YAY it's good to watch you do epic bgs for a while. EDIT: BRO THAT 1v2, holy shit that was so satisfying to watch, after they tried to gang up on you and then killing them
Killing a Guardian is already satisfying, but winning that fight in a 1v2? Thats just a perfect ending, even if the bg would‘ve been a loss, this is your personal highlight.
And I wish you’d do more epic bg‘s as I already stated in an earlier video, epic bg‘s were the only thing what made me enjoying PVP back in BFA. (and especially Ashran was a place, were many epic fights took place).
Reminds me of a time I saw an affliction lock battling a resto druid during BC, I swear the fight went on for hours and no one won the fight they just kind of gave up.
what is the name of weapon illusion ?
Nice video and damage!…a bit troll but fun watching the guardian try it's best to only get squished as they should!
YAY it's good to watch you do epic bgs for a while. EDIT: BRO THAT 1v2, holy shit that was so satisfying to watch, after they tried to gang up on you and then killing them
Killing a Guardian is already satisfying, but winning that fight in a 1v2? Thats just a perfect ending, even if the bg would‘ve been a loss, this is your personal highlight.
And I wish you’d do more epic bg‘s as I already stated in an earlier video, epic bg‘s were the only thing what made me enjoying PVP back in BFA. (and especially Ashran was a place, were many epic fights took place).
lol that's great. I also get in that stubborn mode and will wage war for the better part of a day
Awesome 1v2
Reminds me of a time I saw an affliction lock battling a resto druid during BC, I swear the fight went on for hours and no one won the fight they just kind of gave up.
hehe that was def worth the wait….love how excited and happy you got at the end, too