Insane 9.1 PTR Rogue PvP Change – Shadowlands Guide – World of Warcraft

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Today we look at the new pvp talent called hemotoxin, It seems just a little bit busted. Until we actually get to see it in action it will be hard to tell but if it stays the way it reads on the tooltip then I believe rogues will be super strong in PvP

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8 thoughts on “Insane 9.1 PTR Rogue PvP Change – Shadowlands Guide – World of Warcraft”

  1. ► ► Twitch:​ ◄ ◄ everyday around 11am till 3pm Uk times – Also Streaming raid testing this friday. Follow me!
    New Patch new me! – I'll be ripping through the content in the next few days on stream and bringing daily videos to the channel covering hot topics! Anything you would to see explained or looked at leave feedback below.

  2. The master assassin change is not fair, it's basically 2 abilities now crit, what's the point of the legendary now? Looking at the rest of the sub legendaries, I don't even know which one I'd switch to, they're all so lame. All the other classes have multiple choices that are worth while for pvp, while each rogue spec has one. If they introduce something else in this patch for sub rogue pvp, then I won't be as salty, but MA is not OP in any pvp scenario where people have ilvl 213 or higher.

  3. Killing off players a little bit more every patch this will be my 4th covenant I've had to level to 40 on the same rogue. First we were Kyrian….then Nightfae….recently Venthyr….and now I have to go necro to be viable in high end arena as Assass….I cbf playing this game anymore pvp is so bad it's not worth this continuous grind. I'll see you in the next xpac

  4. master assassin nerf takes away sub completely as it was the only competitive pvp spec for rouges, but the huge buff to sassin will be extremely meta but it was nice having an option to play a different way…


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