last couple years (she just became a gamer in the last 3/4 years.) she absolutely loves the feel of an mmo but I feel like retail is a shell of the true wow/mmo experience. We switched over to classic and almost hit cap. I love classic and she enjoys it but I wish we could combine some of the elements of modernization of retail wow, lots of stuff to do cosmetics battle pets dungeon finder with some of what makes old wow so great the community the real sense of slow progression drops at every level actually mattering. Maybe that’s paradoxical but I don’t think the extra bells and whistles is what sucked the soul out of the game. I think optional extra content is fine but with the current state of server sharding progression etc wow feels more like destiny then an mmo. Unless you find a guild it’s basically a single player game where you can join strangers you will never see again for group content. I know blizz is in hot water but I haven’t given up on wow yet. I think the turmoil and backlash of modern retail wow combined with the success of classic will either make or break wow. It will either die for real this time or through the crucible become a game we are proud to play and enjoy again.
People still playing this game? The Lich King is dead, the end.
4:55 they're coming for ya, Bellular! :p
I simple dont expect them to make a decent expansion anymore. I will play it (maybe) only after like 2-4 months after launch if it proves it self to be worthy.
I’ve quit the game when 9.1 released. I couldn’t find any joy in doing torghast en leveling my renown. The games make me feel like I have to do chores. The state of this game is just utter shit.
Play final fantasy xiv instead… It's better in every way shape and form
I really wish Z-boy would remake reality in a way where we have to start over. I'd love to wake up in Elwyn Forest with amnesia. Keep my toon, keep my achievements….restart the journey with some twists to reality that we must overcome.
I sure hope 10.0 is not a shit show like sl.
WoW is OLD! the engine should have been updated YEARS ago. THey decrease bgs 120v120 to 40v40, that is what a company does when they do not care.
Great coverage, thanks for keeping us up to date
All eyes shall be opened
One question. Is it worth start shadowlands now or wait for new expansion? Do i still have time to lvl up and explore shadowlands?
Blizz has to find an American Yoshi-P and make him/her lead the further development of WoW. Imagine what a turnaround that would be
Unpopular opinion: Shadowlands was my favorite expansion so far
Look it's easy Blizzard need to realise that they can't fix our complaints. For some complexe reason that you are to expect from something that big with so many moving parts and comeback to an earlier way of doing things. That might not have work all the time for everybody either but we seem to mostly agree was better than this version. I don't even want to talk about why we mostly agree that this way of doing things with all the time gated stuff and wierd anti alt and multi specking on top of random ass rng. But yes, I preferer the same amount of content I can go through like a got damn speedy boy if I want to go at it for hours. Or just enjoy a bit of every activities the game as to offer just doing what seem relevant to my progression with the limited time I have play.
I really dont think they should release expansion next year, it feels like we are getting less and less for our money with each expansion and asking people to buy a new one while Shadowlands is still in quite the state will not sit well with many people, I certainly am not interested in buying another expansion. They can just make 9.3 a setup for the new expansion, who cares, just dont make us pay 50 bucks again for no reason. Give us aditional patch and take the time for new expansion to be actually awesome.
What about wotlk classic expansion?
I'm honestly scared for the next expansion. If there is an expansion after Shadowlands they would have to put in A LOT of work to make it worth going back. Idk about anyone else but in my opinion, the past few expansions just felt more like a chore than actual gameplay.
I know a lot of people don't agree with this, but I kind of hope there will be a reboot for WoW. Yes, we might lose our achievements and the 100s of mounts and pets we've collected throughout the years. But I mean we're already been doing that with WoW classic right?
They could just bin modern WoW and focus on making Classic TBC/Wrath friggin awesome. That would make more people stick around after its launch
WOW needs to be redone from ground up, starting with the graphics. WOW has so much potental to be better. ohh and add a boob slider