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1 pog
Still get pooped on by caster cleaves
Smexxin darker ui addon?
I like prot warriors
BTW ty for the comp breakdowns <3 Great resource
Smash all ur buttons like crazy no matter what it is. Xept fear. Time that sometimes decently mediocre and u win
I didnt realize there was a strat to this comp. Its just run at healer and zugzug all game.
Awesome video! Especially love the optimal targeting section as I feel that is the biggest struggle when getting into arenas. Been a subscriber to the site for a year now and there is nothing better out there if you want to max your pvp knowledge. I'm currently enhance shammy but definitely gonna bring these tips to my turbo buddies, both arms and disc to up our game still. HOPE FOR A TURBO VIDEO SOON. hehe
How to play Ret, Warrior, Healer…"Smash all your buttons over and over until the enemy team dies. GG "
Extremely easy and strong comp, defo recommend this comp for new players getting into arena
thanks great video
Nice video. When's the rmp video. xD
how the pros play : hit w and zug
"You log in and realize you can't just blow every cooldown at the beginning.." "so the way ret warrior wins is they blow all their cooldowns at the beginning and let the momentum carry them…" wat
Anyone can tell me what is the Addon that pop up when enemy use mind game ?
How to play Ret, Warrior, ZUG ZUG ZUG
when do you switch/splti on healer or open on healer?
Baha yea it's real hard. Use cds and then don't let up? This vid is just 17 minutes of explaining zugzug. Using words like pressure and momentum doesn't change the fact that you just like, keep hitting health bars till they hit 0.
The comment section is hilarious and shows exactly why so many people are stuck in combatant hell: their ego.
You see an in-depth breakdown of a comp that isn’t necessarily setup based and all you guys say is zug zug and complain about how easy it is. Please try it. While you will get early success from overwhelming beginners, you will soon find yourself stuck when you’re being rotted down by an affliction lock.
Find key points in this video that will teach you game winning win conditions, instead of complaining about the comp.
It’s like someone breaking down the nuances of a Zerg rush in starcraft or dive comp in League. Yes, they’re simplistic, but what separates a 1400 ret/war and a 2400 team? It’s definitely not just gear.
TLDR for people with no time:
This comp is op and if you cannot win with it you'd probably lose playing any other comp. You just suck
Great video! Comps breakdowns are just what I was hoping for