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WoW has been around for a long time and a lot of people have different opinions of difficulty in the game, but one of the most interesting pieces of content snuck in with patch 9.2 and is flying under that radar.
In my opinion, this is easily up there as the most mechanically complicated content in the game, and certainly the hardest thing that can be done solo atm.
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Funny fact. If you're a Kyrian, there's an anima power that whenever your Kyrian ability hits someone, that target is mind controlled. Eventually, almost all the bosses fight each other while you simply survive or spam chains of ice. The hardest part is getting out of the first, maybe second level of Layer 8. Loads of fun tho!
Kyrian prot paladin has a build that allows you to almost spam divine toll and it stuns for 3 seconds. It was hard AF to solo layer 8. It took me dozens of tries
Kyrian Vengeance DH! 😀 you should try it, it has great DPS and sustain, almost impossible to die 😀
Well, i can confidently say that i will not be doing any of this content lol. I didnt even know this existed to be honest. With that being said, i love that this is in the game for people to enjoy the way you are enjoying it. Im not sure if ive heard a video from you where youve sounded this excited maybe besides watching expansion release streams
Hunter is the easiest perma aspect of the turtle and you can attack and use skills while using it
Me and my bud have had lots of fun in torghast all expansion. It was like a weekly thing we did.
He's a balance druid and I'm a blood dk. Lots of fun synergy.
And the challenge of solo Jailer is not to be taken lightly.
Resto shammys rule Torghast and its so much fun and satisfying