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Welcome to my INSANE Gladiator Warrior PvE DPS Build Phase 3 Guide in World of Warcraft video!
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0:00 – Intro + Gameplay
1:00 – Logs
1:26 – Armor Debuffs
2:44 – Hazzas & Morphaz
5:15 – Talents
6:33 – Gear
11:08 – Runes
14:22 – Rotation
15:28 – GOLD GUIDE
16:00 – Consumables
19:40 – Macros
20:40 – Conclusion
21:30 – Outro
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#WoW #Ulfhednar #Warrior #SoD #Blizzard
Hopefully next one will be with other missing consumables and TSA while not messing up Mighty rage potions
Live everyday:
Always useful to watch the guide 🤘🏻
Thank you for the guide. The consumables too much for me, but i am sure things will still be fine with some cheaper alternatives. 🙂
the cloak dropped from interrogator the first time i killed it, guess it can drop off both bosses.
How do you feel about the Wild Gods boots?
wheres the echoes of dread WA? 😉
echoes of dread WA please
Do these armor reducers stack or are all these streamers just not mentioning thag?
Can someone pls help me. Is a glad warrior with 3 pieces of shield block armor and stacking all the block value possible. Wouldn't the potentially be able to pump ?
Why my tank are not able to keep threat and let me loose my World buff when deepwound tick to 2k7 / 3 k ? 🤣
How would you value Flurry Axe for a glad build? Is thrash blade better statistically for the build or just easier to acquire so better?
Thank you for the video, I was looking for a tank warrior video for a long time, it was great. I want to ask you something very short. I didn't do "engineering", I learned "mining" to make "blacksmithing" easier and make more money. Do you think I'm losing a lot because I didn't choose Engineering? (I'm playing tank warrior)
Not even shield slams, that looks boring hahaha
Take a shot everytime this guy says armor
what are these nameplates?
Could we see shredz talents and build? I’m going glad tank on Wednesdays raid🤩
great guide
shoulders weak aura please
Can you share the consumes weakaura
Could you link the "echoes of dread" and the armor reduce weak aura you used?
Thank You. looking forward for your guides everytime a new phase comes out.
Bogling roots : )
Yessss boiiii
Ashenvale incursions, or the higher level ones?
Where are we get the weak aura for armor debuffs?
on alliance side its cup of cake heal this type of tank with holy pala, would like to see how horde comrades heal this abomination 🙂 , but ye must say really nice build, keep going, hope your raid will go with some rets aswell or prot tanks because they buffing today martyrdom mana wise on same level as shamanistic rage, so ye hype 🙂 and good luck!
the cloak will drop from interigator, i have farmed it on two toons now