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Here’s a collection of randomised facts that I thought you might like that are mini deep dives into the lore and story of Destiny 2. Enjoy.
Is Destiny 2, World of Warcraft in Space?
The leviathan breath?
Gotta be leviathans right?
Wish ender
Le monarque? Certainly mine at least
Guessing Wish Ender due to its wielder’s age
Definitely Leviathan's Breath, ot was used by one of Calus' shadows, someone who hunted monsters and others with it.
For anyone wondering, it would be Leviathan's Breath as stated in its lore tab by Banshee-44; "Don't ask me where I heard this—I honestly can't remember—but legend has it this Bow has fouled more behemoths and seen more of the known universe than the whole Vanguard combined. You hear a lot of stories when you work as a Gunsmith as long as I have, and this Bow has a wild one. This thing is the king of killers. Almost got Ghaul, too. I think it was, uhm, Calus, who had it crafted for his huntsmaster—what's her name? Voyc? Yeah."
I've always thought this bit of lore was pretty cool, honestly; I'd recommend reading the whole lore tab since it's a rather short but good read!
and just like wow the devs are incompitent adn dont listen to the fans <3
Hold on, ghosts will release their shell when reviving a guardian… what does that mean 🤨
Levies breath
So you're saying my ghost strips when it revives me?
Wish ender or wish keeper are my guesses
I think hierarchy of needs should atleast be a runner up since that one AI got put in it
So shells are like clothes for ghosts.
That "Great Creature" in Chicago was probably that Pitbull with a Marlboro Cigarette.
So does thay mean the they have very nudey skins 😂
Leviathans breath
Leviathan's breathe
What handcannon were you showing in the footage, and how do you get it
So the class shells for warlock, titan, and hunter is petty much naked ghost shells