Is Retail World of Warcraft Too Complicated?

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28 thoughts on “Is Retail World of Warcraft Too Complicated?”

  1. I remember when you were doing TellMeWhen Guides during Mist Of Pandaria on Monk and I was a new player back then, that shit sounded like Chinese and I almost changed my mind about the game back then but look at me now having 30 million Weakaura and Trackers, I guess Blizzard should pay us for doing all this hard work to play their game xD

  2. The difference with PoE is that you're playing on your own most of the time, you can take things at your own pace and you don't have to worry about underperforming and dragging the group down like in an mmo.

  3. 3v3 arena should have an account wide rating, no more character rating. This would inject mmr and would make it so that we aren't fighting all glads and rank 1s at low rating. 7/10 2k rated games are against these players it's ridiculous. It makes it very difficult to gain rating when these players are making 10 toons because it's so easy gear. Also this would make it so that u can't just reroll the flavor of the month op specs and take advantage of inbalance. This would make it feel more like any current pvp rated game where u have a "choose your hero" type of system but u are ranked with a personal cr that encompasses all of your characters. Solo shuffle would stay as is and this change would actually lower q times for solo shuffle because people would be Q'ing that more often on their alts if they don't want to jeopardize their personal 3v3 rating. U could even make 2s the same but leaving 2s as is would be nice so you could still gear alts without having to jump into solo shuffle or 3s immediately.

    Please let me know your thoughts on this modern fix for an extremely old system.

  4. POE is free to play. It's entirely different when you don't have to drop investments out of the gate. That is an immediate barrier for players thinking the game might be cool and fun, but not willing to part with the coin in order to try it. The free trial is not even close to enough.

  5. I don’t think you can compare the complexity in PoE to wow cus PoE is aimed at the hardcore sweaty players and the entire game is balanced around that but learning the systems in PoE actually end up making a lot of sense. The same can’t be said about wow there’s needless complexity and some talents should be combined. There are classes where talents will never be taken.

  6. My biggest problem is the illusion of choice and needing a totally different build for every type of gameplay. It's like I'm learning 6 different play styles and I didn't really choose any of them. I just sort of solved the math problem and that's my spec.

  7. I've tried to get real into retail WoW multiple times since the end of BFA and honestly its been kind of a struggle. I roll a dps class, but cant get a group for anything that not LFR because its not "meta" or isnt top tier dps. I tried rolling tanks, specifically DH and even telling people in my own key before hand that "hey im new and just trying to learn and is a +3" people still get upset that its not fast enough or that you arent pulling enough mobs, or you dont have all the min maxed routes memorized week 2, and your MW monk is pulling entire rooms to you when you arent expecting it and they die and flip out. I wont go anywhere near healer seeing how they take the biggest heat of anyone, let alone any pvp or ss. On top of all of that, there is a lot to keep track of when it comes to abilities of not just your own class, but every other class/spec that youre just expected to know. Meta builds, consumables, routings, boss strats etc. Thats mainly why I keep going back to classic wow. Yes, we got ultra sweaty turbo nerds who are way over the top and extra gatekeepy for 0 reason, but at least the game is easy enough to understand and super low stress. Its unfortunate because I think it keeps a lot of new players from even trying the game out in the first place, which is overall bad for a game that needs new players flowing thru it.

  8. As far as too many hotkeys: I mained Monk since it released, and I've always felt like they had way too many buttons that NEEDED to be used in rotation, but were still too hard to include in rotation….which kept escalating too having too many buttons & most of them being throw aways ( but necessary for the damage passive) It made me feel like a workhorse when I compare it to other classes for their output.

  9. Wow isn’t that hard, go play ff14 ninja or black mage and you will see a complex rotation with ninja and a hard way to min max dps with black mage. Having a high skill ceiling is something only bad players would complain about tbh. It’s not that hard to play the game and if u want a ez rotation play bm and spam barbed shot.

  10. you dont have to look far to tell the dev team is completely detached from people who actually play the game: this is a simple thing by why is the tier vendor in the middle of nowhere? how is someone supposed to find the tier vendor without looking it up? who thought that was a good idea?

  11. I think this is just an issue that WoW has had for years now. They are hardly focused on new player experience. The only new player experience stuff they've worked on in the past 10 years is Exile's Reach and that only lasts until level 10 and then runs into similar new player problems once the player is forced into BFA or has to try and figure out how chromie time works.

    Instead they are pretty much entirely catering to entrenched players, who are used to and enjoy the complexity and so they see no reason to change it.

  12. Sweaty lmfao sweaty doesnt even come close.
    In SoD first raid phase 1 BfD, in lfg chat, must have fap's shadow pots etc etc enchants etc etc and honestly none of it is needed no pots no enchants required, its classic, its easy, its open for all but your sweaty min maxxers are trying to gate keep.
    I cleared with no buffs no pots no flasks no enchants and these sweaties are deluded.
    Its a 20 year old game with a version where they made you totally op with runes and the sweaties still chat the same shit, i mean p2 SoD raid in lfg people insisting on all runes in use, its fucking Gnoma ffs get a grip.
    From someone who raided mythic in retail its fucking sad as fuck that sweaties are gatekeeping a game that doesnt require it.


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