Is FFXIV Better Than WoW? – Final Fantasy 14 vs World of Warcraft

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Is FFXIV Better Than WoW

There is a huge movement right now of people joining FFXIV, especially people leaving WoW to play FFXIV. We are seeing more and more new players and even more WoW veterans joining FFXIV every day.

As a WoW Veteran myself who recently started playing FFXIV around a month ago, I wanted to open the discussion of is FFXIV better than WoW and my thoughts on that.

These are all my thoughts and opinions, and I am loving my time in FFXIV so far, and don’t think I’ll be going back to WoW. But I would love to know what you all think in the comments!

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0:00 Intro
1:55 Classes and Alts
7:20 Old Content
10:55 Dungeons and Raids
14:12 The Community
18:50 The Developers
21:25 Summary and My Opinion

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49 thoughts on “Is FFXIV Better Than WoW? – Final Fantasy 14 vs World of Warcraft”

  1. Hey everyone thanks so much for watching the video! I knows it’s not my normal type of video, but since making the move from WoW to FFXIV I’ve wanted to get all my thoughts out into one video. These are just my opinions, would love to know what you all think in the comments!

  2. I appreciate the way you handled this! I played WoW and tried it multiple times. I just can't get into it. I love FFXIV Community, Story, Music, and Level Design. I felt that your opinion on FFXIV was fair, and I always tell my friends to try the free trial before buying. Period. If you don't like it you don't like it. Don't force it! Don't story skip and miss out on stuff or feel that the game is about the endgame only. Truth is…FFXIV is all about the Journey.

  3. A few comments I want to leave, and I'll start with a question: is the "you think you do, but you don't" guy the same Blizzard rep who issued the non-apology when they took Blitzchung's prize money away?

  4. I can't stand the colors(dunno how to word it), the design of many many monsters/characters and the story, I would love to like the game but it's just impossible. Every big baddy is a Sephiroth kind of guy, there's always some big weird (and IMO not really goodlooking) robots and the story to put it simply is just very FinalFantasy like (duh) and it's just not for me

  5. Dude. Thank you for not saying that PvP in FFXIV sucks. I mean, I get it…it's not the greatest and I agree with you that WoW does it better. But it's not terrible. It's still something I have fun doing.

  6. After 16 years of WoW I quit and started FFXIV. WoW had it's cool moments but at the moment the state of the game is terrible. After leveling so many characters, doing almost all content at one moment you got a burnout from the game. Meanwhile Final Fantasy is amazing franchise worth playing. I wish I had found it earlier. Playing from one week and having a blast. 🙂

  7. oh man i know this is an old video but it hit something on my heart lol. i played wow from vanilla up thru cataclysm and left mainly because they broke low level twink PvP, which had a close knit community and was the main draw for me for a long time (like endgame raiding and PvP were cool, but doing premade vs premade wsg at lvl 29 was so much more damn fun lol).

    it's sad to hear a lot of the old content in wow is also ruined now tho, i had no idea it was like that 😢 wow classic existing is starting to make sense lol. i do miss the PvP sometimes, but i've played xiv for over a year and a half now and it's so much more immersive and rewarding. they really make your WoL feel like they belong in the story, and you actually care about the npcs you fight alongside. i didn't really feel that very often in wow.

    also you mentioning the devs made my heart warm, the team deserves everything 🥺 world of difference between the two.

  8. people can say well its a matter of taste or preference but lets be logical. anyone who wants to get into a new game or do their first mmo would not pick wow and it is a trash suggestion for the first mmo. thats just a fact. the graphics are shit and not good for new players. and sorry but no i dont care if they improved since its release they are still trash when compared to most games that exist. hate to break it to you wow vets but its true the graphics in wow are garbage and will stay garbage. ff14 has way more variety in its game than wow does and it does it way better. yea it has better pvp but if its pvp then guild wars 2 easily beats wow thus i would suggest guild wars 2 instead of wow for pvp thus still making wow a bad choice. imo wow should have died out years ago but because of how well known and popular it is and almost no other mmos ever came close to its level of popularity as well as the constant dlc releases for new content nothing could compete. guild wars 2 should have rivaled it but it wasnt as popular as wow so it wouldnt surpass wow. so for pvp go to guild wars 2. for everything else ff14. wow is clunky animations are bleh and there is no story and the crafting and optional stuff is as basic and as boring as you can make it.

  9. I'm a WoW refugee for sure. I still play a bit in the free-to-play 20 community since I no longer want to pay for a game that isn't fun. I'm level 21 on my trial account in FF14 and I'm having a blast. I plan on paying for the FF14 sub once my WoW sub ends on my alt account.

  10. I was just wondering, does FF require alot more computer wise compared to WoW?,…im dread sick of WoW and many ppl in my guild left for FF,….and im to the point where i want out too,….sick of grinding multiple alts and every patch being nothing more than running around a map killing rares, and i think mythic + ruined WoW because now within my guild we have a subdivision of 5 players that exclusively run M+ to get overgeared for normal raids, then they complain about everybody else not being geared up…its ridiculous, raiding was supposed to be HOW you geared up!
    Now all people do is spend the week grinding out whatever is going to give them vault rewards, the rest of the game is literally non existant.

