IS IT FUN? The Shadowlands PALADIN Class Review! Retribution, Protection & Holy

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Tired of your groups dying? Want to handle mechanics, do damage, and keep your group healed, no matter your spec? Paladin is the class for you.
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49 thoughts on “IS IT FUN? The Shadowlands PALADIN Class Review! Retribution, Protection & Holy”

  1. Mained Ret for many years and still my fav but never felt so squishy as I do in SL, I take so much damage from normal attacks it sometimes feels like I have res sickness and have to heal way more than I ever did before. I've kinda gotten used to it now and changed my playstyle to adapt, its improved with better gear but I miss the feel of playing a plate wearer I've enjoyed up to now.

  2. I've been ROCKIN it with paladin in shadowlands. It is THE reliable class in my opinion. It represents a lot, and all of the abilities and results are so satisfying. I love other classes, but I think SL paladin is one of my top 3 favorite expansion-classes.

  3. There is a variation within the Holy Paladin Glimmer of Light build.
    The talents Avenging Crusader and Sanctified Wrath can be alternated depending on the fight.
    There is a major reason as to why this is important to mention: If you pick Avenging Crusader, Mastery loses a lot of value, as your Crusader Strike and Judgement won't be affected by it, making it your worst stat possible, instead of the second best. Because of this, I'm building critical strike rating as the secondary stat, instead.

    I also suspect that if they buffed the duration of Glimmer of Light, or if it could be applied by other skills (and not just a single target one with 8 seconds of cooldown), our HPS would improve a lot, making us more competitive healers, and potentially saving us from the struggle that is mythic+ AoE healing.

    That said, I understand that we're almost there (balance-wise) and there are other classes/specs that are in a more urgent need of some love. Like Priests in general.

  4. Michael, your review of prot showcases a major hole in your experience – M+. Prot paladin has one SIGNIFICANT strength that was totally overlooked – we're the interrupt GODS.

  5. Cavalier is a must for ANY Pally spec, that extra 3s burst of speed is downright handy, whether you're chasing down any enemy player in BGs, covering ground in PvE, or if you're just getting the hell out of dodge.

  6. All I know is paladin was my mid range geared character in BFA, and level 51-60 she did more damage as ret than my hunter, DH, rogue or mage. And at 60 she is about 2-3 under my hunter main for dps, which was more than she was in BFA.

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  8. ReallY? Ret Pallies can snipe heal party members? Are we really having these tutorial videos at this point in the game? I think folks are more interested in how they're doing in the raid and M+ meta specifically.

  9. Prot and ret feel really nice for me. Holy on the other hand feels very clunky for me and my healing is very far behind for same gear level. It just feels off especially from raiding as holy all thru last two expansions. Feels like I just can't get the heals off fast enough. Flash of light doesn't feel like it heals the same and you don't always have 3 holy power to send a big word of glory heal, which I feel they really made the big new thing for holy power. Epically since it shares power need of world of glory and shield bash.

  10. You forgot to mention how squishy Prot Paladins are. Bubble is great and all, but you lose your aggro after 3 seconds.
    King has a too long of a cd and can you really say its dmg mitigation if you're SELF HEALING THE DAMAGE.

  11. So many mistakes, overlooked things and bad advices. Maybe do a bit of research before making this? Like prot paladin don't have slow, they do it is called consecration and it is great for kiting mobs on necrotic weeks. Also rest of leggoss are boring? Are you kidding me? You have not even noted the most popular one for M+, you know that one making you DPS like rest of the group combined for a 20 sec or so, helps a lot with clearing dangerous packs while keeping mitigation.

  12. I main a paladin. Some things i like, some things i like but it feels like cheating, and some things i dislike.
    + I LIKE: That there is not much "telling me how to play". In the last few years abilities have been like "use this to activate that">"use that to activate the other">"now use the other ". And of course, blizzard's favorite "procs whack-a-mole" as i call it, which is never fun for me.
    ~ I LIKE, BUT: We know how blizzard loves to shower every class with short powerful cooldowns. But it makes things too easy.
    – DISLIKE: Need some sort of passive speed talent. Ugh!


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