Is WOW 2 Happening? The RESET After SHADOWLANDS

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Is World of Warcraft 2 the only option for WoW to go forward and how possible is it?
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World of Warcraft 2 has been one of the longest speculations in the history of the game. Seeing that WoW is 17 years old it is really no surprise that we would be expecting an updated version of the game, the fabled WoW 2. What would World of Warcraft 2 look like?

However how likely is this really, is wow 2 happening, is it possible and would current Blizzard even be able to pull it off. Additionally, even if we don’t get WoW 2, could we get a reset version of the current World of Warcraft, something akin to Cataclysm. We know the Jailer is attempting to reset the universe and destroy the First One mechanism. What if after Shadowlands he actually succeeds and things never are the same?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


33 thoughts on “Is WOW 2 Happening? The RESET After SHADOWLANDS”

  1. didn't you complain about BfA being too "worldly"? we are fighting gods and saving universe and then returning to good old war, while now you say in wow 2 they should do that

  2. Here's how I would love them to go about this:

    They make WoW 2's timeline set, like, 10 years from Shadowlands. Basically just a huge time skip. On retail, they make one or two more expansions wrapping up the current storyline thet have going (if they even know what they're trying to do). That way, players have more time to play the characters they've built up for so long. Meanwhile, on WoW 2, they remake all the zones, remake all the models, remake the classes/make new classes, so on, so forth. Future expansions for WoW 2 would be about more simple situations; Dragon Isles, maybe the large ass caverns under Kalimdor, whatever else.

    Personally, this is how I would do it, but at this point, all we can do is hope for something better than what is the current state of the game

  3. What progress… on lauch of a new expansion you can easily access the content with or without boosted character only thing lost would be pets mounts and achievements. They could easily port that stuff over tho.

  4. I know it's not why but what if the reason for all the BFA and Shadow lands issues were because they've been working on a revamp? Upgrading to new engines can also solve a lot of limitation problems and open up new possibilities. it's not all headaches like people make it seem.

  5. They need to fix the story, add content, stop making it this insane grind system, have the next expansion involve going back to azeroth. Wow 2 is unnecessary, just make warcraft 4. Fix what you have blizzard, if you reset wow I'm done Azeroth has become a low level quest graveyard

    *I don't mind the graphics, etc*

  6. Given all the nonsense the devs are pulling for 9.1.5 I honestly don't trust them to create a WoW2. Seems like the pronoun mafia has taken over at WoW development and I'm not interested in giving my money to pandering snowflakes.

  7. I think it is unreasonable to expect to use the same character for 15 years. I'd take wow 2 and abandon my old character. People were willing to dump everything and move to ff.

  8. Just out of curiosity, when u say that tbc is doing quit well. What do you base that on? Classic was definitely a success given the thriving world. Tbc on the other hand(in me experience anyway) is filled with bots, empty group finder, dying guilds and an rather empty world. I’m not trying to be a “hater” I just think that you’re experience is rather different from mine ….

  9. I have been playing for 16 years and I have 36 k Achievement points… If they are simply going to delete all this effort (without finding a way to bring at least the most impressive of these achievements – titles – mounts in this new version) then there is absolutely no chance that i'm going to support this new project. All good things end at some point and WoW has stopped being a good game since early MoP….

  10. I would like to see a WoW 2.0 just transfer Al your stuff from old WoW to the new one and be done with it.

    My main thing would be is just making sure gameplay is good and actually have good lore going forward

  11. This universe reset reminds me of an outcoming anime wich is:

    SPOILER (I warned you)

    Jojo Adventures: Stone Ocean.

    I know. Is hard to compare the two but since the jailer said that he wants to reform the universe i had a feeling Blizz just want to reset and make wow great again. I short about Jojo: The bad guy wants to fulfill his dead masters will and reform the world (ZA WARUDO) where there is only justice and blablabla. SPOILER: His plan almost completed, but half way he was killed. The known world was ereased but a new was created by the bad guy, but because he died in the process this world isnt flawless as he desired.

    With the new world there is countless new possibility but its kind a bitter-sweet end. Imagene that ther is no more Stormwind or Orgrimmar or Dalaran, but we have King Donalds and Mc Burger in the new world.

  12. WoW 2 is really not neccessary. All we need is a really good and creative story. Or I would look forward to see Warcraft 4 (As someone mentioned down there). The games art style is iconic, it also not a neccessary change in my opinion.

  13. I dont mind the grafics. But i said from the start that shadowlands would be a perfekt chance to start over.

    Screw the achivments mounts etc etc. I been playing for 16years and would be fine with a reset. Because the people i play with made the world amazing


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