  11. The problem I have with ffxiv is graphics. I feel like wow just looks much better. Also, I feel like the special effects are done better in wow. I feel like hitting an enemy with chaos bolt from my warlock in wow is just more satisfying than hitting an enemy with any spell I currently have spell in ffxiv.

  12. I recently started FFXIV. Played wow until mist. Loved their vanilla content best.
    I have no regret starting FFXIV. The community are the nicest people around.

  13. nice video but I have to disagree on some stuff with you, for one the job system does not skip the leveling prosses all it preety much does is that you keep the look of the char and have to level the class normaly just without all the quest you allready finished ( but not comming up with a new name for every char is nice).

    Speaking of wich the leveling process in ff14 is atrocious (i am around lvl 30 right now so maybe it changes) but i changed classed and with all of them you have 2 to 3 attacks and no class mechanis until lvl 30 so 30% threw the leveling prosses and I cant even immagine the shit blizzard would get for doing that kinda thing (for example enhancemand sharman get his malestrom and rogues there combo point at around lvl 20)

    while thanks to Chromie leveling up in wow is one of the most fun I had because it exactly does what you also sayed level set you to that expansion so I dont get why blizzard takes it away when you reach shadowlands same with the dungeons.

    on top of that the quest in ff14 are bad like wow classic or burning cursade bad i havend encauntered a quest which is not A: talk to people or B: kill X creatures on top of that I dont get the hipe around the story especialy when wow gets dunked on for its story (like I sayed i am not far into the story so this may change) but so far nothing of note happend exept bbeg looking manacing and everybody telling me how great i am and all this in a snails pace the best example is when you have to chose a faction/city you have to go to all three citice see a cut scene read with the elf boy telling you that the speach of the leader is properganda, like duh thats the natiour of them and all this tree times only to then travel back to the club house tell them I like the cool ones and then travel to there city back and all this with a shit tone of text boxes who mostly say nothing and i am not someone who hates reading I love it actualy but this is to much and to boring.

    okay sorry for the rant but everybody praises the ff14 story but so far its the most boring slugish stuff I have ever had the displeasure to experiance and if it wasnt for my friend waiting at the end of the proverbial tunnel to play and everybody saying its good I would have stopped before I got my chocobo

  14. To be completely fair, the extreme weeb vibe is extremely offputting to me. I could never play ff14 on that basis alone. Play what you want to play, but for me, it's defo wow. Changes have been positive so far. And i'm still having fun. I skip the story completely on most games and get tot he action en mechanics. And wow is still solid there.

  15. "the class quests are incredible" – yeah, until lv50… After that Every class quest is shit as f#ck.
    "in ff14 everything is open" – yeah, this makes the story even more boring than it already is. Playing as Mary Sue who is perfect in every way possible and can do everything just as perfect is an Ultimate Boring.
    I stopped right here.

  16. 'I love the WORLD of warcraft, but I dont llike the game' is perhaps the best summary of how many of us former WoW player feels who have now drifted to FFXIV.

    The only downside I've encountered so far is the glamour system in FFXIV. it just feels clunky when you're used to transmogging in WoW

  17. I tried FFIX last year on a free trial. I didn't play much of it, as when I played I felt increasingly bored with it. The entire first HOUR of the game was just me running back and forth between areas talking to people. I didn't even get to see the combat. When I did see the combat it felt so underwhelming. A couple of my friends played FFIX and encouraged me to press on as they said it got better at the end. I probably got to lvl 13 or so before I just dropped it due to it feeling so banal, and I could not see my self playing it to end game. Prior to I hadn't played MMORPG's since 2016 (RIP Wildstar). I played WoW in WotLK and stopped in Cata. Ironically, it was my disappointment at FFIX (and Microsoft taking over ActBliz) that pushed me back into playing WoW.

  18. The way WoW is going is the same story as the now shut down Star Wars Galaxies the Devs at Sony Online Entertainment stopped listening to players and just put out half-baked updates and content.

    Ironically SWG has been revived on unofficial servers like Star Wars Galaxies Legends courtesy of some code that's rumored to have been stolen for those that want to relive their swg adventures minus the Atmospheric Flight that the official game had prior to shutting down and the team behind SWG Legends have even added new original content like Bespin and Farming/Ranching content the Devs had started working on but never finished.

  19. Not sure if I missed it but FFXIV also gives an XP boost (a huge one) for any job lower than your highest one so once you get one job capped your others are waaaaay faster to level.

  20. WoW devs hate the players. FF14 devs love the players… and can write a great story. There is no competition here, FF14 is a far, far superior game. ION destroyed WoW year after year of arrogance and disdain. Yoshi rebuilt FF14 and turned it into an absolute masterpiece. It is SO much more friendly and fun. WoW feels like a job you hate that pays less than min wage. FF14 feels like ten thousand friends you just have not met yet cheering each other on.

