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Wowhead came out with a speculation article suggesting the Primus could be the real big bad of World of Warcraft Shadowlands and that he is the REAL jailer, using Zovaal as his pawn. It’s a long one with lots of talk about so allow Tali to guide you through!
What if Zovaal Isn’t the True Jailer? (Shadowlands Lore Speculation)
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Isn't there some bonkers theory that maldraxxus is alive? Perhaps a big old dragon?
I'd say Bellular often falls into the camp of bad theory crafters.
I think this could have been a great way to go about the expansion and maybe it was but i think shadowlands was a victim of Covid forcing the delays and it went into a totally different direction, If shadowlands went on another year or 2 major patches and this was the twist they went with it would have been amazing in my eyes, Zovaal is such a crappy villain and making him just a pawn makes way too much sense, I also like to think Denathrius didn't actually know that Zovaal was under the influence of domination or it would be too easy for him to tell us about the primus
I wonder who the ally would be, the discription could aswell be n'zoth or some old god since they also have the "many truths" thing going on.
I really like this theory and the article was one hell of a pleasure to read, BUT: didn't blizzard at the very beginning of SL (or rather when announcing it) say that they want a very clear baddie for the expac and for there to be no surprise in that regard? I think I recall them explicitly stating that the Jailer will be the big bad.
But on the other hand maybe that was part of the narrative (jailer =/= zovaal?) or maybe they were only referring to the final BOSS of the expansion and the entire story about the primus might move over to 10.0.
Regardless, very curious on how this turns out, DiscordianKitty really presents a few too many "coincidences" for this theory to be neglected
I'm playing catch-up and just seen him, instantly thought he looked like that original draft jailer. And he genuinely looks like a nawty geeza.
I wish i could achieve this level of Copium
Blizzard's writers right now: scratching out everything they've written so far "That's way better than what we WERE going to do…"
If this is true i suddenly love shadowlands lore.
Which is why there's no way it's true.
This would redeem Shadowlands significantly for me if true.
I actually think they tried to display this, but maybe it got cut.. and all they left us were a hell of a lot of speculation. I mean, being the arbiter and not a 50000iq master strategist and military dude, how could a beeing like zovaal be that brilliant? Yes, sure denathrius.. but still.. i believe there was something else, this theory made me go hmmm. Maybe it was the primus all along
spoiler alert! : Sylvanas and Tyrande will defeat Primus together in 9.2.5 😀
U didn’t mentioned demons looking like primous
Let's not forget that Maldraxus is very likely a living creature, what with all the hair and bones. Perhaps Maldraxus itself, is the Evil Dragon allied with the primus?!
Finally have an idea for the big bad for my upcoming DnD campaign…
I just keep now thinking the primus is basically Doctor strange and knew the 1 way to victory, had himself lose then we resurrected him cus he knew it would happen 😅 also bit fishy that he had us go round collecting all the sigils before we even needed them…
12:45 Like… this happened with the BBC during WW2… They stopped the broadcast when the war started and Years later when the war was over, they returned exactly at where they stopped.
But yeah it is hilarious 😀
And the guy even used Runecarving to craft our legendary armor. What's to say the PCs aren't dominated too? 🤔
EDIT: Also, ever noticed how oribos has 1 free "slot" in the upper ring? There was for sure another zone planned that they didn't get to release.
thanks you thank you thank you thank you!
Primus share similarities with N'zoth…it is to have been said that N'zoth would take a loss if it meant that he would win big later on.
Same with Primus. Just sayin'
Have we ever defeated the Infite Dragonflight? I mean, we defeated it's master in WOTLK … but the flight itself was still very much active, right?
No one at Blizzard is clever enough or has the ability to plan properly ahead for such a thing.
What a brilliant theory, a game theory even.. but shitty pun aside if blizz doesn't implement this AS IT IS asap they deserve to lose all wow players. This is the perfect get-out-of-jail-free-card for their shitty writing (assuming it was not their plan all along, 5D chess with the playerbase and all that). Well written @DiscordianKitty if you don't want to work for Taliesin blizz should get on their knees and beg you to come write for them
I hadn't had time to read the theory, this was a great way to digest it and It is a solid theory that's a HEAP of fun to speculate about.
0:10 forgot "grabbing the lube"
This makes sense when you think about how we've all grown up playing RPG's being told that death, decay, necromancy, plagues, they are all bad, and people that use these or are a part of these things are bad and evil. So with that being the case, why are we suddenly ok with what is essentially the god of death and necromancy lol. I know that Maldraxxus is where heroes, champions of war go when they die, to join an eternal army but warriors aren't warriors without fighting and death, these are still bad things lol regardless of who it is that's fighting.
So again, why are we so casual and friendly with someone who leads and controls all of that.
If the Primus is the big bad, that’s an easy way for Blizz to take away our legendaries, too
Something I found interesting but not dissected in the video. The Primus hid his sigil in Korthia befor entering Torgast. Korthia, that the Jailer pulls into the maw. That he pulls into the maw from Zerith Mortis. Zerith Mortis where the Primus is forbidden from entering….
2 thoughts, if it was truly primus that Sylvanas sees in the teaser cinematic is she still primus dominated cause otherwise she would know and be able to tell is if she felt inclined….? and what if maldraxus itself is a big undead zombie dragon
I like this but it also validates PlatinumWoWs video about Shadowlands lore and theories. The theory will usually be better than reality.
Maybe the Primus reveal to us in game doesn’t have to happen this expansion. It could be a future plot line where we find out kinda like we did about Yrel. Set it up for when the big clash of the cosmos happens
Shadowlands is lazy and the writing is atrocious. The theory is interesting but there's too much to discredit it. Particularly sylvanas with the shadow figure but serving zovaal. It's a change in artwork because blizzard is lazy. That's all.
Worst part is, I commented about the silhouette of the 'Jailer' looking more like the primus a very long time ago… Luckily I wasnt the only one that noticed 😀
This is a much better story than what will inevitably turn out to be live. I might live to eat my words, but I'm just not feeling this many twisty turns are in Blizz's storytelling arsenal.
The real jailer is Talliesin obviously..
Primus is literal happy Santa Claus with cane and all, except his interests include war, 5D strategy, inventing slavery magic, creating plague and undeath, necromancy, crafting soul sucking weapons, and skeletons/skulls with his "mal draxxus" buddies.
Necromancy alone is something we see at the start of Shadowlands in Exile's Reach when undead dragon is resurected, and just recently we learn about updated areas in Northrend builds, where Galakronds (evil dragon) bones have disappeared.
And what ally could show the Primus the infinite choices like NZoth?
Love this theory. I remember leveling through Maldraxxus and thinking "this statue that I am reconstructing is a very compelling and enigmatic character, hmmm" and when I met him chained up I knew it was him. Him being this much of a 4d chess player would fit quite neatly, almost so well it would make up for Zovaal being an underdeveloped turd.
But I don't think this is it. I can't see the writing team developing the actual antagonist this well, not with their recent track record
i want this to be real so badly
even if it's not, i'm gonna pretend it is