  21. I met my first toxic player in FF14 yesterday, I was doing Gubal Library for the first time, the final boss wiped us twice and the tank started raging at me and another sprout player, but the other experienced player shut him down super quick. He got kicked, and we got another tank, and cleared the final boss first try after that, new tank was super nice too when they got in.

  22. trying to jump into wow, right now for the first time is strange. You do the first area, get chucked into something with npcs that you know nothing about etc. Ffxiv spends time at the start of the game, introduces you to these new characters, and they have a striking personality which makes them memorable.

    And also! I tried getting into wow, but the what… 5 hours of gameplay I get until level 20 really sucks, especially from a game that relies so heavily on endgame????!

    Ffxiv and its critically acclaimed heavensward free trial allows me to play SO MUCH without even spending ANY money? I literally had 150-200 hours in the game before I finished heavensward, and that didn't include any of the FUN FUN side stuff and side jobs, I could make up my mind that I liked how this game felt. Playing until level 60 gives you an AMAZING feel to each of the classes that you have for free. you get access to a full interactive rotation with enough abilities to make decisive choices, but level 20 in wow doesn't give that. Its maybe 3-4 abilities you'll use properly, and then a few buffs and stuff.

  23. neither is better o.o it depends purely on the player if they like WoW more or FF14 more. the only thing which letting shine FF14 a bit more then WoW is that the FF14 devs actually PLAY their game and that they have a bond to their community which is the reason why FF14 has such a huge community support vs WoW where the community tries to destroy the game and only flames it to death … which the WoW dev´s seem to … like? … iunno xD.

  24. My wife and I started WoW early without any PlugIns. No DPS-meter not Boss help…nothing and we had a funtime with the guild. We played and laughed in Teamspeak. I lost fun, when I realized, that I need to farm 5 days a week boring daylies only to raid the other two days a week. And in summer 2015 I had a feeling of missing the sun, warm weather and BBQ with friends.
    I stopped playing WoW from one day to the next. Later I started with Guild Wars 2, because of no subscription. Pay once and you're good and I played solo consequently.
    Now I started with ff xiv and it's literally the best mmo, I ever played. The story is amazing, my own character is completely implemented in the story and the cutscenes, a fantastic community and I can use the lfg without fearing to get kicked for mistakes, bad equip or anything. Actually I'm playing free2play but the content is so big, I won't believe it's free.
    Oh yes: the tons of side quests and funny times, e.g. Hildebrand and co.

  25. What about you play none of them? Simplier, makes the question irrelevant, makes people seek for new games they would have never played otherwise, quitting mmos made me join a game with soo many great people that I care about :3

  26. Okay video is 1 year old but i thought ill say it anyway: What makes the biggest difference for me? Old content (allianceraids and so on) in FF14 is NATURALLY build in. It even gives you progress. You que the daylie-dungeonruns and raidruns and you see them everyday naturally. Except "timewalking" which is bound to me to a maxlevel char where do you see old content the same way i now discribed?
    Thats what made me go away from wow beside how they handle storycontent.
    And what blizzard missed ALL THE YEARS is to scold the "kids" you have in wow. The mass of ppl insulting each other over stupid stuff for example. Its shocking to me how "normal" ppl feel about how toxic a MASS of ppl is. And sorry to say somehow but now with 36 years growing with wow i cant stand it anymore.
    In FF14 i meet ppl like that too but not even close to how often i was confronted with it in wow. They handle the community way more well then i ever saw in an mmo.
    Called it "i found my peace" or whatever, even call me a snowflake i dont care but i never was more happy.
    STILL: I sure look into WoW from time to time. I guess somewhere in my head i still have hope for it or whatever. But as fast as i take a look im out again.
    Somehow sad but it is what it is i guess.

  27. So, i believe they updated Crystalline Conflict shortly after you made this but one thing about F14 PVP is balance, 14 has their own pvp abilities that are balanced for specifically pvp. Also PvP quality as far as feel is subjective some people like certain styles, some like others.

  28. Eh. Every time I get a blizzard game, the main component is something that happened before the player entered the world, and the result is something beyond the player's control, or that happens after the game ends. Blizzard is not good at writing games. That's all there is to it for me.

  29. I can say without question 14 has the better devs. They literally have an event every year in-game thanking the players for their support and the devs actually play their own game, Yoshi-P is basically making the game he thinks is fun, plus Yoshi-P is a legitimately good Savage raider. Plus they actually have fun with their community and actually embrace the memes, such as Soken's wonderful live shitpost of La Hee, the polygon grapes being made into a stress toy as part of the fanfest goodie bag, and giving an homage to a popular meme about the Twinning during last fanfest. Plus there's the fact that Soken literally made one of the community's favourite boss tracks while fighting cancer and kept it hidden from the dev team so he could work on the soundtrack as if nothing was different.


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